from importlib import resources import os import functools import random import inflect IE = inflect.engine() ASSETS_PATH = resources.files("ddpo_pytorch.assets") @functools.cache def _load_lines(path): """ Load lines from a file. First tries to load from `path` directly, and if that doesn't exist, searches the `ddpo_pytorch/assets` directory for a file named `path`. """ if not os.path.exists(path): newpath = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath(path) if not os.path.exists(newpath): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {path} or ddpo_pytorch.assets/{path}") path = newpath with open(path, "r") as f: return [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] def from_file(path, low=None, high=None): prompts = _load_lines(path)[low:high] return random.choice(prompts), {} def imagenet_all(): return from_file("imagenet_classes.txt") def imagenet_animals(): return from_file("imagenet_classes.txt", 0, 398) def imagenet_dogs(): return from_file("imagenet_classes.txt", 151, 269) def nouns_activities(nouns_file, activities_file): nouns = _load_lines(nouns_file) activities = _load_lines(activities_file) return f"{IE.a(random.choice(nouns))} {random.choice(activities)}", {} def counting(nouns_file, low, high): nouns = _load_lines(nouns_file) number = IE.number_to_words(random.randint(low, high)) noun = random.choice(nouns) plural_noun = IE.plural(noun) prompt = f"{number} {plural_noun}" metadata = { "questions": [ f"How many {plural_noun} are there in this image?", f"What animal is in this image?", ], "answers": [ number, noun, ], } return prompt, metadata