# Pull Request ## Description _Briefly describe the purpose of this pull request_ ## Changes Made _Describe the changes you made in this PR_ ## Related Issues _Reference any related issues here. Use the format "Fixes #<issue_number>" if this PR fixes an issue._ ## How to Test _Provide step-by-step instructions or commands on how to test your changes_ ## Screenshots (if applicable) _Include screenshots or GIFs that demonstrate the changes (if applicable)_ ## Checklist _Place an 'x' in the checkboxes that apply. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask._ - [ ] I have read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/aceinnolab/Inkycal/blob/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [ ] My code follows the project's coding standards - [ ] I have tested my changes - [ ] I have updated the documentation - [ ] My changes do not introduce new warnings or errors ## Additional Notes _Any additional information or context you want to provide_