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MIT License
Copyright (c) since 2019 Xuanyi Dong (GitHub:
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# NAS-BENCH-201 has been extended to [NATS-Bench](
**Since our NAS-BENCH-201 has been extended to NATS-Bench, this repo is deprecated and not maintained. Please use [NATS-Bench](, which has 5x more architecture information and faster API than NAS-BENCH-201.**
# [NAS-BENCH-201: Extending the Scope of Reproducible Neural Architecture Search](
We propose an algorithm-agnostic NAS benchmark (NAS-Bench-201) with a fixed search space, which provides a unified benchmark for almost any up-to-date NAS algorithms.
The design of our search space is inspired by that used in the most popular cell-based searching algorithms, where a cell is represented as a directed acyclic graph.
Each edge here is associated with an operation selected from a predefined operation set.
For it to be applicable for all NAS algorithms, the search space defined in NAS-Bench-201 includes 4 nodes and 5 associated operation options, which generates 15,625 neural cell candidates in total.
In this Markdown file, we provide:
- [How to Use NAS-Bench-201](#how-to-use-nas-bench-201)
For the following two things, please use [AutoDL-Projects](
- [Instruction to re-generate NAS-Bench-201](#instruction-to-re-generate-nas-bench-201)
- [10 NAS algorithms evaluated in our paper](#to-reproduce-10-baseline-nas-algorithms-in-nas-bench-201)
Note: please use `PyTorch >= 1.2.0` and `Python >= 3.6.0`.
You can simply type `pip install nas-bench-201` to install our api. Please see source codes of `nas-bench-201` module in [this repo](
**If you have any questions or issues, please post it at [here]( or email me.**
### Preparation and Download
[deprecated] The **old** benchmark file of NAS-Bench-201 can be downloaded from [Google Drive]( or [Baidu-Wangpan (code:6u5d)](
[recommended] The **latest** benchmark file of NAS-Bench-201 (`NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth`) can be downloaded from [Google Drive]( The files for model weight are too large (431G) and I need some time to upload it. Please be patient, thanks for your understanding.
You can move it to anywhere you want and send its path to our API for initialization.
- [2020.02.25] APIv1.0/FILEv1.0: [`NAS-Bench-201-v1_0-e61699.pth`]( (2.2G), where `e61699` is the last six digits for this file. It contains all information except for the trained weights of each trial.
- [2020.02.25] APIv1.0/FILEv1.0: The full data of each architecture can be download from [
NAS-BENCH-201-4-v1.0-archive.tar]( (about 226GB). This compressed folder has 15625 files containing the the trained weights.
- [2020.02.25] APIv1.0/FILEv1.0: Checkpoints for 3 runs of each baseline NAS algorithm are provided in [Google Drive](
- [2020.03.09] APIv1.2/FILEv1.0: More robust API with more functions and descriptions
- [2020.03.16] APIv1.3/FILEv1.1: [`NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth`]( (4.7G), where `096897` is the last six digits for this file. It contains information of more trials compared to `NAS-Bench-201-v1_0-e61699.pth`, especially all models trained by 12 epochs on all datasets are avaliable.
- [2020.06.30] APIv2.0: Use abstract class (NASBenchMetaAPI) for APIs of NAS-Bench-x0y.
- [2020.06.30] FILEv2.0: coming soon!
**We recommend to use `NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth`**
The training and evaluation data used in NAS-Bench-201 can be downloaded from [Google Drive]( or [Baidu-Wangpan (code:4fg7)](
It is recommended to put these data into `$TORCH_HOME` (`~/.torch/` by default). If you want to generate NAS-Bench-201 or similar NAS datasets or training models by yourself, you need these data.
## How to Use NAS-Bench-201
**More usage can be found in [our test codes](**.
1. Creating an API instance from a file:
from nas_201_api import NASBench201API as API
api = API('$path_to_meta_nas_bench_file')
# Create an API without the verbose log
api = API('NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth', verbose=False)
# The default path for benchmark file is '{:}/{:}'.format(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], 'NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth')
api = API(None)
2. Show the number of architectures `len(api)` and each architecture `api[i]`:
num = len(api)
for i, arch_str in enumerate(api):
print ('{:5d}/{:5d} : {:}'.format(i, len(api), arch_str))
3. Show the results of all trials for a single architecture:
# show all information for a specific architecture
# show the mean loss and accuracy of an architecture
info = api.query_meta_info_by_index(1) # This is an instance of `ArchResults`
res_metrics = info.get_metrics('cifar10', 'train') # This is a dict with metric names as keys
cost_metrics = info.get_comput_costs('cifar100') # This is a dict with metric names as keys, e.g., flops, params, latency
# get the detailed information
results = api.query_by_index(1, 'cifar100') # a dict of all trials for 1st net on cifar100, where the key is the seed
print ('There are {:} trials for this architecture [{:}] on cifar100'.format(len(results), api[1]))
for seed, result in results.items():
print ('Latency : {:}'.format(result.get_latency()))
print ('Train Info : {:}'.format(result.get_train()))
print ('Valid Info : {:}'.format(result.get_eval('x-valid')))
print ('Test Info : {:}'.format(result.get_eval('x-test')))
# for the metric after a specific epoch
print ('Train Info [10-th epoch] : {:}'.format(result.get_train(10)))
4. Query the index of an architecture by string
index = api.query_index_by_arch('|nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|skip_connect~2|')
This string `|nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|skip_connect~2|` means:
node-0: the input tensor
node-1: conv-3x3( node-0 )
node-2: conv-3x3( node-0 ) + avg-pool-3x3( node-1 )
node-3: skip-connect( node-0 ) + conv-3x3( node-1 ) + skip-connect( node-2 )
5. Create the network from api:
config = api.get_net_config(123, 'cifar10') # obtain the network configuration for the 123-th architecture on the CIFAR-10 dataset
from models import get_cell_based_tiny_net # this module is in AutoDL-Projects/lib/models
network = get_cell_based_tiny_net(config) # create the network from configurration
print(network) # show the structure of this architecture
If you want to load the trained weights of this created network, you need to use `api.get_net_param(123, ...)` to obtain the weights and then load it to the network.
6. `api.get_more_info(...)` can return the loss / accuracy / time on training / validation / test sets, which is very helpful. For more details, please look at the comments in the get_more_info function.
7. For other usages, please see `lib/nas_201_api/`. We provide some usage information in the comments for the corresponding functions. If what you want is not provided, please feel free to open an issue for discussion, and I am happy to answer any questions regarding NAS-Bench-201.
### Detailed Instruction
In `nas_201_api`, we define three classes: `NASBench201API`, `ArchResults`, `ResultsCount`.
`ResultsCount` maintains all information of a specific trial. One can instantiate ResultsCount and get the info via the following codes (`000157-FULL.pth` saves all information of all trials of 157-th architecture):
from nas_201_api import ResultsCount
xdata = torch.load('000157-FULL.pth')
odata = xdata['full']['all_results'][('cifar10-valid', 777)]
result = ResultsCount.create_from_state_dict( odata )
print(result) # print it
print(result.get_train()) # print the final training loss/accuracy/[optional:time-cost-of-a-training-epoch]
print(result.get_train(11)) # print the training info of the 11-th epoch
print(result.get_eval('x-valid')) # print the final evaluation info on the validation set
print(result.get_eval('x-valid', 11)) # print the info on the validation set of the 11-th epoch
print(result.get_latency()) # print the evaluation latency [in batch]
result.get_net_param() # the trained parameters of this trial
arch_config = result.get_config(CellStructure.str2structure) # create the network with params
net_config = dict2config(arch_config, None)
network = get_cell_based_tiny_net(net_config)
`ArchResults` maintains all information of all trials of an architecture. Please see the following usages:
from nas_201_api import ArchResults
xdata = torch.load('000157-FULL.pth')
archRes = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(xdata['less']) # load trials trained with 12 epochs
archRes = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(xdata['full']) # load trials trained with 200 epochs
print(archRes.arch_idx_str()) # print the index of this architecture
print(archRes.get_dataset_names()) # print the supported training data
print(archRes.get_compute_costs('cifar10-valid')) # print all computational info when training on cifar10-valid
print(archRes.get_metrics('cifar10-valid', 'x-valid', None, False)) # print the average loss/accuracy/time on all trials
print(archRes.get_metrics('cifar10-valid', 'x-valid', None, True)) # print loss/accuracy/time of a randomly selected trial
`NASBench201API` is the topest level api. Please see the following usages:
from nas_201_api import NASBench201API as API
api = API('NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth') # This will load all the information of NAS-Bench-201 except the trained weights
api = API('{:}/{:}'.format(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], 'NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth')) # The same as the above line while I usually save NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth in ~/.torch/.
|||| # show info of all architectures
api.reload('{:}/{:}'.format(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], 'NAS-BENCH-201-4-v1.0-archive'), 3) # This code will reload the information 3-th architecture with the trained weights
weights = api.get_net_param(3, 'cifar10', None) # Obtaining the weights of all trials for the 3-th architecture on cifar10. It will returns a dict, where the key is the seed and the value is the trained weights.
To obtain the training and evaluation information (please see the comments [here](
api.get_more_info(112, 'cifar10', None, hp='200', is_random=True)
# Query info of last training epoch for 112-th architecture
# using 200-epoch-hyper-parameter and randomly select a trial.
api.get_more_info(112, 'ImageNet16-120', None, hp='200', is_random=True)
# Citation
If you find that NAS-Bench-201 helps your research, please consider citing it:
title = {NAS-Bench-201: Extending the Scope of Reproducible Neural Architecture Search},
author = {Dong, Xuanyi and Yang, Yi},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
url = {},
year = {2020}
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# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
from .api_utils import ArchResults, ResultsCount
from .api_201 import NASBench201API
# NAS_BENCH_201_API_VERSION="v1.1" # [2020.02.25]
# NAS_BENCH_201_API_VERSION="v1.2" # [2020.03.09]
# NAS_BENCH_201_API_VERSION="v1.3" # [2020.03.16]
NAS_BENCH_201_API_VERSION="v2.0" # [2020.06.30]
def test_api(path):
"""This is used to test the API of NAS-Bench-201."""
api = NASBench201API(path)
num = len(api)
for i, arch_str in enumerate(api):
print ('{:5d}/{:5d} : {:}'.format(i, len(api), arch_str))
indexes = [1, 2, 11, 301]
for index in indexes:
print('\n--- index={:} ---'.format(index))
# show the mean loss and accuracy of an architecture
info = api.query_meta_info_by_index(index) # This is an instance of `ArchResults`
res_metrics = info.get_metrics('cifar10', 'train') # This is a dict with metric names as keys
cost_metrics = info.get_compute_costs('cifar100') # This is a dict with metric names as keys, e.g., flops, params, latency
# get the detailed information
results = api.query_by_index(index, 'cifar100') # a dict of all trials for 1st net on cifar100, where the key is the seed
print ('There are {:} trials for this architecture [{:}] on cifar100'.format(len(results), api[1]))
for seed, result in results.items():
print ('Latency : {:}'.format(result.get_latency()))
print ('Train Info : {:}'.format(result.get_train()))
print ('Valid Info : {:}'.format(result.get_eval('x-valid')))
print ('Test Info : {:}'.format(result.get_eval('x-test')))
# for the metric after a specific epoch
print ('Train Info [10-th epoch] : {:}'.format(result.get_train(10)))
config = api.get_net_config(index, 'cifar10')
print ('config={:}'.format(config))
index = api.query_index_by_arch('|nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|skip_connect~2|')
print('TEST NAS-BENCH-201 DONE.')
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# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
# NAS-Bench-201: Extending the Scope of Reproducible Neural Architecture Search, ICLR 2020 #
# The history of benchmark files:
# [2020.02.25] NAS-Bench-201-v1_0-e61699.pth : 6219 architectures are trained once, 1621 architectures are trained twice, 7785 architectures are trained three times. `LESS` only supports CIFAR10-VALID.
# [2020.03.16] NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth : 2225 architectures are trained once, 5439 archiitectures are trained twice, 7961 architectures are trained three times on all training sets. For the hyper-parameters with the total epochs of 12, each model is trained on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet16-120 once, and is trained on CIFAR-10-VALID twice.
# I'm still actively enhancing this benchmark, while it is now maintained at
import os, copy, random, torch, numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Text, Union, Dict, Optional
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from .api_utils import ArchResults
from .api_utils import NASBenchMetaAPI
from .api_utils import remap_dataset_set_names
ALL_BENCHMARK_FILES = ['NAS-Bench-201-v1_0-e61699.pth', 'NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth']
ALL_ARCHIVE_DIRS = ['NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-archive']
def print_information(information, extra_info=None, show=False):
dataset_names = information.get_dataset_names()
strings = [information.arch_str, 'datasets : {:}, extra-info : {:}'.format(dataset_names, extra_info)]
def metric2str(loss, acc):
return 'loss = {:.3f}, top1 = {:.2f}%'.format(loss, acc)
for ida, dataset in enumerate(dataset_names):
metric = information.get_compute_costs(dataset)
flop, param, latency = metric['flops'], metric['params'], metric['latency']
str1 = '{:14s} FLOP={:6.2f} M, Params={:.3f} MB, latency={:} ms.'.format(dataset, flop, param, '{:.2f}'.format(latency*1000) if latency is not None and latency > 0 else None)
train_info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'train')
if dataset == 'cifar10-valid':
valid_info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid')
str2 = '{:14s} train : [{:}], valid : [{:}]'.format(dataset, metric2str(train_info['loss'], train_info['accuracy']), metric2str(valid_info['loss'], valid_info['accuracy']))
elif dataset == 'cifar10':
test__info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test')
str2 = '{:14s} train : [{:}], test : [{:}]'.format(dataset, metric2str(train_info['loss'], train_info['accuracy']), metric2str(test__info['loss'], test__info['accuracy']))
valid_info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid')
test__info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-test')
str2 = '{:14s} train : [{:}], valid : [{:}], test : [{:}]'.format(dataset, metric2str(train_info['loss'], train_info['accuracy']), metric2str(valid_info['loss'], valid_info['accuracy']), metric2str(test__info['loss'], test__info['accuracy']))
strings += [str1, str2]
if show: print('\n'.join(strings))
return strings
This is the class for the API of NAS-Bench-201.
class NASBench201API(NASBenchMetaAPI):
""" The initialization function that takes the dataset file path (or a dict loaded from that path) as input. """
def __init__(self, file_path_or_dict: Optional[Union[Text, Dict]]=None,
verbose: bool=True):
self.filename = None
if file_path_or_dict is None:
file_path_or_dict = os.path.join(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], ALL_BENCHMARK_FILES[-1])
print ('Try to use the default NAS-Bench-201 path from {:}.'.format(file_path_or_dict))
if isinstance(file_path_or_dict, str) or isinstance(file_path_or_dict, Path):
file_path_or_dict = str(file_path_or_dict)
if verbose: print('try to create the NAS-Bench-201 api from {:}'.format(file_path_or_dict))
assert os.path.isfile(file_path_or_dict), 'invalid path : {:}'.format(file_path_or_dict)
self.filename = Path(file_path_or_dict).name
file_path_or_dict = torch.load(file_path_or_dict, map_location='cpu')
elif isinstance(file_path_or_dict, dict):
file_path_or_dict = copy.deepcopy(file_path_or_dict)
else: raise ValueError('invalid type : {:} not in [str, dict]'.format(type(file_path_or_dict)))
assert isinstance(file_path_or_dict, dict), 'It should be a dict instead of {:}'.format(type(file_path_or_dict))
self.verbose = verbose # [TODO] a flag indicating whether to print more logs
keys = ('meta_archs', 'arch2infos', 'evaluated_indexes')
for key in keys: assert key in file_path_or_dict, 'Can not find key[{:}] in the dict'.format(key)
self.meta_archs = copy.deepcopy( file_path_or_dict['meta_archs'] )
# This is a dict mapping each architecture to a dict, where the key is #epochs and the value is ArchResults
self.arch2infos_dict = OrderedDict()
self._avaliable_hps = set(['12', '200'])
for xkey in sorted(list(file_path_or_dict['arch2infos'].keys())):
all_info = file_path_or_dict['arch2infos'][xkey]
hp2archres = OrderedDict()
# self.arch2infos_less[xkey] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict( all_info['less'] )
# self.arch2infos_full[xkey] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict( all_info['full'] )
hp2archres['12'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(all_info['less'])
hp2archres['200'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(all_info['full'])
self.arch2infos_dict[xkey] = hp2archres
self.evaluated_indexes = sorted(list(file_path_or_dict['evaluated_indexes']))
self.archstr2index = {}
for idx, arch in enumerate(self.meta_archs):
assert arch not in self.archstr2index, 'This [{:}]-th arch {:} already in the dict ({:}).'.format(idx, arch, self.archstr2index[arch])
self.archstr2index[ arch ] = idx
def reload(self, archive_root: Text = None, index: int = None):
"""Overwrite all information of the 'index'-th architecture in the search space.
