diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e72cab9..5e0908d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ This project implemented several neural architecture search (NAS) and hyper-para
At the moment, this project provides the following algorithms and scripts to run them. Please see the details in the link provided in the description column.
diff --git a/configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/12E.config b/configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/12E.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7733e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/12E.config
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "scheduler": ["str", "cos"],
+ "eta_min" : ["float", "0.0"],
+ "epochs" : ["int", "12"],
+ "warmup" : ["int", "0"],
+ "optim" : ["str", "SGD"],
+ "LR" : ["float", "0.1"],
+ "decay" : ["float", "0.0005"],
+ "momentum" : ["float", "0.9"],
+ "nesterov" : ["bool", "1"],
+ "criterion": ["str", "Softmax"],
+ "batch_size": ["int", "256"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/90E.config b/configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/90E.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499af38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/90E.config
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "scheduler": ["str", "cos"],
+ "eta_min" : ["float", "0.0"],
+ "epochs" : ["int", "90"],
+ "warmup" : ["int", "0"],
+ "optim" : ["str", "SGD"],
+ "LR" : ["float", "0.1"],
+ "decay" : ["float", "0.0005"],
+ "momentum" : ["float", "0.9"],
+ "nesterov" : ["bool", "1"],
+ "criterion": ["str", "Softmax"],
+ "batch_size": ["int", "256"]
diff --git a/docs/CVPR-2019-GDAS.md b/docs/CVPR-2019-GDAS.md
index bb00eb6..ffafd26 100644
--- a/docs/CVPR-2019-GDAS.md
+++ b/docs/CVPR-2019-GDAS.md
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ If you are interested in the configs of each NAS-searched architecture, they are
### Searching on the NASNet search space
Please use the following scripts to use GDAS to search as in the original paper:
-CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts-search/GDAS-search-NASNet-space.sh cifar10 1 -1
+CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-GDAS.sh cifar10 1 -1
-**After searching***, if you want to re-train the searched architecture found by the above script, you can use the following script:
+**After searching**, if you want to re-train the searched architecture found by the above script, you can use the following script:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts/retrain-searched-net.sh cifar10 gdas-searched \
output/search-cell-darts/GDAS-cifar10-BN1/checkpoint/seed-945-basic.pth 96 -1
diff --git a/docs/ICCV-2019-SETN.md b/docs/ICCV-2019-SETN.md
index d51ef56..970a832 100644
--- a/docs/ICCV-2019-SETN.md
+++ b/docs/ICCV-2019-SETN.md
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts/nas-infer-train.sh cifar100 SETN 96 -1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash ./scripts/nas-infer-train.sh imagenet-1k SETN 256 -1
+### Searching on the NASNet search space
+Please use the following scripts to use SETN to search as in the original paper:
+CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-SETN.sh cifar10 1 -1
+### Searching on the NAS-Bench-201 search space
The searching codes of SETN on a small search space (NAS-Bench-201).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts-search/algos/SETN.sh cifar10 1 -1
diff --git a/docs/NAS-Bench-201.md b/docs/NAS-Bench-201.md
index e01191c..3fbdb86 100644
--- a/docs/NAS-Bench-201.md
+++ b/docs/NAS-Bench-201.md
@@ -146,6 +146,10 @@ api.get_more_info(112, 'cifar10', None, False, True)
api.get_more_info(112, 'ImageNet16-120', None, False, True) # the info of last training epoch for 112-th architecture (use 200-epoch-hyper-parameter and randomly select a trial)
+Please use the following script to show the best architectures on each dataset:
+```show the best architecture
+python exps/NAS-Bench-201/show-best.py
## Instruction to Re-Generate NAS-Bench-201
diff --git a/exps/NAS-Bench-201/check.py b/exps/NAS-Bench-201/check.py
index 165f094..5e04ff5 100644
--- a/exps/NAS-Bench-201/check.py
+++ b/exps/NAS-Bench-201/check.py
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
# python exps/NAS-Bench-201/check.py --base_save_dir
-import os, sys, time, argparse, collections
-from shutil import copyfile
+import sys, time, argparse, collections
import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / '..' / 'lib').resolve()
diff --git a/exps/NAS-Bench-201/show-best.py b/exps/NAS-Bench-201/show-best.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90bb644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exps/NAS-Bench-201/show-best.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020.01 #
+# python exps/NAS-Bench-201/show-best.py --api_path $HOME/.torch/NAS-Bench-201-v1_0-e61699.pth #
+import os, sys, time, glob, random, argparse
+from pathlib import Path
+lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / '..' / 'lib').resolve()
+if str(lib_dir) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir))
+from nas_201_api import NASBench201API as API
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Analysis of NAS-Bench-201")
+ parser.add_argument('--api_path', type=str, default=None, help='The path to the NAS-Bench-201 benchmark file.')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ meta_file = Path(args.api_path)
+ assert meta_file.exists(), 'invalid path for api : {:}'.format(meta_file)
+ api = API(str(meta_file))
+ # This will show the results of the best architecture based on the validation set of each dataset.
