diff --git a/docs/genindex.html b/docs/genindex.html index 4bca78f..be82be7 100644 --- a/docs/genindex.html +++ b/docs/genindex.html @@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ +
@@ -253,6 +257,10 @@ +
@@ -285,10 +293,6 @@


@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ Copyright by aceinnolab

-class inkycal.main.Inkycal(settings_path: str = None, render: bool = True)
+class inkycal.main.Inkycal(settings_path: str = None, render: bool = True, use_pi_sugar: bool = False)

Inkycal main class

Main class of Inkycal, test and run the main Inkycal program.

@@ -157,35 +158,21 @@ cycles. After a refresh cycle, a new image is generated and shown.

countdown(interval_mins: int = None) int

Returns the remaining time in seconds until next display update.


Returns the remaining time in seconds until the next display update based on the interval.

  • -
    interval_mins = int -> the interval in minutes for the update

    if no interval is given, the value from the settings file is used.

    interval_mins (int): The interval in minutes for the update. If none is given, the value

    from the settings file is used.

  • -
  • int -> the remaining time in seconds until next update

  • -

int: The remaining time in seconds until the next update.

-async run()

Runs main program in nonstop mode.


Uses an infinity loop to run Inkycal nonstop. Inkycal generates the image -from all modules, assembles them in one image, refreshed the E-Paper and -then sleeps until the next scheduled update.

- -

Tests if Inkycal can run without issues.

Attempts to import module names from settings file. Loads the config for each module and initializes the module. Tries to run the module and @@ -193,6 +180,28 @@ checks if the images could be generated correctly.

Generated images can be found in the /images folder of Inkycal.

+process_module(number) bool

Process individual module to generate images and handle exceptions.

+ +
+async run(run_once=False)

Runs main program in nonstop mode or a single iteration based on the run_once flag.

run_once (bool): If True, runs the updating process once and stops. If False,

runs indefinitely.


Uses an infinity loop to run Inkycal nonstop or a single time based on run_once. +Inkycal generates the image from all modules, assembles them in one image, +refreshes the E-Paper and then sleeps until the next scheduled update or exits.

