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A python3 software for displaying events (from iCalendars), weather (from openweathermap) and RSS feeds on selected E-Paper displays (4.2", 5.83", 7.5"(v1), 7.5"(v2)) from Waveshare/GoodDisplay. ## Main features * Monthly Calendar that shows events from your Google (or other) iCalendar/s * Live weather info and forecasts for next 9 hours (openweathermap) * Agenda to show what is on your shedule (from your iCalendar/s) * RSS feeds from various providers to keep up to date with news, quotes etc. ## News: * **Discord chat open now. [Click here to enter](https://discord.gg/sHYKeSM)** * **Version 1.7.1 released with support for 4.2", 5.83", 7.5" (v1) and 7.5" (v2) E-Paper displays** (Mid January 2020) * **Added support for Debian Buster, Buster Lite is not supported!** * **Added a user-friendly Web-UI for adding details to the programm** (Credit to TobyChui for the template) ## Development status This software is in active development. To see the current development status, [[Click here]](https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/projects/2). ## Preview
## Hardware required
* 7.5" 3-Colour E-Paper Display (Black, White, Red/Yellow) with driver hat from [waveshare](https://www.waveshare.com/product/7.5inch-e-paper-hat-b.htm)
* 7.5" 2-Colour E-Paper Display (Black, White) with driver hat from [waveshare](https://www.waveshare.com/product/7.5inch-e-paper-hat.htm)
* Raspberry Pi Zero WH (with headers) (no soldering iron required)
* Or: Raspberry Pi Zero W. In this case, you'll need to solder 2x20 pin GPIO headers yourself
* MicroSD card (min. 4GB)
* MicroUSB cable (for power)
* Something to be used as a case (e.g. a RIBBA photo-frame or a 3D-printed case)
# Setup
## Getting the Raspberry Pi Zero W ready
1. After [flashing Raspbian Buster (with Desktop)](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/), set up Wifi on the Raspberry Pi Zero W by copying the file [**wpa_supplicant.conf**](https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/blob/installer/wpa_supplicant.conf) (from above) to the /boot directory and adding your Wifi details in that file.
2. Create a simple text document named **ssh** in the boot directory to enable ssh.
3. Expand the filesystem in the Terminal with **`sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs`**
4. Enable SPI by entering **`sudo sed -i s/#dtparam=spi=on/dtparam=spi=on/ /boot/config.txt`** in the Terminal
5. Set the correct timezone with **`sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata`**, selecting the correct continent and then the capital of your country.
6. Reboot to apply changes
7. Optional: If you want to disable the on-board leds of the Raspberry, follow these instructions:
**[Disable on-board-led](https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blogs/jeff-geerling/controlling-pwr-act-leds-raspberry-pi)**
## Installing required packages for python 3.x
Execute the following command in the Terminal to install all required packages. Please use Raspbian Buster with Desktop (preferably the latest version). Raspbian Buster **LITE** is not supported.
**`bash -c "$(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/master/Installer.sh)"`**
**Note**: If you were using a previous version, please use the web-ui for generating a new settings file. Settings files from previous versions are not compatible.
If you get some red lines, please run `pip3 install Pillow==6.2.0`.
If the installer is broken, please follow the instructions here [manual installation](https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/wiki/Manual-installation)
If the Installer should fail for any reason, kindly open an issue and paste the error. Thanks.
**Preview of Installer:**