+ arch_index, accuracy = api.find_best('cifar10-valid', 'x-valid', None, None, False)
+ print('FOR CIFAR-010, using the hyper-parameters with 200 training epochs :::')
+ print('arch-index={:5d}, arch={:}'.format(arch_index, api.arch(arch_index)))
+ api.show(arch_index)
+ print('')
+ arch_index, accuracy = api.find_best('cifar100', 'x-valid', None, None, False)
+ print('FOR CIFAR-100, using the hyper-parameters with 200 training epochs :::')
+ print('arch-index={:5d}, arch={:}'.format(arch_index, api.arch(arch_index)))
+ api.show(arch_index)
+ print('')
+ arch_index, accuracy = api.find_best('ImageNet16-120', 'x-valid', None, None, False)
+ print('FOR ImageNet16-120, using the hyper-parameters with 200 training epochs :::')
+ print('arch-index={:5d}, arch={:}'.format(arch_index, api.arch(arch_index)))
+ api.show(arch_index)
+ print('')
diff --git a/exps/NAS-Bench-201/xshapes.py b/exps/NAS-Bench-201/xshapes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7bc7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exps/NAS-Bench-201/xshapes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# NAS-Bench-201, ICLR 2020 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.00326) #
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
+import os, sys, time, torch, argparse
+from typing import List, Text, Dict, Any
+from PIL import ImageFile
+from copy import deepcopy
+from pathlib import Path
+lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / '..' / 'lib').resolve()
+if str(lib_dir) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir))
+from config_utils import dict2config, load_config
+from procedures import bench_evaluate_for_seed
+from procedures import get_machine_info
+from datasets import get_datasets
+from log_utils import Logger, AverageMeter, time_string, convert_secs2time
+def evaluate_all_datasets(channels: Text, datasets: List[Text], xpaths: List[Text],
+ splits: List[Text], config_path: Text, seed: int, workers: int, logger):
+ machine_info = get_machine_info()
+ all_infos = {'info': machine_info}
+ all_dataset_keys = []
+ # look all the datasets
+ for dataset, xpath, split in zip(datasets, xpaths, splits):
+ # train valid data
+ train_data, valid_data, xshape, class_num = get_datasets(dataset, xpath, -1)
+ # load the configurature
+ if dataset == 'cifar10' or dataset == 'cifar100':
+ split_info = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/cifar-split.txt', None, None)
+ elif dataset.startswith('ImageNet16'):
+ split_info = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/{:}-split.txt'.format(dataset), None, None)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('invalid dataset : {:}'.format(dataset))
+ config = load_config(config_path, dict(class_num=class_num, xshape=xshape), logger)
+ # check whether use splited validation set
+ if bool(split):
+ assert dataset == 'cifar10'
+ ValLoaders = {'ori-test': torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)}
+ assert len(train_data) == len(split_info.train) + len(split_info.valid), 'invalid length : {:} vs {:} + {:}'.format(len(train_data), len(split_info.train), len(split_info.valid))
+ train_data_v2 = deepcopy(train_data)
+ train_data_v2.transform = valid_data.transform
+ valid_data = train_data_v2
+ # data loader
+ train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(split_info.train), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
+ valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(split_info.valid), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
+ ValLoaders['x-valid'] = valid_loader
+ else:
+ # data loader
+ train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True , num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
+ valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
+ if dataset == 'cifar10':
+ ValLoaders = {'ori-test': valid_loader}
+ elif dataset == 'cifar100':
+ cifar100_splits = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/cifar100-test-split.txt', None, None)
+ ValLoaders = {'ori-test': valid_loader,
+ 'x-valid' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(cifar100_splits.xvalid), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True),
+ 'x-test' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(cifar100_splits.xtest ), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
+ }
+ elif dataset == 'ImageNet16-120':
+ imagenet16_splits = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/imagenet-16-120-test-split.txt', None, None)
+ ValLoaders = {'ori-test': valid_loader,
+ 'x-valid' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(imagenet16_splits.xvalid), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True),
+ 'x-test' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(imagenet16_splits.xtest ), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
+ }
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('invalid dataset : {:}'.format(dataset))
+ dataset_key = '{:}'.format(dataset)
+ if bool(split): dataset_key = dataset_key + '-valid'
+ logger.log('Evaluate ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Train-Num={:}, Valid-Num={:}, Train-Loader-Num={:}, Valid-Loader-Num={:}, batch size={:}'.format(dataset_key, len(train_data), len(valid_data), len(train_loader), len(valid_loader), config.batch_size))
+ logger.log('Evaluate ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Config={:}'.format(dataset_key, config))
+ for key, value in ValLoaders.items():
+ logger.log('Evaluate ---->>>> {:10s} with {:} batchs'.format(key, len(value)))
+ # arch-index= 9930, arch=|nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|nor_conv_3x3~2|
+ # this genotype is the architecture with the highest accuracy on CIFAR-100 validation set
+ genotype = '|nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|nor_conv_3x3~2|'
+ arch_config = dict2config(dict(name='infer.shape.tiny', channels=channels, genotype=genotype, num_classes=class_num), None)
+ results = bench_evaluate_for_seed(arch_config, config, train_loader, ValLoaders, seed, logger)
+ all_infos[dataset_key] = results
+ all_dataset_keys.append( dataset_key )
+ all_infos['all_dataset_keys'] = all_dataset_keys
+ return all_infos
+def main(save_dir: Path, workers: int, datasets: List[Text], xpaths: List[Text],
+ splits: List[int], seeds: List[int], nets: List[str], opt_config: Dict[Text, Any],
+ srange: tuple, cover_mode: bool):
+ assert torch.cuda.is_available(), 'CUDA is not available.'
+ torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
+ torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
+ torch.set_num_threads(workers)
+ log_dir = save_dir / 'logs'
+ log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ logger = Logger(str(log_dir), 0, False)
+ logger.log('xargs : seeds = {:}'.format(seeds))
+ logger.log('xargs : cover_mode = {:}'.format(cover_mode))
+ logger.log('-' * 100)
+ logger.log(
+ 'Start evaluating range =: {:06d} - {:06d} / {:06d} with cover-mode={:}'.format(srange[0], srange[1], len(nets),
+ cover_mode))
+ for i, (dataset, xpath, split) in enumerate(zip(datasets, xpaths, splits)):
+ logger.log(
+ '--->>> Evaluate {:}/{:} : dataset={:9s}, path={:}, split={:}'.format(i, len(datasets), dataset, xpath, split))
+ logger.log('--->>> optimization config : {:}'.format(opt_config))
+ to_evaluate_indexes = list(range(srange[0], srange[1] + 1))
+ start_time, epoch_time = time.time(), AverageMeter()
+ for i, index in enumerate(to_evaluate_indexes):
+ channelstr = nets[index]
+ logger.log('\n{:} evaluate {:06d}/{:06d} ({:06d}/{:06d})-th arch [seeds={:}] {:}'.format(time_string(), i,
+ len(to_evaluate_indexes), index, len(nets), seeds, '-' * 15))
+ logger.log('{:} {:} {:}'.format('-' * 15, channelstr, '-' * 15))
+ # test this arch on different datasets with different seeds
+ has_continue = False
+ for seed in seeds:
+ to_save_name = save_dir / 'arch-{:06d}-seed-{:04d}.pth'.format(index, seed)
+ if to_save_name.exists():
+ if cover_mode:
+ logger.log('Find existing file : {:}, remove it before evaluation'.format(to_save_name))
+ os.remove(str(to_save_name))
+ else:
+ logger.log('Find existing file : {:}, skip this evaluation'.format(to_save_name))
+ has_continue = True
+ continue
+ results = evaluate_all_datasets(channelstr, datasets, xpaths, splits, opt_config, seed, workers, logger)
+ torch.save(results, to_save_name)
+ logger.log('\n{:} evaluate {:06d}/{:06d} ({:06d}/{:06d})-th arch [seeds={:}] ===>>> {:}'.format(time_string(), i,
+ len(to_evaluate_indexes), index, len(nets), seeds, to_save_name))
+ # measure elapsed time
+ if not has_continue: epoch_time.update(time.time() - start_time)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ need_time = 'Time Left: {:}'.format(convert_secs2time(epoch_time.avg * (len(to_evaluate_indexes) - i - 1), True))
+ logger.log('This arch costs : {:}'.format(convert_secs2time(epoch_time.val, True)))
+ logger.log('{:}'.format('*' * 100))
+ logger.log('{:} {:74s} {:}'.format('*' * 10, '{:06d}/{:06d} ({:06d}/{:06d})-th done, left {:}'.format(i, len(
+ to_evaluate_indexes), index, len(nets), need_time), '*' * 10))
+ logger.log('{:}'.format('*' * 100))
+ logger.close()
+def traverse_net(candidates: List[int], N: int):
+ nets = ['']
+ for i in range(N):
+ new_nets = []
+ for net in nets:
+ for C in candidates:
+ new_nets.append(str(C) if net == '' else "{:}:{:}".format(net,C))
+ nets = new_nets
+ return nets
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NAS-Bench-X', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, required=True, choices=['new', 'cover'], help='The script mode.')
+ parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, default='output/NAS-BENCH-202', help='Folder to save checkpoints and log.')
+ parser.add_argument('--candidateC', type=int, nargs='+', default=[8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64], help='.')
+ parser.add_argument('--num_layers', type=int, default=5, help='The number of layers in a network.')
+ parser.add_argument('--check_N', type=int, default=32768, help='For safety.')
+ # use for train the model
+ parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8, help='The number of data loading workers (default: 2)')
+ parser.add_argument('--srange' , type=str, required=True, help='The range of models to be evaluated')
+ parser.add_argument('--datasets', type=str, nargs='+', help='The applied datasets.')
+ parser.add_argument('--xpaths', type=str, nargs='+', help='The root path for this dataset.')
+ parser.add_argument('--splits', type=int, nargs='+', help='The root path for this dataset.')
+ parser.add_argument('--hyper', type=str, default='12', choices=['12', '90'], help='The tag for hyper-parameters.')
+ parser.add_argument('--seeds' , type=int, nargs='+', help='The range of models to be evaluated')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ nets = traverse_net(args.candidateC, args.num_layers)
+ if len(nets) != args.check_N: raise ValueError('Pre-num-check failed : {:} vs {:}'.format(len(nets), args.check_N))
+ opt_config = './configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/{:}E.config'.format(args.hyper)
+ if not os.path.isfile(opt_config): raise ValueError('{:} is not a file.'.format(opt_config))
+ save_dir = Path(args.save_dir) / 'raw-data-{:}'.format(args.hyper)
+ save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ if not isinstance(args.srange, str) or len(args.srange.split('-')) != 2:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid scheme for {:}'.format(args.srange))
+ srange = args.srange.split('-')
+ srange = (int(srange[0]), int(srange[1]))
+ assert 0 <= srange[0] <= srange[1] < args.check_N, '{:} vs {:} vs {:}'.format(srange[0], srange[1], args.check_N)
+ assert len(args.seeds) > 0, 'invalid length of seeds args: {:}'.format(args.seeds)
+ assert len(args.datasets) == len(args.xpaths) == len(args.splits), 'invalid infos : {:} vs {:} vs {:}'.format(len(args.datasets), len(args.xpaths), len(args.splits))
+ assert args.workers > 0, 'invalid number of workers : {:}'.format(args.workers)
+ main(save_dir, args.workers, args.datasets, args.xpaths, args.splits, tuple(args.seeds), nets, opt_config,
+ srange, args.mode == 'cover')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/exps/algos/GDAS.py b/exps/algos/GDAS.py
index ad70543..bd82c34 100644
--- a/exps/algos/GDAS.py
+++ b/exps/algos/GDAS.py
@@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
# Searching for A Robust Neural Architecture in Four GPU Hours, CVPR 2019 #
-import os, sys, time, random, argparse
-import numpy as np
+import sys, time, random, argparse
from copy import deepcopy
import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
from pathlib import Path
lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / '..' / 'lib').resolve()
if str(lib_dir) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir))
@@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ def main(xargs):
logger.log('w-scheduler : {:}'.format(w_scheduler))
logger.log('criterion : {:}'.format(criterion))
flop, param = get_model_infos(search_model, xshape)
- #logger.log('{:}'.format(search_model))
logger.log('FLOP = {:.2f} M, Params = {:.2f} MB'.format(flop, param))
logger.log('search-space [{:} ops] : {:}'.format(len(search_space), search_space))
if xargs.arch_nas_dataset is None:
diff --git a/exps/algos/SETN.py b/exps/algos/SETN.py
index 68321ec..0766cb7 100644
--- a/exps/algos/SETN.py
+++ b/exps/algos/SETN.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# One-Shot Neural Architecture Search via Self-Evaluated Template Network, ICCV 2019 #
