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2023-05-04 07:09:03 +02:00
# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
# the BSD License:
from git.util import IterableList, join_path
import git.diff as git_diff
from git.util import to_bin_sha
from . import util
from .base import IndexObject, IndexObjUnion
from .blob import Blob
from .submodule.base import Submodule
from .fun import tree_entries_from_data, tree_to_stream
# typing -------------------------------------------------
from typing import (
from git.types import PathLike, Literal
from git.repo import Repo
from io import BytesIO
TreeCacheTup = Tuple[bytes, int, str]
TraversedTreeTup = Union[Tuple[Union["Tree", None], IndexObjUnion, Tuple["Submodule", "Submodule"]]]
# def is_tree_cache(inp: Tuple[bytes, int, str]) -> TypeGuard[TreeCacheTup]:
# return isinstance(inp[0], bytes) and isinstance(inp[1], int) and isinstance([inp], str)
# --------------------------------------------------------
cmp: Callable[[str, str], int] = lambda a, b: (a > b) - (a < b)
__all__ = ("TreeModifier", "Tree")
def git_cmp(t1: TreeCacheTup, t2: TreeCacheTup) -> int:
a, b = t1[2], t2[2]
# assert isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(b, str)
len_a, len_b = len(a), len(b)
min_len = min(len_a, len_b)
min_cmp = cmp(a[:min_len], b[:min_len])
if min_cmp:
return min_cmp
return len_a - len_b
def merge_sort(a: List[TreeCacheTup], cmp: Callable[[TreeCacheTup, TreeCacheTup], int]) -> None:
if len(a) < 2:
return None
mid = len(a) // 2
lefthalf = a[:mid]
righthalf = a[mid:]
merge_sort(lefthalf, cmp)
merge_sort(righthalf, cmp)
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
while i < len(lefthalf) and j < len(righthalf):
if cmp(lefthalf[i], righthalf[j]) <= 0:
a[k] = lefthalf[i]
i = i + 1
a[k] = righthalf[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
while i < len(lefthalf):
a[k] = lefthalf[i]
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
while j < len(righthalf):
a[k] = righthalf[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
class TreeModifier(object):
"""A utility class providing methods to alter the underlying cache in a list-like fashion.
Once all adjustments are complete, the _cache, which really is a reference to
the cache of a tree, will be sorted. Assuring it will be in a serializable state"""
__slots__ = "_cache"
def __init__(self, cache: List[TreeCacheTup]) -> None:
self._cache = cache
def _index_by_name(self, name: str) -> int:
""":return: index of an item with name, or -1 if not found"""
for i, t in enumerate(self._cache):
if t[2] == name:
return i
# END found item
# END for each item in cache
return -1
# { Interface
def set_done(self) -> "TreeModifier":
"""Call this method once you are done modifying the tree information.
It may be called several times, but be aware that each call will cause
a sort operation
:return self:"""
merge_sort(self._cache, git_cmp)
return self
# } END interface
# { Mutators
def add(self, sha: bytes, mode: int, name: str, force: bool = False) -> "TreeModifier":
"""Add the given item to the tree. If an item with the given name already
exists, nothing will be done, but a ValueError will be raised if the
sha and mode of the existing item do not match the one you add, unless
force is True
:param sha: The 20 or 40 byte sha of the item to add
:param mode: int representing the stat compatible mode of the item
:param force: If True, an item with your name and information will overwrite
any existing item with the same name, no matter which information it has
:return: self"""
if "/" in name:
raise ValueError("Name must not contain '/' characters")
if (mode >> 12) not in Tree._map_id_to_type:
raise ValueError("Invalid object type according to mode %o" % mode)
sha = to_bin_sha(sha)
index = self._index_by_name(name)
item = (sha, mode, name)
# assert is_tree_cache(item)
if index == -1:
if force:
self._cache[index] = item
ex_item = self._cache[index]
if ex_item[0] != sha or ex_item[1] != mode:
raise ValueError("Item %r existed with different properties" % name)
# END handle mismatch
# END handle force
# END handle name exists
return self
def add_unchecked(self, binsha: bytes, mode: int, name: str) -> None:
"""Add the given item to the tree, its correctness is assumed, which
puts the caller into responsibility to assure the input is correct.
For more information on the parameters, see ``add``
:param binsha: 20 byte binary sha"""
assert isinstance(binsha, bytes) and isinstance(mode, int) and isinstance(name, str)
tree_cache = (binsha, mode, name)
def __delitem__(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Deletes an item with the given name if it exists"""
index = self._index_by_name(name)
if index > -1:
del self._cache[index]
# } END mutators
class Tree(IndexObject, git_diff.Diffable, util.Traversable, util.Serializable):
"""Tree objects represent an ordered list of Blobs and other Trees.
``Tree as a list``::
Access a specific blob using the
tree['filename'] notation.
