#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ iCalendar (parsing) module for Inky-Calendar Project Copyright by aceisace """ from __future__ import print_function from configuration import * from settings import ical_urls import arrow from ics import Calendar print_events = False style = 'DD MMM YY HH:mm' def fetch_events(): """Set timelines for filtering upcoming events""" now = arrow.now(tz=get_tz()) beginning_of_month = now.replace(days= - now.day +1) near_future = now.replace(days= 30) further_future = now.replace(days=40) """Parse the iCalendars from the urls, fixing some known errors with ics""" calendars = [Calendar(fix_ical(url)) for url in ical_urls] """Filter any upcoming events from all iCalendars and add them to a list""" upcoming_events = [events for ical in calendars for events in ical.events if beginning_of_month <= events.end <= further_future or beginning_of_month <= events.begin <= near_future] """Sort events according to their beginning date""" def sort_dates(event): return event.begin upcoming_events.sort(key=sort_dates) """Multiday events are displayed incorrectly; fix that""" for events in upcoming_events: if events.all_day and events.duration.days > 1: events.end = events.end.replace(days=-2) if not events.all_day: events.begin = events.begin.to(get_tz()) events.end = events.end.to(get_tz()) """ The list upcoming_events should not be modified. If you need the data from this one, copy the list or the contents to another one.""" #print(upcoming_events) # Print all events. Might look a bit messy """Print upcoming events in a more appealing way""" if print_events == True and upcoming_events: line_width = max(len(i.name) for i in upcoming_events) for events in upcoming_events: print('{0} {1} | {2} | {3} | All day ='.format(events.name, ' '* (line_width - len(events.name)), events.begin.format(style), events.end.format(style)), events.all_day) return upcoming_events