It will load its data from 'archive_root'.
if archive_root is None:
archive_root = os.path.join(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], ALL_ARCHIVE_DIRS[-1])
assert os.path.isdir(archive_root), 'invalid directory : {:}'.format(archive_root)
if index is None:
indexes = list(range(len(self)))
indexes = [index]
for idx in indexes:
assert 0 <= idx < len(self.meta_archs), 'invalid index of {:}'.format(idx)
xfile_path = os.path.join(archive_root, '{:06d}-FULL.pth'.format(idx))
assert os.path.isfile(xfile_path), 'invalid data path : {:}'.format(xfile_path)
xdata = torch.load(xfile_path, map_location='cpu')
assert isinstance(xdata, dict) and 'full' in xdata and 'less' in xdata, 'invalid format of data in {:}'.format(xfile_path)
hp2archres = OrderedDict()
hp2archres['12'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(xdata['less'])
hp2archres['200'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(xdata['full'])
self.arch2infos_dict[idx] = hp2archres
def query_info_str_by_arch(self, arch, hp: Text='12'):
""" This function is used to query the information of a specific architecture
'arch' can be an architecture index or an architecture string
When hp=12, the hyper-parameters used to train a model are in 'configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/12E.config'
When hp=200, the hyper-parameters used to train a model are in 'configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/200E.config'
The difference between these three configurations are the number of training epochs.
if self.verbose:
print('Call query_info_str_by_arch with arch={:} and hp={:}'.format(arch, hp))
return self._query_info_str_by_arch(arch, hp, print_information)
# obtain the metric for the `index`-th architecture
# `dataset` indicates the dataset:
# 'cifar10-valid' : using the proposed train set of CIFAR-10 as the training set
# 'cifar10' : using the proposed train+valid set of CIFAR-10 as the training set
# 'cifar100' : using the proposed train set of CIFAR-100 as the training set
# 'ImageNet16-120' : using the proposed train set of ImageNet-16-120 as the training set
# `iepoch` indicates the index of training epochs from 0 to 11/199.
# When iepoch=None, it will return the metric for the last training epoch
# When iepoch=11, it will return the metric for the 11-th training epoch (starting from 0)
# `use_12epochs_result` indicates different hyper-parameters for training
# When use_12epochs_result=True, it trains the network with 12 epochs and the LR decayed from 0.1 to 0 within 12 epochs
# When use_12epochs_result=False, it trains the network with 200 epochs and the LR decayed from 0.1 to 0 within 200 epochs
# `is_random`
# When is_random=True, the performance of a random architecture will be returned
# When is_random=False, the performanceo of all trials will be averaged.
def get_more_info(self, index, dataset, iepoch=None, hp='12', is_random=True):
if self.verbose:
print('Call the get_more_info function with index={:}, dataset={:}, iepoch={:}, hp={:}, and is_random={:}.'.format(index, dataset, iepoch, hp, is_random))
index = self.query_index_by_arch(index) # To avoid the input is a string or an instance of a arch object
if index not in self.arch2infos_dict:
raise ValueError('Did not find {:} from arch2infos_dict.'.format(index))
archresult = self.arch2infos_dict[index][str(hp)]
# if randomly select one trial, select the seed at first
if isinstance(is_random, bool) and is_random:
seeds = archresult.get_dataset_seeds(dataset)
is_random = random.choice(seeds)
# collect the training information
train_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'train', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
total = train_info['iepoch'] + 1
xinfo = {'train-loss' : train_info['loss'],
'train-accuracy': train_info['accuracy'],
'train-per-time': train_info['all_time'] / total if train_info['all_time'] is not None else None,
'train-all-time': train_info['all_time']}
# collect the evaluation information
if dataset == 'cifar10-valid':
valid_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = None
valtest_info = None
try: # collect results on the proposed test set
if dataset == 'cifar10':
test_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = None
try: # collect results on the proposed validation set
valid_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
valid_info = None
if dataset != 'cifar10':
valtest_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
valtest_info = None
valtest_info = None
if valid_info is not None:
xinfo['valid-loss'] = valid_info['loss']
xinfo['valid-accuracy'] = valid_info['accuracy']
xinfo['valid-per-time'] = valid_info['all_time'] / total if valid_info['all_time'] is not None else None
xinfo['valid-all-time'] = valid_info['all_time']
if test_info is not None:
xinfo['test-loss'] = test_info['loss']
xinfo['test-accuracy'] = test_info['accuracy']
xinfo['test-per-time'] = test_info['all_time'] / total if test_info['all_time'] is not None else None
xinfo['test-all-time'] = test_info['all_time']
if valtest_info is not None:
xinfo['valtest-loss'] = valtest_info['loss']
xinfo['valtest-accuracy'] = valtest_info['accuracy']
xinfo['valtest-per-time'] = valtest_info['all_time'] / total if valtest_info['all_time'] is not None else None
xinfo['valtest-all-time'] = valtest_info['all_time']
return xinfo
def show(self, index: int = -1) -> None:
"""This function will print the information of a specific (or all) architecture(s)."""
self._show(index, print_information)
def str2lists(arch_str: Text) -> List[tuple]:
This function shows how to read the string-based architecture encoding.
