Experimental converter that transforms standard png, jpg and bmp files to useable bmp files which can be used by the Calendar.
# Currently in ALPHA mode. Please use with caution and keep backups
# Version 1.0 (initial)

# Copyright by Ace-Laboratory

## What this script does:
# grab images from one folder, perform some operations and paste them in an output folder.
# The operations consists of removing the alpha channel, reducing the colours to (currently) just two,
# Inverting the colours (as the display inverts them again) and rotating the picture by 90 deg clockwise

## Please only use png files for now as that has been tested and confirmed to work so far.

import glob, os, errno
from PIL import Image
import PIL.ImageOps
#--------------only change the following two lines-----------------#
input_folder = '/home/pi/input/'
output_folder = '/home/pi/output/'
#-----------------no need to change anything below----------------#


pngs = []
for files in glob.glob("*.png"):

bmps = []
for files in glob.glob("*.bmp"):

jpegs= []
for files in glob.glob("*.jpg"):


thresh = 126 # any value below 127 works.
fn = lambda x : 255 if x > thresh else 0

# PNG to BMP conversion
for files in pngs: #part1: first from png to bmp
    background = Image.new("RGB", png.size, (255, 255, 255))
    background.paste(png, mask=png.split()[3])
    background.convert('L').point(fn, mode='1').save((output_folder+files+'.bmp'), 'BMP', quality=90)

png_bmp = [] #part2: and then from bmp to bmp
for files in glob.glob("*.bmp"):
for files in png_bmp:
    (PIL.ImageOps.invert((Image.open(output_folder+files).rotate(-90, expand=True)).convert('L'))).save(output_folder+files)

# BMP to BMP conversion
for files in bmps:
    (PIL.ImageOps.invert((Image.open(input_folder+files).rotate(-90, expand=True)).convert('L'))).save(output_folder+files)

# JPG to BMP (do not use)
for files in jpegs:
print('All done')