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167 lines
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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import json
import dataclasses
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import Field, MISSING
from typing import IO, TypeVar, Type, get_args, get_origin, Union, Any, Tuple
_X = TypeVar("_X")
def load_dataclass(f: IO, cls: Type[_X], binary: bool = False) -> _X:
Loads to a @dataclass or collection hierarchy including dataclasses
from a json recursively.
Call it like load_dataclass(f, typing.List[FrameAnnotationAnnotation]).
raises KeyError if json has keys not mapping to the dataclass fields.
f: Either a path to a file, or a file opened for writing.
cls: The class of the loaded dataclass.
binary: Set to True if `f` is a file handle, else False.
if binary:
asdict = json.loads(f.read().decode("utf8"))
asdict = json.load(f)
# in the list case, run a faster "vectorized" version
cls = get_args(cls)[0]
res = list(_dataclass_list_from_dict_list(asdict, cls))
return res
def _resolve_optional(type_: Any) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:
"""Check whether `type_` is equivalent to `typing.Optional[T]` for some T."""
if get_origin(type_) is Union:
args = get_args(type_)
if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == type(None): # noqa E721
return True, args[0]
if type_ is Any:
return True, Any
return False, type_
def _unwrap_type(tp):
# strips Optional wrapper, if any
if get_origin(tp) is Union:
args = get_args(tp)
if len(args) == 2 and any(a is type(None) for a in args): # noqa: E721
# this is typing.Optional
return args[0] if args[1] is type(None) else args[1] # noqa: E721
return tp
def _get_dataclass_field_default(field: Field) -> Any:
if field.default_factory is not MISSING:
# pyre-fixme[29]: `Union[dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE,
# dataclasses._DefaultFactory[typing.Any]]` is not a function.
return field.default_factory()
elif field.default is not MISSING:
return field.default
return None
def _dataclass_list_from_dict_list(dlist, typeannot):
Vectorised version of `_dataclass_from_dict`.
The output should be equivalent to
`[_dataclass_from_dict(d, typeannot) for d in dlist]`.
dlist: list of objects to convert.
typeannot: type of each of those objects.
iterator or list over converted objects of the same length as `dlist`.
ValueError: it assumes the objects have None's in consistent places across
objects, otherwise it would ignore some values. This generally holds for
auto-generated annotations, but otherwise use `_dataclass_from_dict`.
cls = get_origin(typeannot) or typeannot
if typeannot is Any:
return dlist
if all(obj is None for obj in dlist): # 1st recursion base: all None nodes
return dlist
if any(obj is None for obj in dlist):
# filter out Nones and recurse on the resulting list
idx_notnone = [(i, obj) for i, obj in enumerate(dlist) if obj is not None]
idx, notnone = zip(*idx_notnone)
converted = _dataclass_list_from_dict_list(notnone, typeannot)
res = [None] * len(dlist)
for i, obj in zip(idx, converted):
res[i] = obj
return res
is_optional, contained_type = _resolve_optional(typeannot)
if is_optional:
return _dataclass_list_from_dict_list(dlist, contained_type)
# otherwise, we dispatch by the type of the provided annotation to convert to
if issubclass(cls, tuple) and hasattr(cls, "_fields"): # namedtuple
# For namedtuple, call the function recursively on the lists of corresponding keys
types = cls.__annotations__.values()
dlist_T = zip(*dlist)
res_T = [
_dataclass_list_from_dict_list(key_list, tp) for key_list, tp in zip(dlist_T, types)
return [cls(*converted_as_tuple) for converted_as_tuple in zip(*res_T)]
elif issubclass(cls, (list, tuple)):
# For list/tuple, call the function recursively on the lists of corresponding positions
types = get_args(typeannot)
if len(types) == 1: # probably List; replicate for all items
types = types * len(dlist[0])
dlist_T = zip(*dlist)
res_T = (
_dataclass_list_from_dict_list(pos_list, tp) for pos_list, tp in zip(dlist_T, types)
if issubclass(cls, tuple):
return list(zip(*res_T))
return [cls(converted_as_tuple) for converted_as_tuple in zip(*res_T)]
elif issubclass(cls, dict):
# For the dictionary, call the function recursively on concatenated keys and vertices
key_t, val_t = get_args(typeannot)
all_keys_res = _dataclass_list_from_dict_list(
[k for obj in dlist for k in obj.keys()], key_t
all_vals_res = _dataclass_list_from_dict_list(
[k for obj in dlist for k in obj.values()], val_t
indices = np.cumsum([len(obj) for obj in dlist])
assert indices[-1] == len(all_keys_res)
keys = np.split(list(all_keys_res), indices[:-1])
all_vals_res_iter = iter(all_vals_res)
return [cls(zip(k, all_vals_res_iter)) for k in keys]
elif not dataclasses.is_dataclass(typeannot):
return dlist
# dataclass node: 2nd recursion base; call the function recursively on the lists
# of the corresponding fields
assert dataclasses.is_dataclass(cls)
fieldtypes = {
f.name: (_unwrap_type(f.type), _get_dataclass_field_default(f))
for f in dataclasses.fields(typeannot)
# NOTE the default object is shared here
key_lists = (
_dataclass_list_from_dict_list([obj.get(k, default) for obj in dlist], type_)
for k, (type_, default) in fieldtypes.items()
transposed = zip(*key_lists)
return [cls(*vals_as_tuple) for vals_as_tuple in transposed]