from setuptools import setup from os import path this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = __project__ = "inkycal" __version__ = "2.0.0" __description__ = "Inkycal is a python3 software for syncing icalendar events, weather and news on selected E-Paper displays" __packages__ = ["inkycal"] __author__ = "aceisace" __author_email__ = "" __url__ = "" __install_requires__ = ['pyowm==3.1.1', # weather 'Pillow>=7.1.1' , # imaging 'icalendar==4.0.6', # iCalendar parsing 'recurring-ical-events==0.1.17b0',# parse recurring events 'feedparser==5.2.1', # RSS-feeds # 'numpy>=1.18.2', # image pre-processing -> removed for issues with rpi os 'arrow==0.17.0', # time handling 'Flask==1.1.2', # webserver 'Flask-WTF==0.14.3', # webforms 'todoist-python==8.1.2', # todoist api 'yfinance>=0.1.62', # yahoo stocks ] __classifiers__ = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)", "Intended Audience :: Education", "Natural Language :: English", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only", ] setup( name = __project__, version = __version__, description = __description__, packages = __packages__, author = __author__, author_email = __author_email__, url = __url__, install_requires = __install_requires__, classifiers = __classifiers__, long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type='text/markdown', )