""" E-Paper Software (main script) adapted for the 3-colour E-Paper display A full and detailed breakdown for this code can be found in the wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue at Github. Copyright by Ace-Laboratory """ # url refers to the iCal url. It's the link you can copy when you click on # 'export' Calendar in Google or Yahoo (and many more online) Calendars # api-key refers to your openweathermap api key. It can be generated for free # when you sign up for an account and consists of a bunch of numbers and letters # location refers to the city you live in. You api key will be used to grab live # weather data for this city. Use the format below (city-name, country code) # week_starts_on refers to the day on which the week starts on in your country. # Choose between Monday and Sunday. """ To quickly get started, fill in the following details:""" url = "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/en.usa%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics" api_key = "" location = "California, US" week_starts_on = "Monday" """That's all. The software will do the rest. You don't need to modify anything below this.""" import epd7in5b #epd-control from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps #image operations import calendar, pyowm #calendar and openweathermap wrapper from ics import Calendar, Event #icalendar parser from datetime import datetime #time operations from time import sleep #more time operations from urllib.request import urlopen #allows url to be 'read' import arrow #icalendar parser compatible dates from calibration import calibration epd = epd7in5b.EPD() #required if (week_starts_on == "Monday"): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) if (week_starts_on == "Sunday"): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.Sunday) c = Calendar(urlopen(url).read().decode('UTF-8')) e = Event() open = Image.open EPD_WIDTH = 640 EPD_HEIGHT = 384 path = '/home/pi/E-Paper-Master/Calendar/' wpath = path+'weather-icons/' mpath = path+'months/en/' dpath = path+'days/' font = ImageFont.truetype(path+'Assistant-Bold.ttf', 18) weekday = open(path+'other/weekday.bmp') eventicon = open(path+'other/event.bmp') dateicon = open(path+'other/today.bmp') tempicon = open(path+'other/temp-icon.bmp') humicon = open(path+'other/hum-icon.bmp') weekmon = open(path+'other/week-mon.bmp') weeksun = open(path+'other/week-sun.bmp') bar = open(path+'other/bar.bmp') wiconplace = (570, 219) tempplace = (605, 310) humplace = (572, 308) monthplace = (443, 0) weekplace = (415,0) barplace = (555, 0) weekdaysmon = {'Mon': (416,3), 'Tue': (416,57), 'Wed': (416,111), 'Thu': (416,165), 'Fri': (416,219), 'Sat': (416,273), 'Sun':(416,327)} weekdayssun = {'Sun': (416,3), 'Mon': (416,57), 'Tue': (416,111), 'Wed': (416,165), 'Thu': (416,219), 'Fri': (416,273), 'Sat':(416,327)} positions = {'a1': (351, 3), 'a2': (351, 57), 'a3': (351, 111), 'a4': (351, 165), 'a5': (351, 219), 'a6': (351, 273), 'a7': (351, 327), 'b1': (284, 3), 'b2': (284, 57), 'b3': (284, 111), 'b4': (284, 165), 'b5': (284, 219), 'b6': (284, 273), 'b7': (284, 327), 'c1': (217, 3), 'c2': (217, 57), 'c3': (217, 111), 'c4': (217, 165), 'c5': (217, 219), 'c6': (217, 273), 'c7': (217, 327), 'd1': (150, 3), 'd2': (150, 57), 'd3': (150, 111), 'd4': (150, 165), 'd5': (150, 219), 'd6': (150, 273), 'd7': (150, 327), 'e1': (83, 3), 'e2': (83, 57), 'e3': (83, 111), 'e4': (83, 165), 'e5': (83, 219), 'e6': (83, 273), 'e7': (83, 327), 'f1': (16, 3), 'f2': (16, 57), 'f3': (16, 111), 'f4': (16, 165), 'f5': (16, 219), 'f6': (16, 273), 'f7': (16, 327)} weathericons = {'01d': 'wi-day-sunny', '02d':'wi-day-cloudy', '03d': 'wi-cloudy', '04d': 'wi-cloudy-windy', '09d': 'wi-showers', '10d':'wi-rain', '11d':'wi-thunderstorm', '13d':'wi-snow', '50d': 'wi-fog', '01n': 'wi-night-clear', '02n':'wi-night-cloudy', '03n': 'wi-night-cloudy', '04n': 'wi-night-cloudy', '09n': 'wi-night-showers', '10n':'wi-night-rain', '11n':'wi-night-thunderstorm', '13n':'wi-night-snow', '50n': 'wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy'} def main(): while True: time = datetime.now() hour = int(time.strftime("%-H")) for i in range(1): if hour is 0: calibration() if hour is 12: calibration() if hour is 18: calibration() epd.init() image = Image.new('L', (EPD_WIDTH, EPD_HEIGHT), 255) draw = (ImageDraw.Draw(image)).bitmap #background image draw(monthplace, Image.open(mpath+str(time.strftime("%B"))+'.bmp')) if calendar.firstweekday() == 0: #print('Your week starts on Monday') #->debug draw(weekplace, weekmon) if calendar.firstweekday() == 6: #print('Your week starts on Sunday') #->debug draw(weekplace, weeksun) draw(barplace, bar) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(time.year, time.month) for i in cal[0]: draw(positions['a'+str(cal[0].