194 lines
7.6 KiB
194 lines
7.6 KiB
from copy import deepcopy
def get_combination(space, num):
combs = []
for i in range(num):
if i == 0:
for func in space:
combs.append( [(func, i)] )
new_combs = []
for string in combs:
for func in space:
xstring = string + [(func, i)]
new_combs.append( xstring )
combs = new_combs
return combs
class Structure:
def __init__(self, genotype):
assert isinstance(genotype, list) or isinstance(genotype, tuple), 'invalid class of genotype : {:}'.format(type(genotype))
self.node_num = len(genotype) + 1
self.nodes = []
self.node_N = []
for idx, node_info in enumerate(genotype):
assert isinstance(node_info, list) or isinstance(node_info, tuple), 'invalid class of node_info : {:}'.format(type(node_info))
assert len(node_info) >= 1, 'invalid length : {:}'.format(len(node_info))
for node_in in node_info:
assert isinstance(node_in, list) or isinstance(node_in, tuple), 'invalid class of in-node : {:}'.format(type(node_in))
assert len(node_in) == 2 and node_in[1] <= idx, 'invalid in-node : {:}'.format(node_in)
self.node_N.append( len(node_info) )
self.nodes.append( tuple(deepcopy(node_info)) )
def tolist(self, remove_str):
# convert this class to the list, if remove_str is 'none', then remove the 'none' operation.
# note that we re-order the input node in this function
# return the-genotype-list and success [if unsuccess, it is not a connectivity]
genotypes = []
for node_info in self.nodes:
node_info = list( node_info )
node_info = sorted(node_info, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
node_info = tuple(filter(lambda x: x[0] != remove_str, node_info))
if len(node_info) == 0: return None, False
genotypes.append( node_info )
return genotypes, True
def node(self, index):
assert index > 0 and index <= len(self), 'invalid index={:} < {:}'.format(index, len(self))
return self.nodes[index]
def tostr(self):
strings = []
for node_info in self.nodes:
string = '|'.join([x[0]+'~{:}'.format(x[1]) for x in node_info])
string = '|{:}|'.format(string)
strings.append( string )
return '+'.join(strings)
def check_valid(self):
nodes = {0: True}
for i, node_info in enumerate(self.nodes):
sums = []
for op, xin in node_info:
if op == 'none' or nodes[xin] is False: x = False
else: x = True
sums.append( x )
nodes[i+1] = sum(sums) > 0
return nodes[len(self.nodes)]
def to_unique_str(self, consider_zero=False):
# this is used to identify the isomorphic cell, which rerquires the prior knowledge of operation
# two operations are special, i.e., none and skip_connect
nodes = {0: '0'}
for i_node, node_info in enumerate(self.nodes):
cur_node = []
for op, xin in node_info:
if consider_zero is None:
x = '('+nodes[xin]+')' + '@{:}'.format(op)
elif consider_zero:
if op == 'none' or nodes[xin] == '#': x = '#' # zero
elif op == 'skip_connect': x = nodes[xin]
else: x = '('+nodes[xin]+')' + '@{:}'.format(op)
if op == 'skip_connect': x = nodes[xin]
else: x = '('+nodes[xin]+')' + '@{:}'.format(op)
nodes[i_node+1] = '+'.join( sorted(cur_node) )
return nodes[ len(self.nodes) ]
def check_valid_op(self, op_names):
for node_info in self.nodes:
for inode_edge in node_info:
#assert inode_edge[0] in op_names, 'invalid op-name : {:}'.format(inode_edge[0])
if inode_edge[0] not in op_names: return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
return ('{name}({node_num} nodes with {node_info})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, node_info=self.tostr(), **self.__dict__))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.nodes) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.nodes[index]
def str2structure(xstr):
assert isinstance(xstr, str), 'must take string (not {:}) as input'.format(type(xstr))
nodestrs = xstr.split('+')
genotypes = []
for i, node_str in enumerate(nodestrs):
inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', node_str.split('|')))
for xinput in inputs: assert len(xinput.split('~')) == 2, 'invalid input length : {:}'.format(xinput)
inputs = ( xi.split('~') for xi in inputs )
input_infos = tuple( (op, int(IDX)) for (op, IDX) in inputs)
genotypes.append( input_infos )
return Structure( genotypes )
def str2fullstructure(xstr, default_name='none'):
assert isinstance(xstr, str), 'must take string (not {:}) as input'.format(type(xstr))
nodestrs = xstr.split('+')
genotypes = []
for i, node_str in enumerate(nodestrs):
inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', node_str.split('|')))
for xinput in inputs: assert len(xinput.split('~')) == 2, 'invalid input length : {:}'.format(xinput)
inputs = ( xi.split('~') for xi in inputs )
input_infos = list( (op, int(IDX)) for (op, IDX) in inputs)
all_in_nodes= list(x[1] for x in input_infos)
for j in range(i):
if j not in all_in_nodes: input_infos.append((default_name, j))
node_info = sorted(input_infos, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
genotypes.append( tuple(node_info) )
return Structure( genotypes )
def gen_all(search_space, num, return_ori):
assert isinstance(search_space, list) or isinstance(search_space, tuple), 'invalid class of search-space : {:}'.format(type(search_space))
assert num >= 2, 'There should be at least two nodes in a neural cell instead of {:}'.format(num)
all_archs = get_combination(search_space, 1)
for i, arch in enumerate(all_archs):
all_archs[i] = [ tuple(arch) ]
for inode in range(2, num):
cur_nodes = get_combination(search_space, inode)
new_all_archs = []
for previous_arch in all_archs:
for cur_node in cur_nodes:
new_all_archs.append( previous_arch + [tuple(cur_node)] )
all_archs = new_all_archs
if return_ori:
return all_archs
return [Structure(x) for x in all_archs]
ResNet_CODE = Structure(
[(('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ), # node-1
(('nor_conv_3x3', 1), ), # node-2
(('skip_connect', 0), ('skip_connect', 2))] # node-3
AllConv3x3_CODE = Structure(
[(('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ), # node-1
(('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ('nor_conv_3x3', 1)), # node-2
(('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ('nor_conv_3x3', 1), ('nor_conv_3x3', 2))] # node-3
AllFull_CODE = Structure(
[(('skip_connect', 0), ('nor_conv_1x1', 0), ('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ('avg_pool_3x3', 0)), # node-1
(('skip_connect', 0), ('nor_conv_1x1', 0), ('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ('avg_pool_3x3', 0), ('skip_connect', 1), ('nor_conv_1x1', 1), ('nor_conv_3x3', 1), ('avg_pool_3x3', 1)), # node-2
(('skip_connect', 0), ('nor_conv_1x1', 0), ('nor_conv_3x3', 0), ('avg_pool_3x3', 0), ('skip_connect', 1), ('nor_conv_1x1', 1), ('nor_conv_3x3', 1), ('avg_pool_3x3', 1), ('skip_connect', 2), ('nor_conv_1x1', 2), ('nor_conv_3x3', 2), ('avg_pool_3x3', 2))] # node-3
AllConv1x1_CODE = Structure(
[(('nor_conv_1x1', 0), ), # node-1
(('nor_conv_1x1', 0), ('nor_conv_1x1', 1)), # node-2
(('nor_conv_1x1', 0), ('nor_conv_1x1', 1), ('nor_conv_1x1', 2))] # node-3
AllIdentity_CODE = Structure(
[(('skip_connect', 0), ), # node-1
(('skip_connect', 0), ('skip_connect', 1)), # node-2
(('skip_connect', 0), ('skip_connect', 1), ('skip_connect', 2))] # node-3
architectures = {'resnet' : ResNet_CODE,
'all_c3x3': AllConv3x3_CODE,
'all_c1x1': AllConv1x1_CODE,
'all_idnt': AllIdentity_CODE,
'all_full': AllFull_CODE} |