It is the same as the `str2structure` func in `AutoDL-Projects/lib/models/cell_searchs/`
arch_str: the input is a string indicates the architecture topology, such as
:return: a list of tuple, contains multiple (op, input_node_index) pairs.
arch = api.str2lists( '|nor_conv_1x1~0|+|none~0|none~1|+|none~0|none~1|skip_connect~2|' )
print ('there are {:} nodes in this arch'.format(len(arch)+1)) # arch is a list
for i, node in enumerate(arch):
print('the {:}-th node is the sum of these {:} nodes with op: {:}'.format(i+1, len(node), node))
node_strs = arch_str.split('+')
genotypes = []
for i, node_str in enumerate(node_strs):
inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', node_str.split('|')))
for xinput in inputs: assert len(xinput.split('~')) == 2, 'invalid input length : {:}'.format(xinput)
inputs = ( xi.split('~') for xi in inputs )
input_infos = tuple( (op, int(IDX)) for (op, IDX) in inputs)
genotypes.append( input_infos )
return genotypes
def str2matrix(arch_str: Text,
search_space: List[Text] = ['none', 'skip_connect', 'nor_conv_1x1', 'nor_conv_3x3', 'avg_pool_3x3']) -> np.ndarray:
This func shows how to convert the string-based architecture encoding to the encoding strategy in NAS-Bench-101.
arch_str: the input is a string indicates the architecture topology, such as
search_space: a list of operation string, the default list is the search space for NAS-Bench-201
the default value should be be consistent with this line
the numpy matrix (2-D np.ndarray) representing the DAG of this architecture topology
matrix = api.str2matrix( '|nor_conv_1x1~0|+|none~0|none~1|+|none~0|none~1|skip_connect~2|' )
This matrix is 4-by-4 matrix representing a cell with 4 nodes (only the lower left triangle is useful).
[ [0, 0, 0, 0], # the first line represents the input (0-th) node
[2, 0, 0, 0], # the second line represents the 1-st node, is calculated by 2-th-op( 0-th-node )
[0, 0, 0, 0], # the third line represents the 2-nd node, is calculated by 0-th-op( 0-th-node ) + 0-th-op( 1-th-node )
[0, 0, 1, 0] ] # the fourth line represents the 3-rd node, is calculated by 0-th-op( 0-th-node ) + 0-th-op( 1-th-node ) + 1-th-op( 2-th-node )
In NAS-Bench-201 search space, 0-th-op is 'none', 1-th-op is 'skip_connect',
2-th-op is 'nor_conv_1x1', 3-th-op is 'nor_conv_3x3', 4-th-op is 'avg_pool_3x3'.
If a node has two input-edges from the same node, this function does not work. One edge will be overlapped.
node_strs = arch_str.split('+')
num_nodes = len(node_strs) + 1
matrix = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_nodes))
for i, node_str in enumerate(node_strs):
inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', node_str.split('|')))
for xinput in inputs: assert len(xinput.split('~')) == 2, 'invalid input length : {:}'.format(xinput)
for xi in inputs:
op, idx = xi.split('~')
if op not in search_space: raise ValueError('this op ({:}) is not in {:}'.format(op, search_space))
op_idx, node_idx = search_space.index(op), int(idx)
matrix[i+1, node_idx] = op_idx
return matrix
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# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
# NAS-Bench-201: Extending the Scope of Reproducible Neural Architecture Search, ICLR 2020 #
# In this Python file, we define NASBenchMetaAPI, the abstract class for benchmark APIs.
# We also define the class ArchResults, which contains all information of a single architecture trained by one kind of hyper-parameters on three datasets.
# We also define the class ResultsCount, which contains all information of a single trial for a single architecture.
# History:
# [2020.06.30] The first version.
import os, abc, copy, random, torch, numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Text, Union, Dict, Optional
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
def remap_dataset_set_names(dataset, metric_on_set, verbose=False):
"""re-map the metric_on_set to internal keys"""
if verbose:
print('Call internal function _remap_dataset_set_names with dataset={:} and metric_on_set={:}'.format(dataset, metric_on_set))
if dataset == 'cifar10' and metric_on_set == 'valid':
dataset, metric_on_set = 'cifar10-valid', 'x-valid'
elif dataset == 'cifar10' and metric_on_set == 'test':
dataset, metric_on_set = 'cifar10', 'ori-test'
elif dataset == 'cifar10' and metric_on_set == 'train':
dataset, metric_on_set = 'cifar10', 'train'
elif (dataset == 'cifar100' or dataset == 'ImageNet16-120') and metric_on_set == 'valid':
metric_on_set = 'x-valid'
elif (dataset == 'cifar100' or dataset == 'ImageNet16-120') and metric_on_set == 'test':
metric_on_set = 'x-test'
if verbose:
print(' return dataset={:} and metric_on_set={:}'.format(dataset, metric_on_set))
return dataset, metric_on_set
class NASBenchMetaAPI(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, file_path_or_dict: Optional[Union[Text, Dict]]=None, verbose: bool=True):
"""The initialization function that takes the dataset file path (or a dict loaded from that path) as input."""
def __getitem__(self, index: int):
return copy.deepcopy(self.meta_archs[index])
def arch(self, index: int):
"""Return the topology structure of the `index`-th architecture."""
