# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file contains all the locations of the icons used.
It also contains the positions of these icons on the E-Paper display

from PIL import Image
from settings import language
im_open = Image.open

path = '/home/pi/E-Paper-Master/Calendar/'
wpath = path+'weather-icons/'
mpath = path+'translations/'+language+'/months/'
weekpath = path+'translations/'+language+'/week/'
dpath = path+'days/'
opath = path+'other/'

weekday = im_open(opath+'weekday.png')
eventicon = im_open(opath+'event.png')
dateicon = im_open(opath+'today.png')
seperator = im_open(opath+'seperator.jpeg')
tempicon = im_open(opath+'temperature.jpeg')
humicon = im_open(opath+'humidity.jpeg')
weekmon = im_open(weekpath+'week-mon.jpeg')
weeksun = im_open(weekpath+'week-sun.jpeg')
no_response = im_open(opath+'cloud-no-response.jpeg')
sunriseicon = im_open(opath+'wi-sunrise.jpeg')
sunseticon = im_open(opath+'wi-sunset.jpeg')
windicon = im_open(opath+'wi-strong-wind.jpeg')
black = im_open(opath+'black.jpeg')
white = im_open(opath+'white.jpeg')
red = im_open(opath+'red.jpeg')

wiconplace = (0, 0)
tempplace = (299, 0)
humplace = (299, 35)
seperatorplace = (0, 72)
monthplace = (0, 74)
weekplace = (3, 134)
windiconspace = (79, 0)
sunriseplace = (214, 0)
sunsetplace = (214, 35)

rss_places = {
    'line_1' : (0, 490), 'line_2' : (0, 515), 'line_3' : (0, 540),
    'line_4' : (0, 565), 'line_5' : (0, 590), 'line_6' : (0, 615)

e_col = 70
date_col = 0

e_row_1 = 490
e_row_2 = 515
e_row_3 = 540
e_row_4 = 565
e_row_5 = 590
e_row_6 = 615

event_positions = {
    'e1': (e_col, e_row_1), 'e2': (e_col, e_row_2), 'e3': (e_col, e_row_3),
    'e4': (e_col, e_row_4), 'e5': (e_col, e_row_5), 'e6': (e_col, e_row_6)

date_positions = {
    'd1': (date_col, e_row_1), 'd2': (date_col, e_row_2),
    'd3': (date_col, e_row_3), 'd4': (date_col, e_row_4),
    'd5': (date_col, e_row_5), 'd6': (date_col, e_row_6)

col1 = 3
col2 = 57
col3 = 111
col4 = 165
col5 = 219
col6 = 273
col7 = 327

row1 = 162
row2 = 225
row3 = 288
row4 = 351
row5 = 414
row6 = 477

positions = {
    'a1': (col1, row1), 'a2': (col2, row1), 'a3': (col3, row1), 'a4': (col4, row1),
    'a5': (col5, row1), 'a6': (col6, row1), 'a7': (col7, row1),

    'b1': (col1, row2), 'b2': (col2, row2), 'b3': (col3, row2), 'b4': (col4, row2),
    'b5': (col5, row2), 'b6': (col6, row2), 'b7': (col7, row2),

    'c1': (col1, row3), 'c2': (col2, row3), 'c3': (col3, row3), 'c4': (col4, row3),
    'c5': (col5, row3), 'c6': (col6, row3), 'c7': (col7, row3),

    'd1': (col1, row4), 'd2': (col2, row4), 'd3': (col3, row4), 'd4': (col4, row4),
    'd5': (col5, row4), 'd6': (col6, row4), 'd7': (col7, row4),

    'e1': (col1, row5), 'e2': (col2, row5), 'e3': (col3, row5), 'e4': (col4, row5),
    'e5': (col5, row5), 'e6': (col6, row5), 'e7': (col7, row5),

    'f1': (col1, row6), 'f2': (col2, row6), 'f3': (col3, row6), 'f4': (col4, row6),
    'f5': (col5, row6), 'f6': (col6, row6), 'f7': (col7, row6)

week_row = 134

weekdaysmon = {
    'Mon': (col1, week_row), 'Tue': (col2, week_row), 'Wed': (col3, week_row),
    'Thu': (col4, week_row), 'Fri': (col5, week_row), 'Sat': (col6, week_row),
    'Sun': (col7, week_row)

weekdayssun = {
    'Sun': (col1, week_row), 'Mon': (col2, week_row), 'Tue': (col3, week_row),
    'Wed': (col4, week_row), 'Thu': (col5, week_row), 'Fri': (col6, week_row),
    'Sat': (col7, week_row)

weathericons = {
    '01d': 'wi-day-sunny', '02d':'wi-day-cloudy', '03d': 'wi-cloudy',
    '04d': 'wi-cloudy-windy', '09d': 'wi-showers', '10d':'wi-rain',
    '11d':'wi-thunderstorm', '13d':'wi-snow', '50d': 'wi-fog',
    '01n': 'wi-night-clear', '02n':'wi-night-cloudy',
    '03n': 'wi-night-cloudy', '04n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
    '09n': 'wi-night-showers', '10n':'wi-night-rain',
    '11n':'wi-night-thunderstorm', '13n':'wi-night-snow',
    '50n': 'wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy'