184 lines
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184 lines
6.7 KiB
# This code is copied and modified from Hanxiao Liu's work (https://github.com/quark0/darts) #
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
OPS = {
'none' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: Zero(stride),
'avg_pool_3x3' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: POOLING(C_in, C_out, stride, 'avg'),
'max_pool_3x3' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: POOLING(C_in, C_out, stride, 'max'),
'nor_conv_7x7' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: ReLUConvBN(C_in, C_out, (7,7), (stride,stride), (3,3), affine),
'nor_conv_3x3' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: ReLUConvBN(C_in, C_out, (3,3), (stride,stride), (1,1), affine),
'nor_conv_1x1' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: ReLUConvBN(C_in, C_out, (1,1), (stride,stride), (0,0), affine),
'skip_connect' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: Identity() if stride == 1 and C_in == C_out else FactorizedReduce(C_in, C_out, stride, affine),
'sep_conv_3x3' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: SepConv(C_in, C_out, 3, stride, 1, affine=affine),
'sep_conv_5x5' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: SepConv(C_in, C_out, 5, stride, 2, affine=affine),
'sep_conv_7x7' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: SepConv(C_in, C_out, 7, stride, 3, affine=affine),
'dil_conv_3x3' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: DilConv(C_in, C_out, 3, stride, 2, 2, affine=affine),
'dil_conv_5x5' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: DilConv(C_in, C_out, 5, stride, 4, 2, affine=affine),
'conv_7x1_1x7' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: Conv717(C_in, C_out, stride, affine),
'conv_3x1_1x3' : lambda C_in, C_out, stride, affine: Conv313(C_in, C_out, stride, affine)
class POOLING(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, stride, mode):
super(POOLING, self).__init__()
if C_in == C_out:
self.preprocess = None
self.preprocess = ReLUConvBN(C_in, C_out, 1, 1, 0)
if mode == 'avg' : self.op = nn.AvgPool2d(3, stride=stride, padding=1, count_include_pad=False)
elif mode == 'max': self.op = nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=stride, padding=1)
def forward(self, inputs):
if self.preprocess is not None:
x = self.preprocess(inputs)
else: x = inputs
return self.op(x)
class Conv313(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, stride, affine):
super(Conv313, self).__init__()
self.op = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(C_in , C_out, (1,3), stride=(1, stride), padding=(0, 1), bias=False),
nn.Conv2d(C_out, C_out, (3,1), stride=(stride, 1), padding=(1, 0), bias=False),
nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine)
def forward(self, x):
return self.op(x)
class Conv717(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, stride, affine):
super(Conv717, self).__init__()
self.op = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(C_in , C_out, (1,7), stride=(1, stride), padding=(0, 3), bias=False),
nn.Conv2d(C_out, C_out, (7,1), stride=(stride, 1), padding=(3, 0), bias=False),
nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine)
def forward(self, x):
return self.op(x)
class ReLUConvBN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, kernel_size, stride, padding, affine=True):
super(ReLUConvBN, self).__init__()
self.op = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_out, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, bias=False),
nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine)
def forward(self, x):
return self.op(x)
class DilConv(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, affine=True):
super(DilConv, self).__init__()
self.op = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_in, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=C_in, bias=False),
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_out, kernel_size=1, padding=0, bias=False),
nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine),
def forward(self, x):
return self.op(x)
class SepConv(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, kernel_size, stride, padding, affine=True):
super(SepConv, self).__init__()
self.op = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_in, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, groups=C_in, bias=False),
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_in, kernel_size=1, padding=0, bias=False),
nn.BatchNorm2d(C_in, affine=affine),
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_in, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride= 1, padding=padding, groups=C_in, bias=False),
nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_out, kernel_size=1, padding=0, bias=False),
nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine),
def forward(self, x):
return self.op(x)
class Identity(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Identity, self).__init__()
def forward(self, x):
return x
class Zero(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, stride):
super(Zero, self).__init__()
self.stride = stride
def forward(self, x):
if self.stride == 1:
return x.mul(0.)
return x[:,:,::self.stride,::self.stride].mul(0.)
def extra_repr(self):
return 'stride={stride}'.format(**self.__dict__)
class FactorizedReduce(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, C_in, C_out, stride, affine=True):
super(FactorizedReduce, self).__init__()
self.stride = stride
self.C_in = C_in
self.C_out = C_out
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=False)
if stride == 2:
#assert C_out % 2 == 0, 'C_out : {:}'.format(C_out)
C_outs = [C_out // 2, C_out - C_out // 2]
self.convs = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(2):
self.convs.append( nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_outs[i], 1, stride=stride, padding=0, bias=False) )
self.pad = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 1, 0, 1), 0)
elif stride == 4:
assert C_out % 4 == 0, 'C_out : {:}'.format(C_out)
self.convs = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(4):
self.convs.append( nn.Conv2d(C_in, C_out // 4, 1, stride=stride, padding=0, bias=False) )
self.pad = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 3, 0, 3), 0)
raise ValueError('Invalid stride : {:}'.format(stride))
self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(C_out, affine=affine)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.relu(x)
y = self.pad(x)
if self.stride == 2:
out = torch.cat([self.convs[0](x), self.convs[1](y[:,:,1:,1:])], dim=1)
out = torch.cat([self.convs[0](x), self.convs[1](y[:,:,1:-2,1:-2]),
self.convs[2](y[:,:,2:-1,2:-1]), self.convs[3](y[:,:,3:,3:])], dim=1)
out = self.bn(out)
return out
def extra_repr(self):
return 'C_in={C_in}, C_out={C_out}, stride={stride}'.format(**self.__dict__)