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2024-03-15 15:38:51 +01:00
import torch.nn as nn
import torch
import functools
from torch_geometric.utils import dense_to_sparse
from . import utils, layers, gnns
get_act = layers.get_act
conv1x1 = layers.conv1x1
class PGSN(nn.Module):
"""Position enhanced graph score network."""
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.act = act = get_act(config)
# get model construction paras
self.nf = nf = config.model.nf
self.num_gnn_layers = num_gnn_layers = config.model.num_gnn_layers
dropout = config.model.dropout
self.embedding_type = embedding_type = config.model.embedding_type.lower()
self.rw_depth = rw_depth = config.model.rw_depth
self.edge_th = config.model.edge_th
modules = []
# timestep/noise_level embedding; only for continuous training
if embedding_type == 'positional':
embed_dim = nf
raise ValueError(f'embedding type {embedding_type} unknown.')
# timestep embedding layers
modules.append(nn.Linear(embed_dim, nf * 4))
modules.append(nn.Linear(nf * 4, nf * 4))
# graph size condition embedding
self.size_cond = size_cond = config.model.size_cond
if size_cond:
self.size_onehot = functools.partial(nn.functional.one_hot, num_classes=config.data.max_node + 1)
modules.append(nn.Linear(config.data.max_node + 1, nf * 4))
modules.append(nn.Linear(nf * 4, nf * 4))
channels = config.data.num_channels
assert channels == 1, "Without edge features."
# degree onehot
self.degree_max = self.config.data.max_node // 2
self.degree_onehot = functools.partial(
num_classes=self.degree_max + 1)
# project edge features
modules.append(conv1x1(channels, nf // 2))
modules.append(conv1x1(rw_depth + 1, nf // 2))
# project node features
self.x_ch = nf
self.pos_ch = nf // 2
modules.append(nn.Linear(self.degree_max + 1, self.x_ch))
modules.append(nn.Linear(rw_depth, self.pos_ch))
modules.append(gnns.pos_gnn(act, self.x_ch, self.pos_ch, nf, config.data.max_node,
config.model.graph_layer, num_gnn_layers,
heads=config.model.heads, edge_dim=nf//2, temb_dim=nf * 4,
dropout=dropout, attn_clamp=config.model.attn_clamp))
# output
modules.append(conv1x1(nf // 2, nf // 2))
modules.append(conv1x1(nf // 2, channels))
self.all_modules = nn.ModuleList(modules)
def forward(self, x, time_cond, *args, **kwargs):
mask = kwargs['mask']
modules = self.all_modules
m_idx = 0
# Sinusoidal positional embeddings
timesteps = time_cond
temb = layers.get_timestep_embedding(timesteps, self.nf)
# time embedding
temb = modules[m_idx](temb) # [32, 512]
m_idx += 1
temb = modules[m_idx](self.act(temb)) # [32, 512]
m_idx += 1
if self.size_cond:
with torch.no_grad():
node_mask = utils.mask_adj2node(mask.squeeze(1)) # [B, N]
num_node = torch.sum(node_mask, dim=-1) # [B]
num_node = self.size_onehot(num_node.to(torch.long)).to(torch.float)
num_node_emb = modules[m_idx](num_node)
m_idx += 1
num_node_emb = modules[m_idx](self.act(num_node_emb))
m_idx += 1
temb = temb + num_node_emb
if not self.config.data.centered:
# rescale the input data to [-1, 1]
x = x * 2. - 1.
with torch.no_grad():
# continuous-valued graph adjacency matrices
cont_adj = ((x + 1.) / 2.).clone()
cont_adj = (cont_adj * mask).squeeze(1) # [B, N, N]
cont_adj = cont_adj.clamp(min=0., max=1.)
if self.edge_th > 0.:
cont_adj[cont_adj < self.edge_th] = 0.
# discretized graph adjacency matrices
adj = x.squeeze(1).clone() # [B, N, N]
adj[adj >= 0.] = 1.
adj[adj < 0.] = 0.
adj = adj * mask.squeeze(1)
# extract RWSE and Shortest-Path Distance
x_pos, spd_onehot = utils.get_rw_feat(self.rw_depth, adj)
# x_pos: [32, 20, 16], spd_onehot: [32, 17, 20, 20]
# edge [B, N, N, F]
dense_edge_ori = modules[m_idx](x).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # [32, 20, 20, 64]
m_idx += 1
dense_edge_spd = modules[m_idx](spd_onehot).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # [32, 20, 20, 64]
m_idx += 1
# Use Degree as node feature
x_degree = torch.sum(cont_adj, dim=-1) # [B, N] # [32, 20]
x_degree = x_degree.clamp(max=float(self.degree_max)) # [B, N] # [32, 20]
x_degree = self.degree_onehot(x_degree.to(torch.long)).to(torch.float) # [B, N, max_node] # [32, 20, 11]
x_degree = modules[m_idx](x_degree) # projection layer [B, N, nf] # [32, 20, 128]
m_idx += 1
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# pos encoding
# x_pos: [32, 20, 16]
x_pos = modules[m_idx](x_pos) # [32, 20, 64]
m_idx += 1
# Dense to sparse node [BxN, -1]
x_degree = x_degree.reshape(-1, self.x_ch) # [640, 128]
x_pos = x_pos.reshape(-1, self.pos_ch) # [640, 64]
dense_index = cont_adj.nonzero(as_tuple=True)
edge_index, _ = dense_to_sparse(cont_adj) # [2, 5386]
# Run GNN layers
h_dense_edge = modules[m_idx](x_degree, x_pos, edge_index, dense_edge_ori, dense_edge_spd, dense_index, temb)
m_idx += 1
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Output
h = self.act(modules[m_idx](self.act(h_dense_edge)))
m_idx += 1
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
h = modules[m_idx](h)
m_idx += 1
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# make edge estimation symmetric
h = (h + h.transpose(2, 3)) / 2. * mask
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
assert m_idx == len(modules)
return h