#!python3 """ Stocks Module for Inkycal Project Version 0.5: Added improved precision by using new priceHint parameter of yfinance Version 0.4: Added charts Version 0.3: Added support for web-UI of Inkycal 2.0.0 Version 0.2: Migration to Inkycal 2.0.0 Version 0.1: Migration to Inkycal 2.0.0b by https://github.com/worstface """ import os import logging from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module from inkycal.custom import write, internet_available from PIL import Image try: import yfinance as yf except ImportError: print('yfinance is not installed! Please install with:') print('pip3 install yfinance') try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg except ImportError: print('matplotlib is not installed! Please install with:') print('pip3 install matplotlib') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Stocks(inkycal_module): name = "Stocks - Displays stock market infos from Yahoo finance" # required parameters requires = { "tickers": { "label": "You can display any information by using " "the respective symbols that are used by Yahoo! Finance. " "Separate multiple symbols with a comma sign e.g. " "TSLA, U, NVDA, EURUSD=X" } } def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) config = config['config'] # If tickers is a string from web-ui, convert to a list, else use # tickers as-is i.e. for tests if config['tickers'] and isinstance(config['tickers'], str): self.tickers = config['tickers'].replace(" ", "").split(',') # returns list else: self.tickers = config['tickers'] # give an OK message print(f'{__name__} loaded') def generate_image(self): """Generate image for this module""" # Define new image size with respect to padding im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left)) im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top)) im_size = im_width, im_height logger.info(f'image size: {im_width} x {im_height} px') # Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels (required) im_black = Image.new('RGB', size=im_size, color='white') im_colour = Image.new('RGB', size=im_size, color='white') # Create tmp path tmpPath = '/tmp/inkycal_stocks/' try: if not os.path.exists(tmpPath): os.mkdir(tmpPath) except OSError: print(f"Creation of tmp directory {tmpPath} failed") else: print(f"Successfully created tmp directory {tmpPath} ") # Check if internet is available if internet_available() == True: logger.info('Connection test passed') else: raise Exception('Network could not be reached :/') # Set some parameters for formatting feeds line_spacing = 1 line_height = self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing line_width = im_width max_lines = (im_height // (self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing)) logger.debug(f"max_lines: {max_lines}") # Calculate padding from top so the lines look centralised spacing_top = int(im_height % line_height / 2) # Calculate line_positions line_positions = [ (0, spacing_top + _ * line_height) for _ in range(max_lines)] logger.debug(f'line positions: {line_positions}') parsed_tickers = [] parsed_tickers_colour = [] chartSpace = Image.new('RGBA', (im_width, im_height), "white") chartSpace_colour = Image.new('RGBA', (im_width, im_height), "white") tickerCount = range(len(self.tickers)) for _ in tickerCount: ticker = self.tickers[_] logger.info(f'preparing data for {ticker}...') yfTicker = yf.Ticker(ticker) try: stockInfo = yfTicker.info except Exception as exceptionMessage: logger.warning(f"Failed to get '{ticker}' ticker info: {exceptionMessage}") try: stockName = stockInfo['shortName'] except Exception: stockName = ticker logger.warning(f"Failed to get '{stockName}' ticker name! Using " "the ticker symbol as name instead.") try: stockCurrency = stockInfo['currency'] if stockCurrency == 'USD': stockCurrency = '$' elif stockCurrency == 'EUR': stockCurrency = '€' except Exception: stockCurrency = '' logger.warning(f"Failed to get ticker currency!") try: precision = stockInfo['priceHint'] except Exception: precision = 2 logger.warning(f"Failed to get '{stockName}' ticker price hint! Using " "default precision