import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import sde_lib import numpy as np _MODELS = {} def register_model(cls=None, *, name=None): """A decorator for registering model classes.""" def _register(cls): if name is None: local_name = cls.__name__ else: local_name = name if local_name in _MODELS: raise ValueError( f'Already registered model with name: {local_name}') _MODELS[local_name] = cls return cls if cls is None: return _register else: return _register(cls) def get_model(name): return _MODELS[name] def create_model(config): """Create the score model.""" model_name = score_model = get_model(model_name)(config) score_model = if 'load_pretrained' in config['training'].keys() and from utils import restore_checkpoint_partial score_model = restore_checkpoint_partial(score_model, torch.load(, map_location=config.device)['model']) # score_model = torch.nn.DataParallel(score_model) return score_model def get_model_fn(model, train=False): """Create a function to give the output of the score-based model. Args: model: The score model. train: `True` for training and `False` for evaluation. Returns: A model function. """ def model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs): """Compute the output of the score-based model. Args: x: A mini-batch of input data (Adjacency matrices). labels: A mini-batch of conditioning variables for time steps. Should be interpreted differently for different models. mask: Mask for adjacency matrices. Returns: A tuple of (model output, new mutable states) """ if not train: model.eval() return model(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) else: model.train() return model(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) return model_fn def get_score_fn(sde, model, train=False, continuous=False): """Wraps `score_fn` so that the model output corresponds to a real time-dependent score function. Args: sde: An `sde_lib.SDE` object that represents the forward SDE. model: A score model. train: `True` for training and `False` for evaluation. continuous: If `True`, the score-based model is expected to directly take continuous time steps. Returns: A score function. """ model_fn = get_model_fn(model, train=train) if isinstance(sde, sde_lib.VPSDE) or isinstance(sde, sde_lib.subVPSDE): def score_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): # Scale neural network output by standard deviation and flip sign if continuous or isinstance(sde, sde_lib.subVPSDE): # For VP-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the lowest noise level # The maximum value of time embedding is assumed to 999 for continuously-trained models. labels = t * 999 score = model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) std = sde.marginal_prob(torch.zeros_like(x), t)[1] else: # For VP-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the lowest noise level labels = t * (sde.N - 1) score = model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) std =[ labels.long()] score = -score / std[:, None, None] return score elif isinstance(sde, sde_lib.VESDE): def score_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): if continuous: labels = sde.marginal_prob(torch.zeros_like(x), t)[1] else: # For VE-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the highest noise level labels = sde.T - t labels *= sde.N - 1 labels = torch.round(labels).long() score = model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) return score else: raise NotImplementedError( f"SDE class {sde.__class__.__name__} not yet supported.") return score_fn def get_classifier_grad_fn(sde, classifier, train=False, continuous=False, regress=True, labels='max'): logit_fn = get_logit_fn(sde, classifier, train, continuous) def classifier_grad_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): with torch.enable_grad(): x_in = x.detach().requires_grad_(True) if regress: assert labels in ['max', 'min'] logit = logit_fn(x_in, t, *args, **kwargs) prob = logit.sum() else: logit = logit_fn(x_in, t, *args, **kwargs) # prob = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logit, dim=-1)[torch.arange(labels.shape[0]), labels].sum() log_prob = F.log_softmax(logit, dim=-1) prob = log_prob[range(len(logit)), labels.view(-1)].sum() # prob.backward() # classifier_grad = x_in.grad classifier_grad = torch.autograd.grad(prob, x_in)[0] return classifier_grad return classifier_grad_fn def get_logit_fn(sde, classifier, train=False, continuous=False): classifier_fn = get_model_fn(classifier, train=train) if isinstance(sde, sde_lib.VPSDE) or isinstance(sde, sde_lib.subVPSDE): def