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp')) for i in cal[1]: draw(positions['b'+str(cal[1].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp')) for i in cal[2]: draw(positions['c'+str(cal[2].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp')) for i in cal[3]: draw(positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp')) for i in cal[4]: draw(positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp')) try: for i in cal[5]: draw(positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(i)+1)] ,Image.open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp')) except IndexError: pass # openweathermap api owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key) observation = owm.weather_at_place(location) weather = observation.get_weather() weathericon = weather.get_weather_icon_name() Temperature = str(int(weather.get_temperature(unit='celsius')['temp'])) Humidity = str(weather.get_humidity()) #print('temp: '+Temperature +'°C') #->debug #print('humidity: '+Humidity+'%') #->debug #print(weathericon) #->debug #weather icon handler draw(wiconplace, open(wpath+weathericons[weathericon]+'.bmp')) # date writing function space1=Image.new('1', (115,25), color=255) measure1= ImageDraw.Draw(space1) date = ImageDraw.Draw(space1) date.text((2, 3), (time.strftime('%a %-d %b %y')), font=font, fill=0) rotate1 = space1.rotate(270, expand=1) image.paste(rotate1, (595,20)) # temperature writing function space2 = Image.new('1', (50,35), color=255) measure2= ImageDraw.Draw(space2) temperature = ImageDraw.Draw(space2) temperature.text((2, 8), (Temperature + " °C"), fill=0 ,font=font) rotate2 = space2.rotate(270, expand=1) image.paste(rotate2, (605,334)) # humidity writing function space3 = Image.new('1', (50,35), color=255) measure3= ImageDraw.Draw(space3) humidity = ImageDraw.Draw(space3) humidity.text((4, 8), (Humidity +'%'), fill=0 ,font=font) rotate3 = space3.rotate(270, expand=1) image.paste(rotate3, (570,334)) # weekday handler if calendar.firstweekday() == 0: draw(weekdaysmon[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday) if calendar.firstweekday() == 6: draw(weekdayssun[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday) print('It is currently:',time.strftime('%a %-d %b %y')) #--debug print('The current time is:', time.strftime('%H:%M')) #--debug elist = [] for events in c.events: if str(time.year) in str((events.begin).format('YYYY')): if str(time.month) in str((events.begin).format('M')): elist.append(int((events.begin).format('D'))) print('In this month, you have',len(elist),'Events') for x in elist: if x in cal[0]: draw(positions['a'+str(cal[0].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon) if x in cal[1]: draw(positions['b'+str(cal[1].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon) if x in cal[2]: draw(positions['c'+str(cal[2].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon) if x in cal[3]: draw(positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon) if x in cal[4]: draw(positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon) try: if x in cal[5]: draw(positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon) except IndexError: pass today = time.day if today in cal[0]: draw(positions['a'+str(cal[0].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon) if today in cal[1]: draw(positions['b'+str(cal[1].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon) if today in cal[2]: draw(positions['c'+str(cal[2].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon) if today in cal[3]: draw(positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon) if today in cal[4]: draw(positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon) try: if today in cal[5]: draw(positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon) except IndexError: pass draw(tempplace, tempicon) draw(humplace, humicon) epd.display_frame(epd.get_frame_buffer(image)) # delete the list so deleted events can be removed from the list del elist[:] epd.sleep() for i in range(1): nexthour = ((60 - int(time.strftime("%-M")))*60) - (int(time.strftime("%-S"))) sleep(nexthour) if __name__ == '__main__': main()