#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Main class for inkycal Project Copyright by aceisace """ from inkycal.display import Display from inkycal.custom import * import os import traceback import logging import arrow import time import json try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: print('Pillow is not installed! Please install with:') print('pip3 install Pillow') try: import numpy except ImportError: print('numpy is not installed!. \nIf you are on Windows ' 'run: pip3 install numpy \nIf you are on Raspberry Pi ' 'remove numpy: pip3 uninstall numpy \nThen try again.') logging.basicConfig( level = logging.INFO, #DEBUG > #INFO > #ERROR > #WARNING > #CRITICAL format='%(name)s -> %(levelname)s -> %(asctime)s -> %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m-%Y %H:%M') logger = logging.getLogger('inykcal main') # TODO: fix issue with non-render mode requiring SPI # TODO: fix info section not updating after a calibration # TODO: add function to add/remove third party modules # TODO: autostart -> supervisor? # TODO: logging to files class Inkycal: """Inkycal main class Main class of Inkycal, test and run the main Inkycal program. Args: - settings_path = str -> the full path to your settings.json file if no path is given, tries looking for settings file in /boot folder. - render = bool (True/False) -> show the image on the epaper display? Attributes: - optimize = True/False. Reduce number of colours on the generated image to improve rendering on E-Papers. Set this to False for 9.7" E-Paper. """ def __init__(self, settings_path=None, render=True): """Initialise Inkycal""" self._release = '2.0.0' # Check if render was set correctly if render not in [True, False]: raise Exception('render must be True or False, not "{}"'.format(render)) self.render = render # load settings file - throw an error if file could not be found if settings_path: try: with open(settings_path) as settings_file: settings = json.load(settings_file) self.settings = settings except FileNotFoundError: print('No settings file found in given path\n' 'Please double check your settings_path') return else: try: with open('/boot/settings.json') as settings_file: settings = json.load(settings_file) self.settings = settings except FileNotFoundError: print('No settings file found in /boot') return # Option to use epaper image optimisation, reduces colours self.optimize = True # Init Display class with model in settings file from inkycal.display import Display self.Display = Display(settings["model"]) # Load drivers if image should be rendered if self.render == True: # check if colours can be rendered self.supports_colour = True if 'colour' in settings['model'] else False # get calibration hours self._calibration_hours = self.settings['calibration_hours'] # init calibration state self._calibration_state = False # Load and intialize modules specified in the settings file self._module_number = 1 for module in settings['modules']: module_name = module['name'] try: loader = f'from inkycal.modules import {module_name}' # print(loader) exec(loader) setup = f'self.module_{self._module_number} = {module_name}({module})' # print(setup) exec(setup) logger.info(('name : {name} size : {width}x{height} px'.format( name = module_name, width = module['config']['size'][0], height = module['config']['size'][1]))) self._module_number += 1 # If a module was not found, print an error message except ImportError: print('Could not find module: "{module}". Please try to import manually') # If something unexpected happened, show the error message except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # Path to store images self.image_folder = top_level+'/images' # Give an OK message print('loaded inkycal') def countdown(self, interval_mins=None): """Returns the remaining time in seconds until next display update""" # Check if empty, if empty, use value from settings file if interval_mins == None: interval_mins = self.settings["update_interval"] # Find out at which minutes the update should happen now = arrow.now() update_timings = [(60 - int(interval_mins)*updates) for updates in range(60//int(interval_mins))][::-1] # Calculate time in mins until next update minutes = [_ for _ in update_timings if _>= now.minute][0] - now.minute # Print the remaining time in mins until next