logit_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): # Scale neural network output by standard deviation and flip sign if continuous or isinstance(sde, sde_lib.subVPSDE): # For VP-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the lowest noise level # The maximum value of time embedding is assumed to 999 for continuously-trained models. labels = t * 999 logit = classifier_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) # std = sde.marginal_prob(torch.zeros_like(x), t)[1] else: # For VP-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the lowest noise level labels = t * (sde.N - 1) logit = classifier_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) # std =[ # labels.long()] # score = -score / std[:, None, None] return logit elif isinstance(sde, sde_lib.VESDE): def logit_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): if continuous: labels = sde.marginal_prob(torch.zeros_like(x), t)[1] else: # For VE-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the highest noise level labels = sde.T - t labels *= sde.N - 1 labels = torch.round(labels).long() logit = classifier_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) return logit return logit_fn def get_predictor_fn(sde, model, train=False, continuous=False): """Wraps `score_fn` so that the model output corresponds to a real time-dependent score function. Args: sde: An `sde_lib.SDE` object that represents the forward SDE. model: A predictor model. train: `True` for training and `False` for evaluation. continuous: If `True`, the score-based model is expected to directly take continuous time steps. Returns: A score function. """ model_fn = get_model_fn(model, train=train) if isinstance(sde, sde_lib.VPSDE) or isinstance(sde, sde_lib.subVPSDE): def predictor_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): # Scale neural network output by standard deviation and flip sign if continuous or isinstance(sde, sde_lib.subVPSDE): # For VP-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the lowest noise level # The maximum value of time embedding is assumed to 999 for continuously-trained models. labels = t * 999 pred = model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) std = sde.marginal_prob(torch.zeros_like(x), t)[1] else: # For VP-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the lowest noise level labels = t * (sde.N - 1) pred = model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) std =[ labels.long()] # score = -score / std[:, None, None] return pred elif isinstance(sde, sde_lib.VESDE): def predictor_fn(x, t, *args, **kwargs): if continuous: labels = sde.marginal_prob(torch.zeros_like(x), t)[1] else: # For VE-trained models, t=0 corresponds to the highest noise level labels = sde.T - t labels *= sde.N - 1 labels = torch.round(labels).long() pred = model_fn(x, labels, *args, **kwargs) return pred else: raise NotImplementedError( f"SDE class {sde.__class__.__name__} not yet supported.") return predictor_fn def to_flattened_numpy(x): """Flatten a torch tensor `x` and convert it to numpy.""" return x.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape((-1,)) def from_flattened_numpy(x, shape): """Form a torch tensor with the given `shape` from a flattened numpy array `x`.""" return torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(shape)) @torch.no_grad() def mask_adj2node(adj_mask): """Convert batched adjacency mask matrices to batched node mask matrices. Args: adj_mask: [B, N, N] Batched adjacency mask matrices without self-loop edge. Output: node_mask: [B, N] Batched node mask matrices indicating the valid nodes. """ batch_size, max_num_nodes, _ = adj_mask.shape node_mask = adj_mask[:, 0, :].clone() node_mask[:, 0] = 1 return node_mask @torch.no_grad() def get_rw_feat(k_step, dense_adj): """Compute k_step Random Walk for given dense adjacency matrix.""" rw_list = [] deg = dense_adj.sum(-1, keepdims=True) AD = dense_adj / (deg + 1e-8) rw_list.append(AD) for _ in range(k_step): rw = torch.bmm(rw_list[-1], AD) rw_list.append(rw) rw_map = torch.stack(rw_list[1:], dim=1) # [B, k_step, N, N] rw_landing = torch.diagonal( rw_map, offset=0, dim1=2, dim2=3) # [B, k_step, N] rw_landing = rw_landing.permute(0, 2, 1) # [B, N, rw_depth] # get the shortest path distance indices tmp_rw = rw_map.sort(dim=1)[0] spd_ind = (tmp_rw <= 0).sum(dim=1) # [B, N, N] spd_onehot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot( spd_ind, num_classes=k_step+1).to(torch.float) spd_onehot = spd_onehot.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # [B, kstep, N, N] return rw_landing, spd_onehot