from config import Settings, Layout from inkycal.custom import * import os.path.exists import traceback import logging import arrow import time try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: print('Pillow is not installed! Please install with:') print('pip3 install Pillow') try: import numpy except ImportError: print('numpy is not installed! Please install with:') print('pip3 install numpy') logger = logging.getLogger('inkycal') logger.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) class inkycal: """Main class""" def __init__(self, settings_path, render=False): """initialise class settings_path = str -> location/folder of settings file render = bool -> show something on the ePaper? """ # Check if render is boolean if not isinstance(render, bool): raise Exception('render must be True or False, not "{}"'.format(render)) self.render = render # load+validate settings file. Import and setup specified modules self.Settings = Settings(settings_path) self.active_modules = self.Settings.active_modules() for module in self.active_modules: try: loader = 'from modules import {0}'.format(module) module_data = self.Settings.get_config(module) size, conf = module_data['size'], module_data['config'] setup = 'self.{} = {}(size, conf)'.format(module, module) exec(loader) exec(setup) logger.debug(('{}: size: {}, config: {}'.format(module, size, conf))) # If a module was not found, print an error message except ImportError: print( 'Could not find module: "{}". Please try to import manually.'.format( module)) # Give an OK message print('loaded inkycal') def countdown(self, interval_mins=None ): """Returns the remaining time in seconds until next display update""" # Validate update interval allowed_intervals = [10, 15, 20, 30, 60] # Check if empty, if empty, use value from settings file if interval_mins == None: interval_mins = self.Settings.update_interval # Check if integer if not isinstance(interval_mins, int): raise Exception('Update interval must be an integer -> 60') # Check if value is supported if interval_mins not in allowed_intervals: raise Exception('Update interval is {}, but should be one of: {}'.format( interval_mins, allowed_intervals)) # Find out at which minutes the update should happen now = update_timings = [(60 - int(interval_mins)*updates) for updates in range(60//int(interval_mins))][::-1] # Calculate time in mins until next update minutes = [_ for _ in update_timings if _>= now.minute][0] - now.minute # Print the remaining time in mins until next update print('{0} Minutes left until next refresh'.format(minutes)) # Calculate time in seconds until next update remaining_time = minutes*60 + (60 - now.second) # Return seconds until next update return remaining_time def test(self): """Test if inkycal can be run correctly""" for module in self.active_modules: generate_im = 'self.{0}.generate_image()'.format(module) print('generating image for {} module...'.format(module), end = '') try: exec(generate_im) print('OK!') except Exception as Error: print('Error!') print(traceback.format_exc()) def run(self, render = True): """Runs the main inykcal program nonstop (cannot be stopped anymore!) Set render to True to show something on the display""" # TODO: rendering # TODO: printing traceback on display (or at least a smaller message?) # Upside down # Calibration # Stitch images together ,merge black&colour if required # Count the number of times without any crashs counter = 1 while True: print('Generating images for all modules...') for module in self.active_modules: generate_im = 'self.{0}.generate_image()'.format(module) try: exec(generate_im) except Exception as Error: print('Error!') message = traceback.format_exc() print(message) counter = 0 print('OK') if render == True: print('rendering....') ## if upside_down == True: ## image = image.rotate(180, expand=True) ## if three_colour_support == True: ## image_col = image_col.rotate(180, expand=True) print('\ninkycal has been running without any errors for', end = ' ') print('{} display_updates'.format(counter)) counter += 1 sleep_time = self.countdown(10) ##### time.sleep(sleep_time) def _merge() """Stitches images from each module a single one (for each colour) Merges black and colour band for black-white epaper """ image ='RGB', im_location = images # Check if both files exist # Center sub images for module in self.active_modules: im1_name, im2_name = module+'.png', module+'_colour.png' # Check if display can only show black-white if self.Settings.supports_colour == False: if exists(im1_name) and exists(im2_name): im1 ='RGBA') im2 ='RGBA') # White to transparent pixels def clear_white(img): """Replace all white pixels from image with transparent pixels """ x = numpy.asarray(img.convert('RGBA')).copy() x[:, :, 3] = (255 * (x[:, :, :3] != 255).any(axis=2)).astype(numpy.uint8) return Image.fromarray(x) # Paste black pixels of im2 on im1 im2 = clear_white(im2) im1.paste(im2, (0,0), im2)'_comb.png', 'PNG') # Check if display can support colour elif self.Settings.supports_colour == True: