""" Experimental python script for converting a 3-colour bmp to a 2-colour bmp for use with 2-colour E-Paper displays. Please use at your own risk. To use the converter, input a folder path containing the bmps that require converting (input folder) and then specify an output folder for the converted bmps. Lastly, replace the original bmp files with the converted ones and reboot to start the E-Paper software with the new bmps. That's all Copyright by Ace-Laboratory """ import glob, os, errno from PIL import Image import PIL.ImageOps #--------------only change the following two lines-----------------# path = '/home/pi/Desktop/input/' path2 = '/home/pi/Desktop/output/' #-----------------no need to change anything below----------------# imagenames = [] os.chdir(path) #folder containg files for files in glob.glob("*.bmp"): #find bmp files imagenames.append(files) #add these files to a list print('Found these files:', imagenames) #print this list print('attempting to convert images to useful ones') try: os.makedirs('/home/pi/Desktop/images/converted') except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise for files in imagenames: (PIL.ImageOps.posterize(Image.open(path+files), 1).save(path2+files)) print('All done!') print('You can find your converted files in: ',path2)