if self.verbose:
print('Call the arch function with index={:}'.format(index))
assert 0 <= index < len(self.meta_archs), 'invalid index : {:} vs. {:}.'.format(index, len(self.meta_archs))
return copy.deepcopy(self.meta_archs[index])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.meta_archs)
def __repr__(self):
return ('{name}({num}/{total} architectures, file={filename})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, num=len(self.evaluated_indexes), total=len(self.meta_archs), filename=self.filename))
def avaliable_hps(self):
return list(copy.deepcopy(self._avaliable_hps))
def used_time(self):
return self._used_time
def reset_time(self):
self._used_time = 0
def simulate_train_eval(self, arch, dataset, hp='12', account_time=True):
index = self.query_index_by_arch(arch)
all_names = ('cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120')
assert dataset in all_names, 'Invalid dataset name : {:} vs {:}'.format(dataset, all_names)
if dataset == 'cifar10':
info = self.get_more_info(index, 'cifar10-valid', iepoch=None, hp=hp, is_random=True)
info = self.get_more_info(index, dataset, iepoch=None, hp=hp, is_random=True)
valid_acc, time_cost = info['valid-accuracy'], info['train-all-time'] + info['valid-per-time']
latency = self.get_latency(index, dataset)
if account_time:
self._used_time += time_cost
return valid_acc, latency, time_cost, self._used_time
def random(self):
"""Return a random index of all architectures."""
return random.randint(0, len(self.meta_archs)-1)
def query_index_by_arch(self, arch):
""" This function is used to query the index of an architecture in the search space.
In the topology search space, the input arch can be an architecture string such as '|nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|skip_connect~2|';
or an instance that has the 'tostr' function that can generate the architecture string;
or it is directly an architecture index, in this case, we will check whether it is valid or not.
This function will return the index.
If return -1, it means this architecture is not in the search space.
Otherwise, it will return an int in [0, the-number-of-candidates-in-the-search-space).
if self.verbose:
print('Call query_index_by_arch with arch={:}'.format(arch))
if isinstance(arch, int):
if 0 <= arch < len(self):
return arch
raise ValueError('Invalid architecture index {:} vs [{:}, {:}].'.format(arch, 0, len(self)))
elif isinstance(arch, str):
if arch in self.archstr2index: arch_index = self.archstr2index[ arch ]
else : arch_index = -1
elif hasattr(arch, 'tostr'):
if arch.tostr() in self.archstr2index: arch_index = self.archstr2index[ arch.tostr() ]
else : arch_index = -1
else: arch_index = -1
return arch_index
def query_by_arch(self, arch, hp):
# This is to make the current version be compatible with the old version.
return self.query_info_str_by_arch(arch, hp)
def reload(self, archive_root: Text = None, index: int = None):
"""Overwrite all information of the 'index'-th architecture in the search space, where the data will be loaded from 'archive_root'.
If index is None, overwrite all ckps.
def clear_params(self, index: int, hp: Optional[Text]=None):
"""Remove the architecture's weights to save memory.
index: the index of the target architecture
hp: a flag to controll how to clear the parameters.
-- None: clear all the weights in '01'/'12'/'90', which indicates the number of training epochs.
-- '01' or '12' or '90': clear all the weights in arch2infos_dict[index][hp].
if self.verbose:
print('Call clear_params with index={:} and hp={:}'.format(index, hp))
if hp is None:
for key, result in self.arch2infos_dict[index].items():
if str(hp) not in self.arch2infos_dict[index]:
raise ValueError('The {:}-th architecture only has hyper-parameters of {:} instead of {:}.'.format(index, list(self.arch2infos_dict[index].keys()), hp))
def query_info_str_by_arch(self, arch, hp: Text='12'):
"""This function is used to query the information of a specific architecture."""
def _query_info_str_by_arch(self, arch, hp: Text='12', print_information=None):
arch_index = self.query_index_by_arch(arch)
if arch_index in self.arch2infos_dict:
if hp not in self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index]:
raise ValueError('The {:}-th architecture only has hyper-parameters of {:} instead of {:}.'.format(index, list(self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index].keys()), hp))
info = self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index][hp]
strings = print_information(info, 'arch-index={:}'.format(arch_index))
return '\n'.join(strings)
print ('Find this arch-index : {:}, but this arch is not evaluated.'.format(arch_index))
return None
def query_meta_info_by_index(self, arch_index, hp: Text = '12'):
"""Return the ArchResults for the 'arch_index'-th architecture. This function is similar to query_by_index."""
if self.verbose:
print('Call query_meta_info_by_index with arch_index={:}, hp={:}'.format(arch_index, hp))
if arch_index in self.arch2infos_dict:
if hp not in self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index]:
raise ValueError('The {:}-th architecture only has hyper-parameters of {:} instead of {:}.'.format(arch_index, list(self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index].keys()), hp))
info = self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index][hp]
raise ValueError('arch_index [{:}] does not in arch2infos'.format(arch_index))
return copy.deepcopy(info)
def query_by_index(self, arch_index: int, dataname: Union[None, Text] = None, hp: Text = '12'):
""" This 'query_by_index' function is used to query information with the training of 01 epochs, 12 epochs, 90 epochs, or 200 epochs.
If hp=01, we train the model by 01 epochs (see config in configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/01E.config)
If hp=12, we train the model by 01 epochs (see config in configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/12E.config)
If hp=90, we train the model by 01 epochs (see config in configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/90E.config)
If hp=200, we train the model by 01 epochs (see config in configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/200E.config)
If dataname is None, return the ArchResults
else, return a dict with all trials on that dataset (the key is the seed)
Options are 'cifar10-valid', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120'.
-- cifar10-valid : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training set.
-- cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training + validation set.
-- cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR-100 training set.