-import os, sys, time, glob, random, argparse
+import sys, time, random, argparse
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import torch
@@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ def get_best_arch(xloader, network, n_samples):
_, logits = network(inputs)
val_top1, val_top5 = obtain_accuracy(logits.cpu().data, targets.data, topk=(1, 5))
- valid_accs.append( val_top1.item() )
- #print ('--- {:}/{:} : {:} : {:}'.format(i, len(archs), sampled_arch, val_top1))
+ valid_accs.append(val_top1.item())
best_idx = np.argmax(valid_accs)
best_arch, best_valid_acc = archs[best_idx], valid_accs[best_idx]
@@ -142,10 +141,13 @@ def main(xargs):
logger.log('||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Config={:}'.format(xargs.dataset, config))
search_space = get_search_spaces('cell', xargs.search_space_name)
- model_config = dict2config({'name': 'SETN', 'C': xargs.channel, 'N': xargs.num_cells,
- 'max_nodes': xargs.max_nodes, 'num_classes': class_num,
- 'space' : search_space,
- 'affine' : False, 'track_running_stats': bool(xargs.track_running_stats)}, None)
+ if xargs.model_config is None:
+ model_config = dict2config(
+ dict(name='SETN', C=xargs.channel, N=xargs.num_cells, max_nodes=xargs.max_nodes, num_classes=class_num,
+ space=search_space, affine=False, track_running_stats=bool(xargs.track_running_stats)), None)
+ else:
+ model_config = load_config(xargs.model_config, dict(num_classes=class_num, space=search_space, affine=False,
+ track_running_stats=bool(xargs.track_running_stats)), None)
logger.log('search space : {:}'.format(search_space))
search_model = get_cell_based_tiny_net(model_config)
@@ -156,7 +158,6 @@ def main(xargs):
logger.log('w-scheduler : {:}'.format(w_scheduler))
logger.log('criterion : {:}'.format(criterion))
flop, param = get_model_infos(search_model, xshape)
- #logger.log('{:}'.format(search_model))
logger.log('FLOP = {:.2f} M, Params = {:.2f} MB'.format(flop, param))
logger.log('search-space : {:}'.format(search_space))
if xargs.arch_nas_dataset is None:
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ def main(xargs):
'last_checkpoint': save_path,
}, logger.path('info'), logger)
with torch.no_grad():
- logger.log('arch-parameters :\n{:}'.format( nn.functional.softmax(search_model.arch_parameters, dim=-1).cpu() ))
+ logger.log('{:}'.format(search_model.show_alphas()))
if api is not None: logger.log('{:}'.format(api.query_by_arch( genotypes[epoch] )))
# measure elapsed time
epoch_time.update(time.time() - start_time)
diff --git a/lib/config_utils/attention_args.py b/lib/config_utils/attention_args.py
index aec0915..1f95b93 100644
--- a/lib/config_utils/attention_args.py
+++ b/lib/config_utils/attention_args.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import os, sys, time, random, argparse
+import random, argparse
from .share_args import add_shared_args
def obtain_attention_args():
diff --git a/lib/config_utils/basic_args.py b/lib/config_utils/basic_args.py
index 45d7430..e89c86e 100644
--- a/lib/config_utils/basic_args.py
+++ b/lib/config_utils/basic_args.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020 #
-import os, sys, time, random, argparse
+import random, argparse
from .share_args import add_shared_args
def obtain_basic_args():
diff --git a/lib/config_utils/cls_init_args.py b/lib/config_utils/cls_init_args.py
index c1f9e43..32e3125 100644
--- a/lib/config_utils/cls_init_args.py
+++ b/lib/config_utils/cls_init_args.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import os, sys, time, random, argparse
+import random, argparse
from .share_args import add_shared_args
def obtain_cls_init_args():
diff --git a/lib/config_utils/cls_kd_args.py b/lib/config_utils/cls_kd_args.py
index 1f70584..4020510 100644
--- a/lib/config_utils/cls_kd_args.py
+++ b/lib/config_utils/cls_kd_args.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import os, sys, time, random, argparse
+import random, argparse
from .share_args import add_shared_args
def obtain_cls_kd_args():
diff --git a/lib/config_utils/configure_utils.py b/lib/config_utils/configure_utils.py
index ef96f71..125e68e 100644
--- a/lib/config_utils/configure_utils.py
+++ b/lib/config_utils/configure_utils.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-import os, sys, json
+import os, json
from os import path as osp
from pathlib import Path
from collections import namedtuple
diff --git a/lib/models/__init__.py b/lib/models/__init__.py
index 7e98999..aa16975 100644
--- a/lib/models/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/models/__init__.py
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ def get_cell_based_tiny_net(config):
genotype = CellStructure.str2structure(config.arch_str)
else: raise ValueError('Can not find genotype from this config : {:}'.format(config))
return TinyNetwork(config.C, config.N, genotype, config.num_classes)
+ elif config.name == 'infer.shape.tiny':
+ from .shape_infers import DynamicShapeTinyNet
+ if isinstance(config.channels, str):
+ channels = tuple([int(x) for x in config.channels.split(':')])
+ else: channels = config.channels
+ genotype = CellStructure.str2structure(config.genotype)
+ return DynamicShapeTinyNet(channels, genotype, config.num_classes)
elif config.name == 'infer.nasnet-cifar':
from .cell_infers import NASNetonCIFAR
raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/lib/models/cell_infers/tiny_network.py b/lib/models/cell_infers/tiny_network.py
index bb5000f..6dd72b3 100644
--- a/lib/models/cell_infers/tiny_network.py
+++ b/lib/models/cell_infers/tiny_network.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
-import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ..cell_operations import ResNetBasicblock
from .cells import InferCell
diff --git a/lib/models/cell_operations.py b/lib/models/cell_operations.py
index ce66794..d8d0077 100644
--- a/lib/models/cell_operations.py
+++ b/lib/models/cell_operations.py
@@ -172,14 +172,19 @@ class FactorizedReduce(nn.Module):
for i in range(2):
self.convs.append( nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_outs[i], 1, stride=stride, padding=0, bias=False) )
self.pad = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 1, 0, 1), 0)
+ elif stride == 1:
+ self.conv = nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_out, 1, stride=stride, padding=0, bias=False)
raise ValueError('Invalid stride : {:}'.format(stride))
self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine, track_running_stats=track_running_stats)
def forward(self, x):
- x = self.relu(x)
- y = self.pad(x)
- out = torch.cat([self.convs[0](x), self.convs[1](y[:,:,1:,1:])], dim=1)
+ if self.stride == 2:
+ x = self.relu(x)
+ y = self.pad(x)
+ out = torch.cat([self.convs[0](x), self.convs[1](y[:,:,1:,1:])], dim=1)
+ else:
+ out = self.conv(x)
out = self.bn(out)
return out
diff --git a/lib/models/cell_searchs/__init__.py b/lib/models/cell_searchs/__init__.py
index fd62f14..8454f8e 100644
--- a/lib/models/cell_searchs/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/models/cell_searchs/__init__.py
