# Inkycal Contribution Policy Thanks for willing to contribute to Inkycal We welcome all sort of contributions, for example: * giving support via the Discord server * submitting hotfixes for existing bugs * giving ideas for new features * financial contributions (while Inkycal is still dependent on them. These go towards new hardware, displays and a bit of coffee) # Third party modules So you had a great idea for an inkycal-module? Awesome! In fact, there is already a repo sepcfifically created for that purpose: [inkycal-modules-template](https://github.com/aceisace/inkycal-modules-template). Just fork that repo, add your module and give me a shout via Discord, Github or Email. If it is really unique and convincing, chances are, if you agree, that it will be available as default module in a future release. Please do not attempt to have it merged straight into main. We try not to touch main except for new releases to keep things consistent, stable and easy-to-maintain. # Code contributions (PRs, hotfixes, Critical improvements) So you found a bug in Inkycal and tested out a bugfix? Kudos! Please fork the Inkycal repo, add your changes in there and create a PR targeting main. For all other PRs, please target a different branch. Don't forget to add your name in the file `CONTRIBUTORS.md` of the corresponding branch. Thank You! # Submitting Issues Please only submit reproducible issues with clear instructions on how to reproduce them. When you are submitting a new issue, please supply the following information: ### Release version * are you using main or a different branch. In most cases, this is main ### Expected behavior and actual behavior * what were you expecting to happen and what did really happen? ### Steps to reproduce the behavior * How can the devs re-create the same problem you were having?