of 2 instead.") stockHistory = yfTicker.history("30d") stockHistoryLen = len(stockHistory) logger.info(f'fetched {stockHistoryLen} datapoints ...') previousQuote = (stockHistory.tail(2)['Close'].iloc[0]) currentQuote = (stockHistory.tail(1)['Close'].iloc[0]) currentHigh = (stockHistory.tail(1)['High'].iloc[0]) currentLow = (stockHistory.tail(1)['Low'].iloc[0]) currentOpen = (stockHistory.tail(1)['Open'].iloc[0]) currentGain = currentQuote - previousQuote currentGainPercentage = (1 - currentQuote / previousQuote) * -100 firstQuote = stockHistory.tail(stockHistoryLen)['Close'].iloc[0] logger.info(f'firstQuote {firstQuote} ...') def floatStr(precision, number): return "%0.*f" % (precision, number) def percentageStr(number): return '({:+.2f}%)'.format(number) def gainStr(precision, number): return "%+.*f" % (precision, number) stockNameLine = '{} ({})'.format(stockName, stockCurrency) stockCurrentValueLine = '{} {} {}'.format( floatStr(precision, currentQuote), gainStr(precision, currentGain), percentageStr(currentGainPercentage)) stockDayValueLine = '1d OHL: {}/{}/{}'.format( floatStr(precision, currentOpen), floatStr(precision, currentHigh), floatStr(precision, currentLow)) maxQuote = max(stockHistory.High) minQuote = min(stockHistory.Low) logger.info(f'high {maxQuote} low {minQuote} ...') stockMonthValueLine = '{}d OHL: {}/{}/{}'.format( stockHistoryLen, floatStr(precision, firstQuote), floatStr(precision, maxQuote), floatStr(precision, minQuote)) logger.info(stockNameLine) logger.info(stockCurrentValueLine) logger.info(stockDayValueLine) logger.info(stockMonthValueLine) parsed_tickers.append(stockNameLine) parsed_tickers.append(stockCurrentValueLine) parsed_tickers.append(stockDayValueLine) parsed_tickers.append(stockMonthValueLine) parsed_tickers_colour.append("") if currentGain < 0: parsed_tickers_colour.append(stockCurrentValueLine) else: parsed_tickers_colour.append("") if currentOpen > currentQuote: parsed_tickers_colour.append(stockDayValueLine) else: parsed_tickers_colour.append("") if firstQuote > currentQuote: parsed_tickers_colour.append(stockMonthValueLine) else: parsed_tickers_colour.append("") if (_ < len(tickerCount)): parsed_tickers.append("") parsed_tickers_colour.append("") logger.info(f'creating chart data...') chartData = stockHistory.reset_index() chartCloseData = chartData.loc[:, 'Close'] chartTimeData = chartData.loc[:, 'Date'] logger.info(f'creating chart plot...') fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Create a figure containing a single axes. ax.plot(chartTimeData, chartCloseData, linewidth=8) # Plot some data on the axes. ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) chartPath = tmpPath + ticker + '.png' logger.info(f'saving chart image to {chartPath}...') plt.savefig(chartPath) logger.info(f'chartSpace is...{im_width} {im_height}') logger.info(f'open chart ...{chartPath}') chartImage = Image.open(chartPath) chartImage.thumbnail((im_width / 4, line_height * 4), Image.BICUBIC) chartPasteX = im_width - (chartImage.width) chartPasteY = line_height * 5 * _ logger.info(f'pasting chart image with index {_} to...{chartPasteX} {chartPasteY}') if firstQuote > currentQuote: chartSpace_colour.paste(chartImage, (chartPasteX, chartPasteY)) else: chartSpace.paste(chartImage, (chartPasteX, chartPasteY)) im_black.paste(chartSpace) im_colour.paste(chartSpace_colour) # Write/Draw something on the black image for _ in range(len(parsed_tickers)): if _ + 1 > max_lines: logger.error('Ran out of lines for parsed_ticker_colour') break write(im_black, line_positions[_], (line_width, line_height), parsed_tickers[_], font=self.font, alignment='left') # Write/Draw something on the colour image for _ in range(len(parsed_tickers_colour)): if _ + 1 > max_lines: logger.error('Ran out of lines for parsed_tickers_colour') break write(im_colour, line_positions[_], (line_width, line_height), parsed_tickers_colour[_], font=self.font, alignment='left') # Save image of black and colour channel in image-folder return im_black, im_colour if __name__ == '__main__': print('running module in standalone/debug mode')