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ from .search_model_darts_nasnet import NASNetworkDARTS
nas201_super_nets = {'DARTS-V1': TinyNetworkDarts,
- 'DARTS-V2': TinyNetworkDarts,
- 'GDAS' : TinyNetworkGDAS,
- 'SETN' : TinyNetworkSETN,
- 'ENAS' : TinyNetworkENAS,
- 'RANDOM' : TinyNetworkRANDOM}
+ "DARTS-V2": TinyNetworkDarts,
+ "GDAS": TinyNetworkGDAS,
+ "SETN": TinyNetworkSETN,
+ "ENAS": TinyNetworkENAS,
+ "RANDOM": TinyNetworkRANDOM}
-nasnet_super_nets = {'GDAS' : NASNetworkGDAS,
+nasnet_super_nets = {"GDAS": NASNetworkGDAS,
diff --git a/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_darts_nasnet.py b/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_darts_nasnet.py
index e31fb10..6f01186 100644
--- a/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_darts_nasnet.py
+++ b/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_darts_nasnet.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# DARTS, ICLR 2019 #
+# DARTS, ICLR 2019 #
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ from .search_cells import NASNetSearchCell as SearchCell
# The macro structure is based on NASNet
class NASNetworkDARTS(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, C: int, N: int, steps: int, multiplier: int, stem_multiplier: int, num_classes: int, search_space: List[Text], affine: bool, track_running_stats: bool):
+ def __init__(self, C: int, N: int, steps: int, multiplier: int, stem_multiplier: int,
+ num_classes: int, search_space: List[Text], affine: bool, track_running_stats: bool):
super(NASNetworkDARTS, self).__init__()
self._C = C
self._layerN = N
diff --git a/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_setn_nasnet.py b/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_setn_nasnet.py
index 7218261..9082032 100644
--- a/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_setn_nasnet.py
+++ b/lib/models/cell_searchs/search_model_setn_nasnet.py
@@ -6,14 +6,15 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import List, Text, Dict
from .search_cells import NASNetSearchCell as SearchCell
-from .genotypes import Structure
# The macro structure is based on NASNet
class NASNetworkSETN(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, C, N, steps, multiplier, stem_multiplier, num_classes, search_space, affine, track_running_stats):
+ def __init__(self, C: int, N: int, steps: int, multiplier: int, stem_multiplier: int,
+ num_classes: int, search_space: List[Text], affine: bool, track_running_stats: bool):
super(NASNetworkSETN, self).__init__()
self._C = C
self._layerN = N
@@ -45,6 +46,16 @@ class NASNetworkSETN(nn.Module):
self.classifier = nn.Linear(C_prev, num_classes)
self.arch_normal_parameters = nn.Parameter( 1e-3*torch.randn(num_edge, len(search_space)) )
self.arch_reduce_parameters = nn.Parameter( 1e-3*torch.randn(num_edge, len(search_space)) )
+ self.mode = 'urs'
+ self.dynamic_cell = None
+ def set_cal_mode(self, mode, dynamic_cell=None):
+ assert mode in ['urs', 'joint', 'select', 'dynamic']
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'dynamic':
+ self.dynamic_cell = deepcopy(dynamic_cell)
+ else:
+ self.dynamic_cell = None
def get_weights(self):
xlist = list( self.stem.parameters() ) + list( self.cells.parameters() )
@@ -70,6 +81,24 @@ class NASNetworkSETN(nn.Module):
def extra_repr(self):
return ('{name}(C={_C}, N={_layerN}, steps={_steps}, multiplier={_multiplier}, L={_Layer})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__))
+ def dync_genotype(self, use_random=False):
+ genotypes = []
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ alphas_cpu = nn.functional.softmax(self.arch_parameters, dim=-1)
+ for i in range(1, self.max_nodes):
+ xlist = []
+ for j in range(i):
+ node_str = '{:}<-{:}'.format(i, j)
+ if use_random:
+ op_name = random.choice(self.op_names)
+ else:
+ weights = alphas_cpu[ self.edge2index[node_str] ]
+ op_index = torch.multinomial(weights, 1).item()
+ op_name = self.op_names[ op_index ]
+ xlist.append((op_name, j))
+ genotypes.append( tuple(xlist) )
+ return Structure( genotypes )
def genotype(self):
def _parse(weights):
gene = []
@@ -94,9 +123,6 @@ class NASNetworkSETN(nn.Module):
def forward(self, inputs):
normal_hardwts = nn.functional.softmax(self.arch_normal_parameters, dim=-1)
reduce_hardwts = nn.functional.softmax(self.arch_reduce_parameters, dim=-1)
- with torch.no_grad():
- normal_hardwts_cpu = normal_hardwts.detach().cpu()
- reduce_hardwts_cpu = reduce_hardwts.detach().cpu()
s0 = s1 = self.stem(inputs)
for i, cell in enumerate(self.cells):
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet.py
index f6d65d8..a6524d6 100644
--- a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet.py
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-import math, torch
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ..initialization import initialize_resnet
-from ..SharedUtils import additive_func
class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_depth.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_depth.py
index 8a71cea..d773fc5 100644
--- a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_depth.py
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_depth.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-import math, torch
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ..initialization import initialize_resnet
-from ..SharedUtils import additive_func
class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_width.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_width.py
index 06dbfa6..7183875 100644
--- a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_width.py
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferCifarResNet_width.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-import math
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ..initialization import initialize_resnet
-from ..SharedUtils import additive_func
class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferImagenetResNet.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferImagenetResNet.py
index 13e054f..8f06db7 100644
--- a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferImagenetResNet.py
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferImagenetResNet.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-import math, torch
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ..initialization import initialize_resnet
-from ..SharedUtils import additive_func
class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferMobileNetV2.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferMobileNetV2.py
index f30c000..d072b99 100644
--- a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferMobileNetV2.py
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferMobileNetV2.py
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
# MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks, CVPR 2018
from torch import nn
from ..initialization import initialize_resnet
-from ..SharedUtils import additive_func, parse_channel_info
