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2023-06-24 04:25:54 +02:00
# Copied from https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/fc6acb6b97e93d58cb22b5fee52d884d77ce84d8/src/diffusers/pipelines/stable_diffusion/pipeline_stable_diffusion.py
# with the following modifications:
# -
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import torch
from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.pipeline_stable_diffusion import (
from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_ddim import DDIMScheduler
from .ddim_with_logprob import ddim_step_with_logprob
def pipeline_with_logprob(
self: StableDiffusionPipeline,
prompt: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
height: Optional[int] = None,
width: Optional[int] = None,
num_inference_steps: int = 50,
guidance_scale: float = 7.5,
negative_prompt: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
num_images_per_prompt: Optional[int] = 1,
eta: float = 0.0,
generator: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]] = None,
latents: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
negative_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
output_type: Optional[str] = "pil",
return_dict: bool = True,
callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]] = None,
callback_steps: int = 1,
cross_attention_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
guidance_rescale: float = 0.0,
Function invoked when calling the pipeline for generation.
prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation. If not defined, one has to pass `prompt_embeds`.
height (`int`, *optional*, defaults to self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor):
The height in pixels of the generated image.
width (`int`, *optional*, defaults to self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor):
The width in pixels of the generated image.
num_inference_steps (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 50):
The number of denoising steps. More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the
expense of slower inference.
guidance_scale (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 7.5):
Guidance scale as defined in [Classifier-Free Diffusion Guidance](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12598).
`guidance_scale` is defined as `w` of equation 2. of [Imagen
Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11487.pdf). Guidance scale is enabled by setting `guidance_scale >
1`. Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text `prompt`,
usually at the expense of lower image quality.
negative_prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation. If not defined, one has to pass
`negative_prompt_embeds` instead. Ignored when not using guidance (i.e., ignored if `guidance_scale` is
less than `1`).
num_images_per_prompt (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The number of images to generate per prompt.
eta (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0):
Corresponds to parameter eta (η) in the DDIM paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502. Only applies to
[`schedulers.DDIMScheduler`], will be ignored for others.
generator (`torch.Generator` or `List[torch.Generator]`, *optional*):
One or a list of [torch generator(s)](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.Generator.html)
to make generation deterministic.
latents (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
Pre-generated noisy latents, sampled from a Gaussian distribution, to be used as inputs for image
generation. Can be used to tweak the same generation with different prompts. If not provided, a latents
tensor will ge generated by sampling using the supplied random `generator`.
prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
Pre-generated text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt weighting. If not
provided, text embeddings will be generated from `prompt` input argument.
negative_prompt_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
Pre-generated negative text embeddings. Can be used to easily tweak text inputs, *e.g.* prompt
weighting. If not provided, negative_prompt_embeds will be generated from `negative_prompt` input
output_type (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"pil"`):
The output format of the generate image. Choose between
[PIL](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/): `PIL.Image.Image` or `np.array`.
return_dict (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):
Whether or not to return a [`~pipelines.stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipelineOutput`] instead of a
plain tuple.
callback (`Callable`, *optional*):
A function that will be called every `callback_steps` steps during inference. The function will be
called with the following arguments: `callback(step: int, timestep: int, latents: torch.FloatTensor)`.
callback_steps (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The frequency at which the `callback` function will be called. If not specified, the callback will be
called at every step.
cross_attention_kwargs (`dict`, *optional*):
A kwargs dictionary that if specified is passed along to the `AttentionProcessor` as defined under
`self.processor` in
guidance_rescale (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.7):
Guidance rescale factor proposed by [Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are
Flawed](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf) `guidance_scale` is defined as `φ` in equation 16. of
[Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf).
Guidance rescale factor should fix overexposure when using zero terminal SNR.
[`~pipelines.stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipelineOutput`] or `tuple`:
[`~pipelines.stable_diffusion.StableDiffusionPipelineOutput`] if `return_dict` is True, otherwise a `tuple.
When returning a tuple, the first element is a list with the generated images, and the second element is a
list of `bool`s denoting whether the corresponding generated image likely represents "not-safe-for-work"
(nsfw) content, according to the `safety_checker`.
# 0. Default height and width to unet
height = height or self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor
width = width or self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor
# 1. Check inputs. Raise error if not correct
self.check_inputs(prompt, height, width, callback_steps, negative_prompt, prompt_embeds, negative_prompt_embeds)
# 2. Define call parameters
if prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, str):
batch_size = 1
elif prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, list):
batch_size = len(prompt)
batch_size = prompt_embeds.shape[0]
device = self._execution_device
# here `guidance_scale` is defined analog to the guidance weight `w` of equation (2)
# of the Imagen paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11487.pdf . `guidance_scale = 1`
# corresponds to doing no classifier free guidance.
do_classifier_free_guidance = guidance_scale > 1.0
# 3. Encode input prompt
text_encoder_lora_scale = cross_attention_kwargs.get("scale", None) if cross_attention_kwargs is not None else None
prompt_embeds = self._encode_prompt(
# 4. Prepare timesteps
self.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps, device=device)
timesteps = self.scheduler.timesteps
# 5. Prepare latent variables
num_channels_latents = self.unet.config.in_channels
latents = self.prepare_latents(
batch_size * num_images_per_prompt,
# 6. Prepare extra step kwargs. TODO: Logic should ideally just be moved out of the pipeline
extra_step_kwargs = self.prepare_extra_step_kwargs(generator, eta)
# 7. Denoising loop
num_warmup_steps = len(timesteps) - num_inference_steps * self.scheduler.order
all_latents = [latents]
all_log_probs = []
with self.progress_bar(total=num_inference_steps) as progress_bar:
for i, t in enumerate(timesteps):
# expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
latent_model_input = torch.cat([latents] * 2) if do_classifier_free_guidance else latents
latent_model_input = self.scheduler.scale_model_input(latent_model_input, t)
# predict the noise residual
noise_pred = self.unet(
# perform guidance
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = noise_pred.chunk(2)
noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond)
if do_classifier_free_guidance and guidance_rescale > 0.0:
# Based on 3.4. in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891.pdf
noise_pred = rescale_noise_cfg(noise_pred, noise_pred_text, guidance_rescale=guidance_rescale)
# compute the previous noisy sample x_t -> x_t-1
latents, log_prob = ddim_step_with_logprob(self.scheduler, noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs)
# call the callback, if provided
if i == len(timesteps) - 1 or ((i + 1) > num_warmup_steps and (i + 1) % self.scheduler.order == 0):
if callback is not None and i % callback_steps == 0:
callback(i, t, latents)
if not output_type == "latent":
image = self.vae.decode(latents / self.vae.config.scaling_factor, return_dict=False)[0]
image, has_nsfw_concept = self.run_safety_checker(image, device, prompt_embeds.dtype)
image = latents
has_nsfw_concept = None
if has_nsfw_concept is None:
do_denormalize = [True] * image.shape[0]
do_denormalize = [not has_nsfw for has_nsfw in has_nsfw_concept]
image = self.image_processor.postprocess(image, output_type=output_type, do_denormalize=do_denormalize)
# Offload last model to CPU
if hasattr(self, "final_offload_hook") and self.final_offload_hook is not None:
return image, has_nsfw_concept, all_latents, all_log_probs