update print(f'{minutes} Minutes left until next refresh') # Calculate time in seconds until next update remaining_time = minutes*60 + (60 - now.second) # Return seconds until next update return remaining_time def test(self): """Tests if Inkycal can run without issues. Attempts to import module names from settings file. Loads the config for each module and initializes the module. Tries to run the module and checks if the images could be generated correctly. Generated images can be found in the /images folder of Inkycal. """ print(f'Inkycal version: v{self._release}') print(f'Selected E-paper display: {self.settings["model"]}') # store module numbers in here errors = [] for number in range(1, self._module_number): name = eval(f"self.module_{number}.name") generate_im = f'black,colour=self.module_{number}.generate_image()' save_black = f'black.save("{self.image_folder}/module{number}_black.png", "PNG")' save_colour = f'colour.save("{self.image_folder}/module{number}_colour.png", "PNG")' full_command = generate_im+'\n'+save_black+'\n'+save_colour #print(full_command) print(f'generating image(s) for {name}...') try: exec(full_command) except Exception as Error: errors.append(number) print('Error!') print(traceback.format_exc()) if errors: print('Error/s in modules:',*errors) del errors def run(self): """Runs main programm in nonstop mode. Uses a infinity loop to run Inkycal nonstop. Inkycal generates the image from all modules, assembles them in one image, refreshed the E-Paper and then sleeps until the next sheduled update. """ # Get the time of initial run runtime = arrow.now() # Function to flip images upside down upside_down = lambda image: image.rotate(180, expand=True) # Count the number of times without any errors counter = 0 print(f'Inkycal version: v{self._release}') print(f'Selected E-paper display: {self.settings["model"]}') while True: print(f"Date: {runtime.format('D MMM YY')} | Time: {runtime.format('HH:mm')}") print('Generating images for all modules...') errors = [] # store module numbers in here # short info for info-section self.info = f"{runtime.format('D MMM @ HH:mm')} " for number in range(1, self._module_number): name = eval(f"self.module_{number}.name") generate_im = f'black,colour=self.module_{number}.generate_image()' save_black = f'black.save("{self.image_folder}/module{number}_black.png", "PNG")' save_colour = f'colour.save("{self.image_folder}/module{number}_colour.png", "PNG")' full_command = generate_im+'\n'+save_black+'\n'+save_colour try: exec(full_command) print('OK!') self.info += f"module {number}: OK " except Exception as Error: errors.append(number) print('Error!') print(traceback.format_exc()) self.info += f"module {number}: Error! " if errors: print('Error/s in modules:',*errors) counter = 0 else: counter += 1 print('successful') del errors # Assemble image from each module - add info section if specified self._assemble() # Check if image should be rendered if self.render == True: Display = self.Display self._calibration_check() if self.supports_colour == True: im_black = Image.open(f"{self.image_folder}/canvas.png") im_colour = Image.open(f"{self.image_folder}/canvas_colour.png") # Flip the image by 180° if required if self.settings['orientation'] == 180: im_black = upside_down(im_black) im_colour = upside_down(im_colour) # render the image on the display Display.render(im_black, im_colour) # Part for black-white ePapers elif self.supports_colour == False: im_black = self._merge_bands() # Flip the image by 180° if required if self.settings['orientation'] == 180: im_black = upside_down(im_black) Display.render(im_black) print('\ninkycal has been running without any errors for ' f"{counter} display updates \n" f'Programm started {runtime.humanize()}') sleep_time = self.countdown() time.sleep(sleep_time) def _merge_bands(self): """Merges black and coloured bands for black-white ePapers returns the merged image """ im_path = images im1_path, im2_path = images+'canvas.png', images+'canvas_colour.png' # If there is an image for black and colour, merge them if os.path.exists(im1_path) and os.path.exists(im2_path): im1 = Image.open(im1_path).convert('RGBA') im2 = Image.open(im2_path).convert('RGBA') def clear_white(img): """Replace all white pixels from image with transparent pixels """ x = numpy.asarray(img.convert('RGBA')).copy() x[:, :, 