+from ..SharedUtils import parse_channel_info
class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/InferTinyCellNet.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferTinyCellNet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92c222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/InferTinyCellNet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
+from typing import List, Text, Any
+import torch.nn as nn
+from models.cell_operations import ResNetBasicblock
+from models.cell_infers.cells import InferCell
+class DynamicShapeTinyNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, channels: List[int], genotype: Any, num_classes: int):
+ super(DynamicShapeTinyNet, self).__init__()
+ self._channels = channels
+ if len(channels) % 3 != 2:
+ raise ValueError('invalid number of layers : {:}'.format(len(channels)))
+ self._num_stage = N = len(channels) // 3
+ self.stem = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(3, channels[0], kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=False),
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(channels[0]))
+ # layer_channels = [C ] * N + [C*2 ] + [C*2 ] * N + [C*4 ] + [C*4 ] * N
+ layer_reductions = [False] * N + [True] + [False] * N + [True] + [False] * N
+ c_prev = channels[0]
+ self.cells = nn.ModuleList()
+ for index, (c_curr, reduction) in enumerate(zip(channels, layer_reductions)):
+ if reduction : cell = ResNetBasicblock(c_prev, c_curr, 2, True)
+ else : cell = InferCell(genotype, c_prev, c_curr, 1)
+ self.cells.append( cell )
+ c_prev = cell.out_dim
+ self._num_layer = len(self.cells)
+ self.lastact = nn.Sequential(nn.BatchNorm2d(c_prev), nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.global_pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
+ self.classifier = nn.Linear(c_prev, num_classes)
+ def get_message(self) -> Text:
+ string = self.extra_repr()
+ for i, cell in enumerate(self.cells):
+ string += '\n {:02d}/{:02d} :: {:}'.format(i, len(self.cells), cell.extra_repr())
+ return string
+ def extra_repr(self):
+ return ('{name}(C={_channels}, N={_num_stage}, L={_num_layer})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__))
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ feature = self.stem(inputs)
+ for i, cell in enumerate(self.cells):
+ feature = cell(feature)
+ out = self.lastact(feature)
+ out = self.global_pooling( out )
+ out = out.view(out.size(0), -1)
+ logits = self.classifier(out)
+ return out, logits
diff --git a/lib/models/shape_infers/__init__.py b/lib/models/shape_infers/__init__.py
index af84106..0f6cf36 100644
--- a/lib/models/shape_infers/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/models/shape_infers/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.01 #
from .InferCifarResNet_width import InferWidthCifarResNet
-from .InferImagenetResNet import InferImagenetResNet
+from .InferImagenetResNet import InferImagenetResNet
from .InferCifarResNet_depth import InferDepthCifarResNet
-from .InferCifarResNet import InferCifarResNet
-from .InferMobileNetV2 import InferMobileNetV2
+from .InferCifarResNet import InferCifarResNet
+from .InferMobileNetV2 import InferMobileNetV2
+from .InferTinyCellNet import DynamicShapeTinyNet
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/nas_201_api/api.py b/lib/nas_201_api/api.py
index fcb4bc8..88b1a3a 100644
--- a/lib/nas_201_api/api.py
+++ b/lib/nas_201_api/api.py
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
# [2020.03.08] Next version (coming soon)
-import os, sys, copy, random, torch, numpy as np
+import os, copy, random, torch, numpy as np
+from typing import List, Text, Union, Dict, Any
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ This is the class for API of NAS-Bench-201.
class NASBench201API(object):
""" The initialization function that takes the dataset file path (or a dict loaded from that path) as input. """
- def __init__(self, file_path_or_dict, verbose=True):
+ def __init__(self, file_path_or_dict: Union[Text, Dict], verbose: bool=True):
if isinstance(file_path_or_dict, str):
if verbose: print('try to create the NAS-Bench-201 api from {:}'.format(file_path_or_dict))
assert os.path.isfile(file_path_or_dict), 'invalid path : {:}'.format(file_path_or_dict)
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
assert arch not in self.archstr2index, 'This [{:}]-th arch {:} already in the dict ({:}).'.format(idx, arch, self.archstr2index[arch])
self.archstr2index[ arch ] = idx
- def __getitem__(self, index):
+ def __getitem__(self, index: int):
return copy.deepcopy( self.meta_archs[index] )
def __len__(self):
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
# Overwrite all information of the 'index'-th architecture in the search space.
# It will load its data from 'archive_root'.
- def reload(self, archive_root, index):
+ def reload(self, archive_root: Text, index: int):
assert os.path.isdir(archive_root), 'invalid directory : {:}'.format(archive_root)
xfile_path = os.path.join(archive_root, '{:06d}-FULL.pth'.format(index))
assert 0 <= index < len(self.meta_archs), 'invalid index of {:}'.format(index)
@@ -141,7 +142,8 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
# -- cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training + validation set.
# -- cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR-100 training set.
# -- ImageNet16-120 : training the model on the ImageNet16-120 training set.
- def query_by_index(self, arch_index, dataname=None, use_12epochs_result=False):
+ def query_by_index(self, arch_index: int, dataname: Union[None, Text] = None,
+ use_12epochs_result: bool = False):
if use_12epochs_result: basestr, arch2infos = '12epochs' , self.arch2infos_less
else : basestr, arch2infos = '200epochs', self.arch2infos_full
assert arch_index in arch2infos, 'arch_index [{:}] does not in arch2info with {:}'.format(arch_index, basestr)
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
return best_index, highest_accuracy
# return the topology structure of the `index`-th architecture
- def arch(self, index):
+ def arch(self, index: int):
assert 0 <= index < len(self.meta_archs), 'invalid index : {:} vs. {:}.'.format(index, len(self.meta_archs))
return copy.deepcopy(self.meta_archs[index])
@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
# `is_random`
# When is_random=True, the performance of a random architecture will be returned
# When is_random=False, the performanceo of all trials will be averaged.
- def get_more_info(self, index, dataset, iepoch=None, use_12epochs_result=False, is_random=True):
+ def get_more_info(self, index: int, dataset, iepoch=None, use_12epochs_result=False, is_random=True):
if use_12epochs_result: basestr, arch2infos = '12epochs' , self.arch2infos_less
else : basestr, arch2infos = '200epochs', self.arch2infos_full
archresult = arch2infos[index]
@@ -301,7 +303,7 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
If the index < 0: it will loop for all architectures and print their information one by one.
else: it will print the information of the 'index'-th archiitecture.