You may as well access by index
blob = tree[0]
type: Literal["tree"] = "tree"
__slots__ = "_cache"
# actual integer ids for comparison
commit_id = 0o16 # equals stat.S_IFDIR | stat.S_IFLNK - a directory link
blob_id = 0o10
symlink_id = 0o12
tree_id = 0o04
_map_id_to_type: Dict[int, Type[IndexObjUnion]] = {
commit_id: Submodule,
blob_id: Blob,
symlink_id: Blob
# tree id added once Tree is defined
def __init__(
repo: "Repo",
binsha: bytes,
mode: int = tree_id << 12,
path: Union[PathLike, None] = None,
super(Tree, self).__init__(repo, binsha, mode, path)
def _get_intermediate_items(
index_object: IndexObjUnion,
) -> Union[Tuple["Tree", ...], Tuple[()]]:
if index_object.type == "tree":
return tuple(index_object._iter_convert_to_object(index_object._cache))
return ()
def _set_cache_(self, attr: str) -> None:
if attr == "_cache":
# Set the data when we need it
ostream =
self._cache: List[TreeCacheTup] = tree_entries_from_data(
super(Tree, self)._set_cache_(attr)
# END handle attribute
def _iter_convert_to_object(self, iterable: Iterable[TreeCacheTup]) -> Iterator[IndexObjUnion]:
"""Iterable yields tuples of (binsha, mode, name), which will be converted
to the respective object representation"""
for binsha, mode, name in iterable:
path = join_path(self.path, name)
yield self._map_id_to_type[mode >> 12](self.repo, binsha, mode, path)
except KeyError as e:
raise TypeError("Unknown mode %o found in tree data for path '%s'" % (mode, path)) from e
# END for each item
def join(self, file: str) -> IndexObjUnion:
"""Find the named object in this tree's contents
:return: ``git.Blob`` or ``git.Tree`` or ``git.Submodule``
:raise KeyError: if given file or tree does not exist in tree"""
msg = "Blob or Tree named %r not found"
if "/" in file:
tree = self
item = self
tokens = file.split("/")
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
item = tree[token]
if item.type == "tree":
tree = item
# safety assertion - blobs are at the end of the path
if i != len(tokens) - 1:
raise KeyError(msg % file)
return item
# END handle item type
# END for each token of split path
if item == self:
raise KeyError(msg % file)
return item
for info in self._cache:
if info[2] == file: # [2] == name
return self._map_id_to_type[info[1] >> 12](
self.repo, info[0], info[1], join_path(self.path, info[2])
# END for each obj
raise KeyError(msg % file)
# END handle long paths
def __truediv__(self, file: str) -> IndexObjUnion:
"""For PY3 only"""
return self.join(file)
def trees(self) -> List["Tree"]:
""":return: list(Tree, ...) list of trees directly below this tree"""
return [i for i in self if i.type == "tree"]
def blobs(self) -> List[Blob]:
""":return: list(Blob, ...) list of blobs directly below this tree"""
return [i for i in self if i.type == "blob"]
def cache(self) -> TreeModifier:
:return: An object allowing to modify the internal cache. This can be used
to change the tree's contents. When done, make sure you call ``set_done``
on the tree modifier, or serialization behaviour will be incorrect.
See the ``TreeModifier`` for more information on how to alter the cache"""
return TreeModifier(self._cache)
def traverse(
self, # type: ignore[override]
predicate: Callable[[Union[IndexObjUnion, TraversedTreeTup], int], bool] = lambda i, d: True,
prune: Callable[[Union[IndexObjUnion, TraversedTreeTup], int], bool] = lambda i, d: False,
depth: int = -1,
branch_first: bool = True,
visit_once: bool = False,
ignore_self: int = 1,
as_edge: bool = False,
) -> Union[Iterator[IndexObjUnion], Iterator[TraversedTreeTup]]:
"""For documentation, see util.Traversable._traverse()
Trees are set to visit_once = False to gain more performance in the traversal"""
# """
# # To typecheck instead of using cast.
# import itertools
# def is_tree_traversed(inp: Tuple) -> TypeGuard[Tuple[Iterator[Union['Tree', 'Blob', 'Submodule']]]]:
# return all(isinstance(x, (Blob, Tree, Submodule)) for x in inp[1])
# ret = super(Tree, self).traverse(predicate, prune, depth, branch_first, visit_once, ignore_self)
# ret_tup = itertools.tee(ret, 2)
# assert is_tree_traversed(ret_tup), f"Type is {[type(x) for x in list(ret_tup[0])]}"
# return ret_tup[0]"""
return cast(
Union[Iterator[IndexObjUnion], Iterator[TraversedTreeTup]],
super(Tree, self)._traverse(
depth, # type: ignore
def list_traverse(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IterableList[IndexObjUnion]:
:return: IterableList with the results of the traversal as produced by
Tree -> IterableList[Union['Submodule', 'Tree', 'Blob']]
return super(Tree, self)._list_traverse(*args, **kwargs)
# List protocol
def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> List[IndexObjUnion]:
return list(self._iter_convert_to_object(self._cache[i:j]))
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[IndexObjUnion]:
return self._iter_convert_to_object(self._cache)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._cache)
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[str, int, slice]) -> IndexObjUnion:
if isinstance(item, int):
info = self._cache[item]
return self._map_id_to_type[info[1] >> 12](self.repo, info[0], info[1], join_path(self.path, info[2]))
if isinstance(item, str):
# compatibility
return self.join(item)
# END index is basestring
raise TypeError("Invalid index type: %r" % item)
def __contains__(self, item: Union[IndexObjUnion, PathLike]) -> bool:
if isinstance(item, IndexObject):
for info in self._cache:
if item.binsha == info[0]:
return True
# END compare sha
# END for each entry
# END handle item is index object
# compatibility
# treat item as repo-relative path
path = self.path
for info in self._cache:
if item == join_path(path, info[2]):
return True
# END for each item
return False
def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[IndexObjUnion]:
return reversed(self._iter_convert_to_object(self._cache)) # type: ignore
def _serialize(self, stream: "BytesIO") -> "Tree":
"""Serialize this tree into the stream. Please note that we will assume
our tree data to be in a sorted state. If this is not the case, serialization
will not generate a correct tree representation as these are assumed to be sorted
by algorithms"""
tree_to_stream(self._cache, stream.write)
return self
def _deserialize(self, stream: "BytesIO") -> "Tree":
self._cache = tree_entries_from_data(
return self
# END tree
# finalize map definition
Tree._map_id_to_type[Tree.tree_id] = Tree