3] = (255 * (x[:, :, :3] != 255).any(axis=2)).astype(numpy.uint8) return Image.fromarray(x) im2 = clear_white(im2) im1.paste(im2, (0,0), im2) # If there is no image for the coloured-band, return the bw-image elif os.path.exists(im1_path) and not os.path.exists(im2_path): im1 = Image.open(im1_name).convert('RGBA') return im1 def _assemble(self): """Assembles all sub-images to a single image""" # Create 2 blank images with the same resolution as the display width, height = self.Display.get_display_size(self.settings["model"]) # Since Inkycal runs in vertical mode, switch the height and width width, height = height, width im_black = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), color = 'white') im_colour = Image.new('RGB', (width ,height), color = 'white') # Set cursor for y-axis im1_cursor = 0 im2_cursor = 0 for number in range(1, self._module_number): # get the path of the current module's generated images im1_path = f"{self.image_folder}/module{number}_black.png" im2_path = f"{self.image_folder}/module{number}_colour.png" # Check if there is an image for the black band if os.path.exists(im1_path): # Get actual size of image im1 = Image.open(im1_path).convert('RGBA') im1_size = im1.size # Get the size of the section section_size = [i for i in self.settings['modules'] if \ i['position'] == number][0]['config']['size'] # Calculate coordinates to center the image x = int( (section_size[0] - im1_size[0]) /2) # If this is the first module, use the y-offset if im1_cursor == 0: y = int( (section_size[1]-im1_size[1]) /2) else: y = im1_cursor + int( (section_size[1]-im1_size[1]) /2) # center the image in the section space im_black.paste(im1, (x,y), im1) # Shift the y-axis cursor at the beginning of next section im1_cursor += section_size[1] # Check if there is an image for the coloured band if os.path.exists(im2_path): # Get actual size of image im2 = Image.open(im2_path).convert('RGBA') im2_size = im2.size # Get the size of the section section_size = [i for i in self.settings['modules'] if \ i['position'] == number][0]['config']['size'] # Calculate coordinates to center the image x = int( (section_size[0]-im2_size[0]) /2) # If this is the first module, use the y-offset if im2_cursor == 0: y = int( (section_size[1]-im2_size[1]) /2) else: y = im2_cursor + int( (section_size[1]-im2_size[1]) /2) # center the image in the section space im_colour.paste(im2, (x,y), im2) # Shift the y-axis cursor at the beginning of next section im2_cursor += section_size[1] # Add info-section if specified -- # Calculate the max. fontsize for info-section if self.settings['info_section'] == True: info_height = self.settings["info_section_height"] info_width = width font = self.font = ImageFont.truetype( fonts['NotoSansUI-Regular'], size = 14) info_x = im_black.size[1] - info_height write(im_black, (0, info_x), (info_width, info_height), self.info, font = font) # optimize the image by mapping colours to pure black and white if self.optimize == True: im_black = self._optimize_im(im_black) im_colour = self._optimize_im(im_colour) im_black.save(self.image_folder+'/canvas.png', 'PNG') im_colour.save(self.image_folder+'/canvas_colour.png', 'PNG') def _optimize_im(self, image, threshold=220): """Optimize the image for rendering on ePaper displays""" buffer = numpy.array(image.convert('RGB')) red, green = buffer[:, :, 0], buffer[:, :, 1] # grey->black buffer[numpy.logical_and(red <= threshold, green <= threshold)] = [0,0,0] image = Image.fromarray(buffer) return image def calibrate(self): """Calibrate the E-Paper display Uses the Display class to calibrate the display with the default of 3 cycles. After a refresh cycle, a new image is generated and shown. """ self.Display.calibrate() def _calibration_check(self): """Calibration sheduler uses calibration hours from settings file to check if calibration is due""" now = arrow.now() # print('hour:', now.hour, 'hours:', self._calibration_hours) # print('state:', self._calibration_state) if now.hour in self._calibration_hours and self._calibration_state == False: self.calibrate() self._calibration_state = True else: self._calibration_state = False # Work in progress : Adding and removing modules - Please stand by if __name__ == '__main__': print('running {0} in standalone/debug mode'.format('inkycal main'))