- def show(self, index=-1):
+ def show(self, index: int = -1) -> None:
if index < 0: # show all architectures
for i, idx in enumerate(self.evaluated_indexes):
@@ -336,8 +338,8 @@ class NASBench201API(object):
# for i, node in enumerate(arch):
# print('the {:}-th node is the sum of these {:} nodes with op: {:}'.format(i+1, len(node), node))
- def str2lists(xstr):
- assert isinstance(xstr, str), 'must take string (not {:}) as input'.format(type(xstr))
+ def str2lists(xstr: Text) -> List[Any]:
+ # assert isinstance(xstr, str), 'must take string (not {:}) as input'.format(type(xstr))
nodestrs = xstr.split('+')
genotypes = []
for i, node_str in enumerate(nodestrs):
diff --git a/lib/procedures/__init__.py b/lib/procedures/__init__.py
index 7950c66..983fda4 100644
--- a/lib/procedures/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/procedures/__init__.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
from .starts import prepare_seed, prepare_logger, get_machine_info, save_checkpoint, copy_checkpoint
from .optimizers import get_optim_scheduler
+from .funcs_nasbench import evaluate_for_seed as bench_evaluate_for_seed
+from .funcs_nasbench import pure_evaluate as bench_pure_evaluate
def get_procedures(procedure):
from .basic_main import basic_train, basic_valid
diff --git a/lib/procedures/funcs_nasbench.py b/lib/procedures/funcs_nasbench.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233bf91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/procedures/funcs_nasbench.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
+import time, torch
+from procedures import prepare_seed, get_optim_scheduler
+from utils import get_model_infos, obtain_accuracy
+from log_utils import AverageMeter, time_string, convert_secs2time
+from models import get_cell_based_tiny_net
+__all__ = ['evaluate_for_seed', 'pure_evaluate']
+def pure_evaluate(xloader, network, criterion=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()):
+ data_time, batch_time, batch = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), None
+ losses, top1, top5 = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), AverageMeter()
+ latencies = []
+ network.eval()
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ end = time.time()
+ for i, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(xloader):
+ targets = targets.cuda(non_blocking=True)
+ inputs = inputs.cuda(non_blocking=True)
+ data_time.update(time.time() - end)
+ # forward
+ features, logits = network(inputs)
+ loss = criterion(logits, targets)
+ batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
+ if batch is None or batch == inputs.size(0):
+ batch = inputs.size(0)
+ latencies.append( batch_time.val - data_time.val )
+ # record loss and accuracy
+ prec1, prec5 = obtain_accuracy(logits.data, targets.data, topk=(1, 5))
+ losses.update(loss.item(), inputs.size(0))
+ top1.update (prec1.item(), inputs.size(0))
+ top5.update (prec5.item(), inputs.size(0))
+ end = time.time()
+ if len(latencies) > 2: latencies = latencies[1:]
+ return losses.avg, top1.avg, top5.avg, latencies
+def procedure(xloader, network, criterion, scheduler, optimizer, mode: str):
+ losses, top1, top5 = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), AverageMeter()
+ if mode == 'train' : network.train()
+ elif mode == 'valid': network.eval()
+ else: raise ValueError("The mode is not right : {:}".format(mode))
+ data_time, batch_time, end = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), time.time()
+ for i, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(xloader):
+ if mode == 'train': scheduler.update(None, 1.0 * i / len(xloader))
+ targets = targets.cuda(non_blocking=True)
+ if mode == 'train': optimizer.zero_grad()
+ # forward
+ features, logits = network(inputs)
+ loss = criterion(logits, targets)
+ # backward
+ if mode == 'train':
+ loss.backward()
+ optimizer.step()
+ # record loss and accuracy
+ prec1, prec5 = obtain_accuracy(logits.data, targets.data, topk=(1, 5))
+ losses.update(loss.item(), inputs.size(0))
+ top1.update (prec1.item(), inputs.size(0))
+ top5.update (prec5.item(), inputs.size(0))
+ # count time
+ batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
+ end = time.time()
+ return losses.avg, top1.avg, top5.avg, batch_time.sum
+def evaluate_for_seed(arch_config, opt_config, train_loader, valid_loaders, seed: int, logger):
+ prepare_seed(seed) # random seed
+ net = get_cell_based_tiny_net(arch_config)
+ #net = TinyNetwork(arch_config['channel'], arch_config['num_cells'], arch, config.class_num)
+ flop, param = get_model_infos(net, opt_config.xshape)
+ logger.log('Network : {:}'.format(net.get_message()), False)
+ logger.log('{:} Seed-------------------------- {:} --------------------------'.format(time_string(), seed))
+ logger.log('FLOP = {:} MB, Param = {:} MB'.format(flop, param))
+ # train and valid
+ optimizer, scheduler, criterion = get_optim_scheduler(net.parameters(), opt_config)
+ network, criterion = torch.nn.DataParallel(net).cuda(), criterion.cuda()
+ # start training
+ start_time, epoch_time, total_epoch = time.time(), AverageMeter(), opt_config.epochs + opt_config.warmup
+ train_losses, train_acc1es, train_acc5es, valid_losses, valid_acc1es, valid_acc5es = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
+ train_times , valid_times, lrs = {}, {}, {}
+ for epoch in range(total_epoch):
+ scheduler.update(epoch, 0.0)
+ lr = min(scheduler.get_lr())
+ train_loss, train_acc1, train_acc5, train_tm = procedure(train_loader, network, criterion, scheduler, optimizer, 'train')
+ train_losses[epoch] = train_loss
+ train_acc1es[epoch] = train_acc1
+ train_acc5es[epoch] = train_acc5
+ train_times [epoch] = train_tm
+ lrs[epoch] = lr
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ for key, xloder in valid_loaders.items():
+ valid_loss, valid_acc1, valid_acc5, valid_tm = procedure(xloder , network, criterion, None, None, 'valid')