diff --git a/docs/objects.inv b/docs/objects.inv index df0d12b..e54dc41 100644 Binary files a/docs/objects.inv and b/docs/objects.inv differ diff --git a/docs/searchindex.js b/docs/searchindex.js index 669170d..eb646da 100644 --- a/docs/searchindex.js +++ b/docs/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"About Inkycal": [[0, "about-inkycal"]], "Contents:": [[2, null]], "Creating settings file": [[4, "creating-settings-file"]], "Custom functions": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions"]], "Developer documentation": [[1, "developer-documentation"]], "Display": [[3, "module-inkycal.display.Display"]], "Helper classes": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser"]], "Indices and tables": [[2, "indices-and-tables"]], "Inkycal": [[3, "module-inkycal.main"]], "Inkycal documentation": [[2, "inkycal-documentation"]], "Installing Inkycal": [[4, "installing-inkycal"]], "Quickstart": [[4, "quickstart"]]}, "docnames": ["about", "dev_doc", "index", "inkycal", "quickstart"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 61, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2}, "filenames": ["about.md", "dev_doc.md", "index.rst", "inkycal.rst", "quickstart.md"], "indexentries": {"all_day() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.all_day", false]], "auto_fontsize() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.auto_fontsize", false]], "autoflip() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.autoflip", false]], "calibrate() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.calibrate", false]], "clear() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.clear", false]], "clear_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.clear_events", false]], "countdown() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.countdown", false]], "draw_border() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.draw_border", false]], "flip() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.flip", false]], "get_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.get_events", false]], "get_fonts() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.get_fonts", false]], "get_system_tz() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.get_system_tz", false]], "get_system_tz() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.get_system_tz", false]], "icalendar (class in inkycal.modules.ical_parser)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar", false]], "image_to_palette() (in module inkycal.modules.inky_image)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.image_to_palette", false]], "inkycal (class in inkycal.main)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal", false]], "inkycal.custom.functions": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions", false]], "inkycal.display.display": [[3, "module-inkycal.display.Display", false]], "inkycal.main": [[3, "module-inkycal.main", false]], "inkycal.modules.ical_parser": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser", false]], "inkycal.modules.inky_image": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.inky_image", false]], "inkyimage (class in inkycal.modules.inky_image)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage", false]], "internet_available() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.internet_available", false]], "load() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.load", false]], "load_from_file() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.load_from_file", false]], "load_url() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.load_url", false]], "merge() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.merge", false]], "module": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions", false], [3, "module-inkycal.display.Display", false], [3, "module-inkycal.main", false], [3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser", false], [3, "module-inkycal.modules.inky_image", false]], "preview() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.preview", false]], "remove_alpha() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.remove_alpha", false]], "resize() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.resize", false]], "run() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.run", false]], "show_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.show_events", false]], "sort() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.sort", false]], "test() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.test", false]], "text_wrap() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.text_wrap", false]], "write() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.write", false]]}, "objects": {"inkycal": [[3, 0, 0, "-", "main"]], "inkycal.custom": [[3, 0, 0, "-", "functions"]], "inkycal.custom.functions": [[3, 1, 1, "", "auto_fontsize"], [3, 1, 1, "", "draw_border"], [3, 1, 1, "", "get_fonts"], [3, 1, 1, "", "get_system_tz"], [3, 1, 1, "", "internet_available"], [3, 1, 1, "", "text_wrap"], [3, 1, 1, "", "write"]], "inkycal.display": [[3, 0, 0, "-", "Display"]], 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[[4, "installing-inkycal"]], "Quickstart": [[4, "quickstart"]]}, "docnames": ["about", "dev_doc", "index", "inkycal", "quickstart"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 61, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2}, "filenames": ["about.md", "dev_doc.md", "index.rst", "inkycal.rst", "quickstart.md"], "indexentries": {"all_day() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.all_day", false]], "auto_fontsize() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.auto_fontsize", false]], "autoflip() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.autoflip", false]], "calibrate() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.calibrate", false]], "clear() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.clear", false]], "clear_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.clear_events", false]], "countdown() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.countdown", false]], "draw_border() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.draw_border", false]], "dry_run() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.dry_run", false]], "flip() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.flip", false]], "get_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.get_events", false]], "get_fonts() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.get_fonts", false]], "get_system_tz() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.get_system_tz", false]], "get_system_tz() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.get_system_tz", false]], "icalendar (class in inkycal.modules.ical_parser)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar", false]], "image_to_palette() (in module inkycal.modules.inky_image)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.image_to_palette", false]], "inkycal (class in inkycal.main)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal", false]], "inkycal.custom.functions": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions", false]], "inkycal.display.display": [[3, "module-inkycal.display.Display", false]], "inkycal.main": [[3, "module-inkycal.main", false]], "inkycal.modules.ical_parser": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser", false]], "inkycal.modules.inky_image": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.inky_image", false]], "inkyimage (class in inkycal.modules.inky_image)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage", false]], "internet_available() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.internet_available", false]], "load() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.load", false]], "load_from_file() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.load_from_file", false]], "load_url() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.load_url", false]], "merge() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.merge", false]], "module": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions", false], [3, "module-inkycal.display.Display", false], [3, "module-inkycal.main", false], [3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser", false], [3, "module-inkycal.modules.inky_image", false]], "preview() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.preview", false]], "process_module() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.process_module", false]], "remove_alpha() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.remove_alpha", false]], "resize() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.resize", false]], "run() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.run", false]], "show_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.show_events", false]], "sort() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.sort", false]], "text_wrap() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.text_wrap", false]], "write() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.write", false]]}, "objects": {"inkycal": [[3, 0, 0, "-", "main"]], "inkycal.custom": [[3, 0, 0, "-", "functions"]], "inkycal.custom.functions": [[3, 1, 1, "", "auto_fontsize"], [3, 1, 1, "", 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