
Inkycal-server module for Inkycal Project
by Aterju (https://inkycal.robertsirre.nl/)
Copyright by aceisace

import requests

from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module
from inkycal.custom import *

from inkycal.modules.inky_image import Inkyimage as Images

filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0]
logger = logging.getLogger(filename)

class Inkyserver(inkycal_module):
    """Displays an image from URL or local path

    name = "Inykcal Server - fetches an image from Inkycal-server - (https://inkycal.robertsirre.nl/)"

    requires = {

        "path": {
            "label": "Which URL should be used to get the image?"

        "palette": {
            "label": "Which palette should be used to convert the images?",
            "options": ['bw', 'bwr', 'bwy']


    optional = {

        "path_body": {
            "label": "Send this data to the server via POST. Use a comma to "
                     "separate multiple items",
        "dither": {
            "label": "Dither images before sending to E-Paper? Default is False.",
            "options": [False, True],


    def __init__(self, config):
        """Initialize module"""


        config = config['config']

        # required parameters
        for param in self.requires:
            if param not in config:
                raise Exception(f'config is missing {param}')

        # optional parameters
        self.path = config['path']
        self.palette = config['palette']
        self.dither = config['dither']

        # convert path_body to list, if not already
        if config['path_body'] and isinstance(config['path_body'], str):
            self.path_body = config['path_body'].split(',')
            self.path_body = config['path_body']

        # give an OK message
        print(f'{filename} loaded')

    def generate_image(self):
        """Generate image for this module"""

        # Define new image size with respect to padding
        im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
        im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
        im_size = im_width, im_height

        logger.info(f'Image size: {im_size}')

        # replace width and height of url
        self.path = self.path.format(width=im_width, height=im_height)
        print(f"modified path: {self.path}")

        # initialize custom image class
        im = Images()

        # when no path_body is provided, use plain GET
        if not self.path_body:

            # use the image at the first index

        # else use POST request
            # Get the response image
            response = Image.open(requests.post(
                self.path, json=self.path_body, stream=True).raw)

            # initialize custom image class with response
            im = Images(response)

        # resize the image to respect padding
        im.resize(width=im_width, height=im_height)

        # convert image to given palette
        im_black, im_colour = im.to_palette(self.palette, dither=self.dither)

        # with the images now send, clear the current image

        # return images
        return im_black, im_colour

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(f'running {filename} in standalone/debug mode')

##  'https://inkycal.robertsirre.nl/panel/calendar/{model}?width={width}&height={height}'
##path = path.replace('{model}', model).replace('{width}',str(display_width)).replace('{height}',str(display_height))
##inkycal_image_path_body = [
##   'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/en.usa%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics',
##   'https