+ valid_losses['{:}@{:}'.format(key,epoch)] = valid_loss
+ valid_acc1es['{:}@{:}'.format(key,epoch)] = valid_acc1
+ valid_acc5es['{:}@{:}'.format(key,epoch)] = valid_acc5
+ valid_times ['{:}@{:}'.format(key,epoch)] = valid_tm
+ # measure elapsed time
+ epoch_time.update(time.time() - start_time)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ need_time = 'Time Left: {:}'.format( convert_secs2time(epoch_time.avg * (total_epoch-epoch-1), True) )
+ logger.log('{:} {:} epoch={:03d}/{:03d} :: Train [loss={:.5f}, acc@1={:.2f}%, acc@5={:.2f}%] Valid [loss={:.5f}, acc@1={:.2f}%, acc@5={:.2f}%], lr={:}'.format(time_string(), need_time, epoch, total_epoch, train_loss, train_acc1, train_acc5, valid_loss, valid_acc1, valid_acc5, lr))
+ info_seed = {'flop' : flop,
+ 'param': param,
+ 'arch_config' : arch_config._asdict(),
+ 'opt_config' : opt_config._asdict(),
+ 'total_epoch' : total_epoch ,
+ 'train_losses': train_losses,
+ 'train_acc1es': train_acc1es,
+ 'train_acc5es': train_acc5es,
+ 'train_times' : train_times,
+ 'valid_losses': valid_losses,
+ 'valid_acc1es': valid_acc1es,
+ 'valid_acc5es': valid_acc5es,
+ 'valid_times' : valid_times,
+ 'learning_rates': lrs,
+ 'net_state_dict': net.state_dict(),
+ 'net_string' : '{:}'.format(net),
+ 'finish-train': True
+ }
+ return info_seed
diff --git a/scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-GDAS.sh b/scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-GDAS.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef79569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-GDAS.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# bash ./scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-GDAS.sh cifar10 1 -1
+echo script name: $0
+echo $# arguments
+if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] ;then
+ echo "Input illegal number of parameters " $#
+ echo "Need 3 parameters for dataset, track_running_stats, and seed"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$TORCH_HOME" = "" ]; then
+ echo "Must set TORCH_HOME envoriment variable for data dir saving"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$dataset" == "cifar10" ] || [ "$dataset" == "cifar100" ]; then
+ data_path="$TORCH_HOME/cifar.python"
+ data_path="$TORCH_HOME/cifar.python/ImageNet16"
+OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python ./exps/algos/GDAS.py \
+ --save_dir ${save_dir} \
+ --dataset ${dataset} --data_path ${data_path} \
+ --search_space_name ${space} \
+ --config_path configs/search-opts/GDAS-NASNet-CIFAR.config \
+ --model_config configs/search-archs/GDAS-NASNet-CIFAR.config \
+ --tau_max 10 --tau_min 0.1 --track_running_stats ${track_running_stats} \
+ --arch_learning_rate 0.0003 --arch_weight_decay 0.001 \
+ --workers 4 --print_freq 200 --rand_seed ${seed}
diff --git a/scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-SETN.sh b/scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-SETN.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f1193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-SETN.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# bash ./scripts-search/NASNet-space-search-by-SETN.sh cifar10 1 -1
+echo script name: $0
+echo $# arguments
+if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] ;then
+ echo "Input illegal number of parameters " $#
+ echo "Need 3 parameters for dataset, track_running_stats, and seed"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$TORCH_HOME" = "" ]; then
+ echo "Must set TORCH_HOME envoriment variable for data dir saving"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$dataset" == "cifar10" ] || [ "$dataset" == "cifar100" ]; then
+ data_path="$TORCH_HOME/cifar.python"
+ data_path="$TORCH_HOME/cifar.python/ImageNet16"
+OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python ./exps/algos/SETN.py \
+ --save_dir ${save_dir} \
+ --dataset ${dataset} --data_path ${data_path} \
+ --search_space_name ${space} \
+ --config_path configs/search-opts/SETN-NASNet-CIFAR.config \
+ --model_config configs/search-archs/SETN-NASNet-CIFAR.config \
+ --track_running_stats ${track_running_stats} \
+ --select_num 1000 \
+ --arch_learning_rate 0.0003 --arch_weight_decay 0.001 \
+ --workers 4 --print_freq 200 --rand_seed ${seed}
diff --git a/scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh b/scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f42ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020.01 #
+# [mars6] CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 00000-05000 12 777
+# [mars6] bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 05001-10000 12 777
+# [mars20] bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 10001-14500 12 777
+# [mars20] bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 14501-19500 12 777
+# bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 19501-23500 12 777
+# bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 23501-27500 12 777
+# bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 27501-30000 12 777
+# bash ./scripts-search/X-X/train-shapes.sh 30001-32767 12 777
+echo script name: $0
+echo $# arguments
+if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] ;then
+ echo "Input illegal number of parameters " $#
+ echo "Need 3 parameters for start-and-end, hyper-parameters-opt-file, and seeds"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$TORCH_HOME" = "" ]; then
+ echo "Must set TORCH_HOME envoriment variable for data dir saving"
+ exit 1
+OMP_NUM_THREADS=${cpus} python exps/NAS-Bench-201/xshapes.py \
+ --mode new --srange ${srange} --hyper ${opt} --save_dir ${save_dir} \
+ --datasets cifar10 cifar10 cifar100 ImageNet16-120 \
+ --splits 1 0 0 0 \
+ --xpaths $TORCH_HOME/cifar.python \
+ $TORCH_HOME/cifar.python \
+ $TORCH_HOME/cifar.python \
+ $TORCH_HOME/cifar.python/ImageNet16 \
+ --workers ${cpus} \
+ --seeds ${all_seeds}
\ No newline at end of file