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2024-07-27 16:40:56 +02:00
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import os, json
from os import path as osp
from pathlib import Path
from collections import namedtuple
support_types = ('str', 'int', 'bool', 'float', 'none')
def convert_param(original_lists):
assert isinstance(original_lists, list), 'The type is not right : {:}'.format(original_lists)
ctype, value = original_lists[0], original_lists[1]
assert ctype in support_types, 'Ctype={:}, support={:}'.format(ctype, support_types)
is_list = isinstance(value, list)
if not is_list: value = [value]
outs = []
for x in value:
if ctype == 'int':
x = int(x)
elif ctype == 'str':
x = str(x)
elif ctype == 'bool':
x = bool(int(x))
elif ctype == 'float':
x = float(x)
elif ctype == 'none':
if x.lower() != 'none':
raise ValueError('For the none type, the value must be none instead of {:}'.format(x))
x = None
raise TypeError('Does not know this type : {:}'.format(ctype))
if not is_list: outs = outs[0]
return outs
def load_config(path, extra, logger):
path = str(path)
if hasattr(logger, 'log'): logger.log(path)
assert os.path.exists(path), 'Can not find {:}'.format(path)
# Reading data back
with open(path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
content = { k: convert_param(v) for k,v in data.items()}
assert extra is None or isinstance(extra, dict), 'invalid type of extra : {:}'.format(extra)
if isinstance(extra, dict): content = {**content, **extra}
Arguments = namedtuple('Configure', ' '.join(content.keys()))
content = Arguments(**content)
if hasattr(logger, 'log'): logger.log('{:}'.format(content))
return content
def configure2str(config, xpath=None):
if not isinstance(config, dict):
config = config._asdict()
def cstring(x):
return "\"{:}\"".format(x)
def gtype(x):
if isinstance(x, list): x = x[0]
if isinstance(x, str) : return 'str'
elif isinstance(x, bool) : return 'bool'
elif isinstance(x, int): return 'int'
elif isinstance(x, float): return 'float'
elif x is None : return 'none'
else: raise ValueError('invalid : {:}'.format(x))
def cvalue(x, xtype):
if isinstance(x, list): is_list = True
is_list, x = False, [x]
temps = []
for temp in x:
if xtype == 'bool' : temp = cstring(int(temp))
elif xtype == 'none': temp = cstring('None')
else : temp = cstring(temp)
temps.append( temp )
if is_list:
return "[{:}]".format( ', '.join( temps ) )
return temps[0]
xstrings = []
for key, value in config.items():
xtype = gtype(value)
string = ' {:20s} : [{:8s}, {:}]'.format(cstring(key), cstring(xtype), cvalue(value, xtype))
Fstring = '{\n' + ',\n'.join(xstrings) + '\n}'
if xpath is not None:
parent = Path(xpath).resolve().parent
parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if osp.isfile(xpath): os.remove(xpath)
with open(xpath, "w") as text_file:
return Fstring
def dict2config(xdict, logger):
assert isinstance(xdict, dict), 'invalid type : {:}'.format( type(xdict) )
Arguments = namedtuple('Configure', ' '.join(xdict.keys()))
content = Arguments(**xdict)
if hasattr(logger, 'log'): logger.log('{:}'.format(content))
return content