Inkycal ePaper driving functions
Copyright by aceinnolab
import asyncio
import os
from importlib import import_module

from PIL import Image

class Display:
    """Display class for inkycal

    Creates an instance of the driver for the selected E-Paper model and allows
    rendering images and calibrating the E-Paper display

      - epaper_model: The name of your E-Paper model.


    def __init__(self, epaper_model):
        """Load the drivers for this epaper model"""

            driver_path = f'inkycal.display.drivers.{epaper_model}'
            driver = import_module(driver_path)
            self._epaper = driver.EPD()
            self.model_name = epaper_model
            self.supported_colours = self._epaper.supported_colours

        except ImportError:
            raise Exception('This module is not supported. Check your spellings?')

        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise Exception('SPI could not be found. Please check if SPI is enabled')

    async def render(self, im_black: Image.Image, im_colour=Image.Image or None) -> None:
        """Renders an image on the selected E-Paper display.

        Initlializes the E-Paper display, sends image data and executes command
        to update the display.

          - im_black: The image for the black-pixels. Anything in this image that is
            black is rendered as black on the display. This is required and ideally
            should be a black-white image.

          - im_colour: For E-Paper displays supporting colour, a separate image,
            ideally black-white is required for the coloured pixels. Anything that is
            black in this image will show up as either red/yellow.

        Rendering an image for black-white E-Paper displays:

        >>> sample_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png')
        >>> display = Display('my_black_white_display')
        >>> display.render(sample_image)

        Rendering black-white on coloured E-Paper displays:

        >>> sample_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png')
        >>> display = Display('my_coloured_display')
        >>> display.render(sample_image, sample_image)

        Rendering coloured image where 2 images are available:

        >>> black_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') # black pixels
        >>> colour_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') # coloured pixels
        >>> display = Display('my_coloured_display')
        >>> display.render(black_image, colour_image)

        epaper = self._epaper

        print('[Display] init..', end='')
        print('[Display] updating...', end='')

            loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
            if len(self.supported_colours == 2):
                loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait_for(epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(im_black)), timeout=60))
                loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait_for(epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(im_black), epaper.getbuffer(im_colour)), timeout=60))
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise AssertionError("Failed to display an image on the display. This may be due to the following:"
                                 "- Incorrectly selected driver"
                                 "- Incorrect wiring (especially when not using the driver hat"
                                 "- Incorrectly inserted display cable. The display needs to face up when connecting the driver board")

        print('[Display] sleep mode', end='')

    def calibrate(self, cycles=3):
        """Calibrates the display to retain crisp colours

        Flushes the selected display several times with it's supported colours,
        removing any previous effects of ghosting.

          - cycles: -> int. The number of times to flush the display with it's
            supported colours.

        It's recommended to calibrate the display after every 6 display updates
        for best results. For black-white only displays, calibration is less
        critical, but not calibrating regularly results in grey-ish text.

        Please note that calibration takes a while to complete. 3 cycles may
        take 10 minutes on black-white E-Papers while it takes 20 minutes on coloured
        E-Paper displays.

        epaper = self._epaper

        display_size = epaper.get_display_size()

        white = Image.new('1', display_size, 'white')
        black = Image.new('1', display_size, 'black')

        print('----------Started calibration of ePaper display----------')
        for colour in epaper.supported_colours:
            for _ in range(cycles):
                print('Calibrating...', end=' ')
                print('black...', end=' ')
                epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(black), epaper.getbuffer(white))
                print('colour...', end=' ')
                epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white), epaper.getbuffer(black))
                epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white), epaper.getbuffer(white))
                print(f'Cycle {_ + 1} of {cycles} complete')

            print('-----------Calibration complete----------')

    def get_display_size(self) -> tuple:
        """Returns the size of the display as a tuple -> (width, height)

          - model_name: str -> The name of the E-Paper display to get it's size.

          (width, height) ->tuple, showing the size of the display

        You can use this function directly without creating the Display class:

        >>> Display.get_display_size('model_name')
        return self._epaper.EPD_WIDTH, self._epaper.EPD_HEIGHT

    def get_display_names(cls) -> list:
        """Prints all supported E-Paper models.

        Fetches all filenames in driver folder and prints them on the console.

          Printed version of all supported Displays.

        Use one of the models to intilialize the Display class in order to gain
        access to the E-Paper.

        You can use this function directly without creating the Display class:

        >>> Display.get_display_names()
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        driver_files = f"{current_dir}/drivers"
        drivers = [i for i in os.listdir(driver_files) if i.endswith(".py") and i.startswith("inkycal") and "_" in i]
        return drivers

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Running Display class in standalone mode")
    a = Display.get_display_names()
    b = 1