Inkycal XKCD module
by https://github.com/worstface

import xkcd

from inkycal.custom import *
from inkycal.modules.inky_image import Inkyimage as Images
from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Xkcd(inkycal_module):
    name = "xkcd - Displays comics from xkcd.com by Randall Munroe"

    # required parameters
    requires = {

        "mode": {
            "label": "Please select the mode",
            "options": ["latest", "random"],
            "default": "latest"
        "palette": {
            "label": "Which color palette should be used for the comic images?",
            "options": ["bw", "bwr", "bwy"]
        "alt": {
            "label": "Would you like to add the alt text below the comic? If XKCD is not the only module you are showing, I recommend setting this to 'no'",
            "options": ["yes", "no"],
            "default": "no"
        "filter": {
            "label": "Would you like to add a scaling filter? If the is far too big to be shown in the space you've allotted for it, the module will try to find another image for you. This only applies in random mode. If XKCD is not the only module you are showing, I recommend setting this to 'no'.",
            "options": ["yes", "no"],
            "default": "no"

    def __init__(self, config):


        config = config['config']

        self.mode = config['mode']
        self.palette = config['palette']
        self.alt = config['alt']
        self.scale_filter = config['filter']

        # give an OK message
        print(f'Inkycal XKCD loaded')

    def generate_image(self):
        """Generate image for this module"""

        # Create tmp path
        tmpPath = f"{top_level}/temp"

        if not os.path.exists(tmpPath):

        # Define new image size with respect to padding
        im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
        im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
        im_size = im_width, im_height
        logger.info('image size: {} x {} px'.format(im_width, im_height))

        # Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels (required)
        im_black = Image.new('RGB', size=im_size, color='white')
        im_colour = Image.new('RGB', size=im_size, color='white')

        # Check if internet is available
        if internet_available():
            logger.info('Connection test passed')
            raise Exception('Network could not be reached :/')

        # Set some parameters for formatting feeds
        line_spacing = 1
        text_bbox = self.font.getbbox("hg")
        line_height = text_bbox[3] + line_spacing
        line_width = im_width
        max_lines = im_height // (line_height + line_spacing)

        logger.debug(f"max_lines: {max_lines}")

        # Calculate padding from top so the lines look centralised
        spacing_top = int(im_height % line_height / 2)

        # Calculate line_positions
        line_positions = [(0, spacing_top + _ * line_height) for _ in range(max_lines)]

        logger.debug(f'line positions: {line_positions}')

        logger.info(f'getting xkcd comic...')

        if self.mode == 'random':
            if self.scale_filter == 'no':
                xkcdComic = xkcd.getRandomComic()
                xkcdComic.download(output=tmpPath, outputFile='xkcdComic.png')
                perc = (2.1, 0.4)
                url = "test variable, not a real comic"
                while max(perc) > 1.75:
                    print("looking for another comic, old comic was: ", perc, url)
                    xkcdComic = xkcd.getRandomComic()
                    xkcdComic.download(output=tmpPath, outputFile='xkcdComic.png')
                    actual_size = Image.open(tmpPath + '/xkcdComic.png').size
                    perc = (actual_size[0] / im_width, actual_size[1] / im_height)
                    url = xkcdComic.getImageLink()
                print("found one! perc: ", perc, url)
            xkcdComic = xkcd.getLatestComic()
            xkcdComic.download(output=tmpPath, outputFile='xkcdComic.png')

        logger.info(f'got xkcd comic...')
        title_lines = []

        altOffset = int(line_height * 1)

        if self.alt == "yes":
            alt_text = xkcdComic.getAltText()  # get the alt text, too (I break it up into multiple lines later on)

            # break up the alt text into lines
            alt_lines = []
            current_line = ""
            for _ in alt_text.split(" "):
                # this breaks up the alt_text into words and creates each line by adding
                # one word at a time until the line is longer than the width of the module
                # then it appends the line to the alt_lines array and starts testing a new line
                # with the next word
                text_bbox = self.font.getbbox(current_line + _ + " ")

                if text_bbox[2] < im_width:
                    current_line = current_line + _ + " "
                    current_line = _ + " "
                current_line)  # this adds the last line to the array (or the only line, if the alt text is really short)
            altHeight = int(line_height * len(alt_lines)) + altOffset
            altHeight = 0  # this is added so that I don't need to add more "if alt is yes" conditionals when centering below. Now the centering code will work regardless of whether they want alttext or not

        comicSpaceBlack = Image.new('RGBA', (im_width, im_height), (255, 255, 255, 255))
        comicSpaceColour = Image.new('RGBA', (im_width, im_height), (255, 255, 255, 255))

        im = Images()

        imageAspectRatio = im_width / im_height
        comicAspectRatio = im.image.width / im.image.height

        if comicAspectRatio > imageAspectRatio:
            imageScale = im_width / im.image.width
            imageScale = im_height / im.image.height

        comicHeight = int(im.image.height * imageScale)

        headerHeight = int(line_height * 3 / 2)

        if comicHeight + (headerHeight + altHeight) > im_height:
            comicHeight -= (headerHeight + altHeight)

        im.resize(width=int(im.image.width * imageScale), height=comicHeight)

        im_comic_black, im_comic_colour = im.to_palette(self.palette)

        headerCenterPosY = int((im_height / 2) - ((im.image.height + headerHeight + altHeight) / 2))
        comicCenterPosY = int((im_height / 2) - ((im.image.height + headerHeight + altHeight) / 2) + headerHeight)
        altCenterPosY = int(
            (im_height / 2) - ((im.image.height + headerHeight + altHeight) / 2) + headerHeight + im.image.height)

        centerPosX = int((im_width / 2) - (im.image.width / 2))

        comicSpaceBlack.paste(im_comic_black, (centerPosX, comicCenterPosY))

        comicSpaceColour.paste(im_comic_colour, (centerPosX, comicCenterPosY))

        logger.info(f'added comic image')

        # Write the title on the black image
        write(im_black, (0, headerCenterPosY), (line_width, line_height),
              title_lines[0], font=self.font, alignment='center')

        if self.alt == "yes":
            # write alt_text
            for _ in range(len(alt_lines)):
                write(im_black, (0, altCenterPosY + _ * line_height + altOffset), (line_width, line_height),
                      alt_lines[_], font=self.font, alignment='left')

        # Save image of black and colour channel in image-folder
        return im_black, im_colour