# Welcome to inkycal v2.0.0!
## Hardware required
* One of the supported ePaper displays from waveshare: 4.2", 5.83", 7.5" (all variants), 9.7"
* Any Raspberry Pi with 40 pins and WiFi. (Raspberry Pi 3/3B/3B+/3A/4/0W/0WH - Inkycal runs just fine on the Zero W/Zweo WH model!)
* MicroSD card (min. 4GB) for flashing Raspberry Pi OS **with Desktop**. **Lite is not supported!**
* MicroUSB cable (for power)
* Optional, a [3D-printable case](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/wiki/3D-printable-files)
# Installing Inkycal
## Configuring the Raspberry Pi
1. Flash Raspberry Pi OS according to the [instructions](https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/)
2. Create a settings file for Inkycal from the [WEB-UI](https://aceisace.eu.pythonanywhere.com/inkycal-config-v2-0-0)
3. Copy the generated settings.json file to the flashed SD card.
## Getting the Raspberry Pi ready
1. Flash Raspberry Pi OS according to the instructions ([instructions](https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/))
2. Create a simple text document named **ssh** in the boot directory to enable ssh.
3. Install the SD card and boot your Raspberry Pi. Connect to it over the network with ssh and login.
3. Expand the filesystem in the Terminal with **`sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs`**
4. Enable SPI by entering **`sudo sed -i s/#dtparam=spi=on/dtparam=spi=on/ /boot/config.txt`** in the Terminal
5. Set the correct timezone with **`sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata`**, selecting the correct continent and then the capital of your country.
6. Reboot to apply changes
7. Optional: If you want to disable the on-board leds of the Raspberry, follow these instructions:
**[Disable on-board-led](https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blogs/jeff-geerling/controlling-pwr-act-leds-raspberry-pi)**
### Installation
# clone the Inkycal repo
git clone -b release/2.0.0 https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal
# go to Inkycal directory
cd Inkycal
# install Inkycal
pip3 install -e ./
### Running Inkycal
Open `Python3` and run the commands below or paste the below content in an empty file and save it as a `.py` file:
from inkycal import Inkycal # Import Inkycal
inky = Inkycal(render = True) # Initialise Inkycal
inky.test() # test if Inkycal can be run correctly, running this will show a bit of info for each module
inky.run() # If there were no issues, you can run Inkycal nonstop
## Uninstalling Inkycal
1) `pip3 uninstall inkycal`
2) Remove the `Inkycal` folder
## Contributing
All sorts of contributions are most welcome and appreciated. To start contributing, please follow the [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md).
The average response time for issues, PRs and emails is usually 24 hours. In some cases, it might be longer.
## Setting up VS Code Remote development in WSL
In order to speed up development, most development tasks (apart from the actual rending to E-Ink display) can be developed on more powerful machines and in richer environments than running this on a Pi zero. In case of Windows PC the most convenient way is to use VS Code Remote development in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), please follow [Tutorial](https://code.visualstudio.com/remote-tutorials/wsl/getting-started).
**P.S:** Don't forget to star and/or watch the repo. For those who have done so already, thank you very much!
## Contact and Support
## Buy me a coffee please
Yes please :). I do drink and like my coffee, especially when developing the inkycal software :)
You can donate a coffee with this QR-code (Paypal):