-- ImageNet16-120 : training the model on the ImageNet16-120 training set.
if self.verbose:
print('Call query_by_index with arch_index={:}, dataname={:}, hp={:}'.format(arch_index, dataname, hp))
info = self.query_meta_info_by_index(arch_index, hp)
if dataname is None: return info
if dataname not in info.get_dataset_names():
raise ValueError('invalid dataset-name : {:} vs. {:}'.format(dataname, info.get_dataset_names()))
return info.query(dataname)
def find_best(self, dataset, metric_on_set, FLOP_max=None, Param_max=None, hp: Text = '12'):
"""Find the architecture with the highest accuracy based on some constraints."""
if self.verbose:
print('Call find_best with dataset={:}, metric_on_set={:}, hp={:} | with #FLOPs < {:} and #Params < {:}'.format(dataset, metric_on_set, hp, FLOP_max, Param_max))
dataset, metric_on_set = remap_dataset_set_names(dataset, metric_on_set, self.verbose)
best_index, highest_accuracy = -1, None
for i, arch_index in enumerate(self.evaluated_indexes):
arch_info = self.arch2infos_dict[arch_index][hp]
info = arch_info.get_compute_costs(dataset) # the information of costs
flop, param, latency = info['flops'], info['params'], info['latency']
if FLOP_max is not None and flop > FLOP_max : continue
if Param_max is not None and param > Param_max: continue
xinfo = arch_info.get_metrics(dataset, metric_on_set) # the information of loss and accuracy
loss, accuracy = xinfo['loss'], xinfo['accuracy']
if best_index == -1:
best_index, highest_accuracy = arch_index, accuracy
elif highest_accuracy < accuracy:
best_index, highest_accuracy = arch_index, accuracy
if self.verbose:
print(' the best architecture : [{:}] {:} with accuracy={:.3f}%'.format(best_index, self.arch(best_index), highest_accuracy))
return best_index, highest_accuracy
def get_net_param(self, index, dataset, seed: Optional[int], hp: Text = '12'):
This function is used to obtain the trained weights of the `index`-th architecture on `dataset` with the seed of `seed`
Args [seed]:
-- None : return a dict containing the trained weights of all trials, where each key is a seed and its corresponding value is the weights.
-- a interger : return the weights of a specific trial, whose seed is this interger.
Args [hp]:
-- 01 : train the model by 01 epochs
-- 12 : train the model by 12 epochs
-- 90 : train the model by 90 epochs
-- 200 : train the model by 200 epochs
if self.verbose:
print('Call the get_net_param function with index={:}, dataset={:}, seed={:}, hp={:}'.format(index, dataset, seed, hp))
info = self.query_meta_info_by_index(index, hp)
return info.get_net_param(dataset, seed)
def get_net_config(self, index: int, dataset: Text):
This function is used to obtain the configuration for the `index`-th architecture on `dataset`.
Args [dataset] (4 possible options):
-- cifar10-valid : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training set.
-- cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training + validation set.
-- cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR-100 training set.
-- ImageNet16-120 : training the model on the ImageNet16-120 training set.
This function will return a dict.
========= Some examlpes for using this function:
config = api.get_net_config(128, 'cifar10')
if self.verbose:
print('Call the get_net_config function with index={:}, dataset={:}.'.format(index, dataset))
if index in self.arch2infos_dict:
info = self.arch2infos_dict[index]
raise ValueError('The arch_index={:} is not in arch2infos_dict.'.format(arch_index))
info = next(iter(info.values()))
results = info.query(dataset, None)
results = next(iter(results.values()))
return results.get_config(None)
def get_cost_info(self, index: int, dataset: Text, hp: Text = '12') -> Dict[Text, float]:
"""To obtain the cost metric for the `index`-th architecture on a dataset."""
if self.verbose:
print('Call the get_cost_info function with index={:}, dataset={:}, and hp={:}.'.format(index, dataset, hp))
info = self.query_meta_info_by_index(index, hp)
return info.get_compute_costs(dataset)
def get_latency(self, index: int, dataset: Text, hp: Text = '12') -> float:
To obtain the latency of the network (by default it will return the latency with the batch size of 256).
:param index: the index of the target architecture
:param dataset: the dataset name (cifar10-valid, cifar10, cifar100, ImageNet16-120)
:return: return a float value in seconds
if self.verbose:
print('Call the get_latency function with index={:}, dataset={:}, and hp={:}.'.format(index, dataset, hp))
cost_dict = self.get_cost_info(index, dataset, hp)
return cost_dict['latency']
def show(self, index=-1):
"""This function will print the information of a specific (or all) architecture(s)."""
def _show(self, index=-1, print_information=None) -> None:
This function will print the information of a specific (or all) architecture(s).
:param index: If the index < 0: it will loop for all architectures and print their information one by one.
else: it will print the information of the 'index'-th architecture.
