# Simple PV Simulator Feature list: - [] Draw the entire year's electricity consumption figure. - [] Draw the entire year's energy generation figure. - [] Draw a heatmap of the system profit in different configurations. ~~- []Calculate the probability of a successful run.~~ - [] Determine whether the system can run successfully - [] Calculate the ROI. - [] Read the configs from the file, including `time granularity`, - ess: `capacity`, `cost per kW`, `charge power`, `discharge power`, `loss` - pv: `capacity`, `cost per kW`, `loss` - grid: `capacity`, `sell price` - file: - `lightintensity.xlsx`: record the light intensity. Value in the file should be between 0 and 1 - `factory_power.xlsx`: record the power consumption in the factory. Default time granularity is `15min` - `combined_data.csv`: This file is generated by the Python script, including the `light` `intensity`, `factory_power`, `time`. - [] GUI.