:return: nothing
if index < 0: # show all architectures
for i, idx in enumerate(self.evaluated_indexes):
print('\n' + '-' * 10 + ' The ({:5d}/{:5d}) {:06d}-th architecture! '.format(i, len(self.evaluated_indexes), idx) + '-'*10)
print('arch : {:}'.format(self.meta_archs[idx]))
for key, result in self.arch2infos_dict[index].items():
strings = print_information(result)
print('>' * 40 + ' {:03d} epochs '.format(result.get_total_epoch()) + '>' * 40)
print('<' * 40 + '------------' + '<' * 40)
if 0 <= index < len(self.meta_archs):
if index not in self.evaluated_indexes: print('The {:}-th architecture has not been evaluated or not saved.'.format(index))
arch_info = self.arch2infos_dict[index]
for key, result in self.arch2infos_dict[index].items():
strings = print_information(result)
print('>' * 40 + ' {:03d} epochs '.format(result.get_total_epoch()) + '>' * 40)
print('<' * 40 + '------------' + '<' * 40)
print('This index ({:}) is out of range (0~{:}).'.format(index, len(self.meta_archs)))
def statistics(self, dataset: Text, hp: Union[Text, int]) -> Dict[int, int]:
"""This function will count the number of total trials."""
if self.verbose:
print('Call the statistics function with dataset={:} and hp={:}.'.format(dataset, hp))
valid_datasets = ['cifar10-valid', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120']
if dataset not in valid_datasets:
raise ValueError('{:} not in {:}'.format(dataset, valid_datasets))
nums, hp = defaultdict(lambda: 0), str(hp)
for index in range(len(self)):
archInfo = self.arch2infos_dict[index][hp]
dataset_seed = archInfo.dataset_seed
if dataset not in dataset_seed:
nums[0] += 1
nums[len(dataset_seed[dataset])] += 1
return dict(nums)
class ArchResults(object):
def __init__(self, arch_index, arch_str):
self.arch_index = int(arch_index)
self.arch_str = copy.deepcopy(arch_str)
self.all_results = dict()
self.dataset_seed = dict()
self.clear_net_done = False
def get_compute_costs(self, dataset):
x_seeds = self.dataset_seed[dataset]
results = [self.all_results[ (dataset, seed) ] for seed in x_seeds]
flops = [result.flop for result in results]
params = [result.params for result in results]
latencies = [result.get_latency() for result in results]
latencies = [x for x in latencies if x > 0]
mean_latency = np.mean(latencies) if len(latencies) > 0 else None
time_infos = defaultdict(list)
for result in results:
time_info = result.get_times()
for key, value in time_info.items(): time_infos[key].append( value )
info = {'flops' : np.mean(flops),
'params' : np.mean(params),
'latency': mean_latency}
for key, value in time_infos.items():
if len(value) > 0 and value[0] is not None:
info[key] = np.mean(value)
else: info[key] = None
return info
def get_metrics(self, dataset, setname, iepoch=None, is_random=False):
This `get_metrics` function is used to obtain obtain the loss, accuracy, etc information on a specific dataset.
If not specify, each set refer to the proposed split in NAS-Bench-201 paper.
If some args return None or raise error, then it is not avaliable.
Args [dataset] (4 possible options):
-- cifar10-valid : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training set.
-- cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR-10 training + validation set.
-- cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR-100 training set.
-- ImageNet16-120 : training the model on the ImageNet16-120 training set.
Args [setname] (each dataset has different setnames):
-- When dataset = cifar10-valid, you can use 'train', 'x-valid', 'ori-test'
------ 'train' : the metric on the training set.
------ 'x-valid' : the metric on the validation set.
------ 'ori-test' : the metric on the test set.
-- When dataset = cifar10, you can use 'train', 'ori-test'.
------ 'train' : the metric on the training + validation set.
------ 'ori-test' : the metric on the test set.
-- When dataset = cifar100 or ImageNet16-120, you can use 'train', 'ori-test', 'x-valid', 'x-test'
------ 'train' : the metric on the training set.
------ 'x-valid' : the metric on the validation set.
------ 'x-test' : the metric on the test set.
------ 'ori-test' : the metric on the validation + test set.
Args [iepoch] (None or an integer in [0, the-number-of-total-training-epochs)
------ None : return the metric after the last training epoch.
------ an integer i : return the metric after the i-th training epoch.
Args [is_random]:
------ True : return the metric of a randomly selected trial.
------ False : return the averaged metric of all avaliable trials.
------ an integer indicating the 'seed' value : return the metric of a specific trial (whose random seed is 'is_random').
x_seeds = self.dataset_seed[dataset]
results = [self.all_results[ (dataset, seed) ] for seed in x_seeds]
infos = defaultdict(list)
for result in results:
if setname == 'train':
info = result.get_train(iepoch)
info = result.get_eval(setname, iepoch)
for key, value in info.items(): infos[key].append( value )
return_info = dict()
if isinstance(is_random, bool) and is_random: # randomly select one
index = random.randint(0, len(results)-1)
for key, value in infos.items(): return_info[key] = value[index]
elif isinstance(is_random, bool) and not is_random: # average
for key, value in infos.items():
if len(value) > 0 and value[0] is not None:
return_info[key] = np.mean(value)
else: return_info[key] = None
elif isinstance(is_random, int): # specify the seed
if is_random not in x_seeds: raise ValueError('can not find random seed ({:}) from {:}'.format(is_random, x_seeds))
index = x_seeds.index(is_random)
for key, value in infos.items(): return_info[key] = value[index]
raise ValueError('invalid value for is_random: {:}'.format(is_random))
return return_info
def show(self, is_print=False):
return print_information(self, None, is_print)
def get_dataset_names(self):
return list(self.dataset_seed.keys())
def get_dataset_seeds(self, dataset):
return copy.deepcopy( self.dataset_seed[dataset] )
def get_net_param(self, dataset: Text, seed: Union[None, int] =None):
This function will return the trained network's weights on the 'dataset'.
dataset: one of 'cifar10-valid', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', and 'ImageNet16-120'.
seed: an integer indicates the seed value or None that indicates returing all trials.
if seed is None:
x_seeds = self.dataset_seed[dataset]
return {seed: self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].get_net_param() for seed in x_seeds}
xkey = (dataset, seed)
if xkey in self.all_results:
return self.all_results[xkey].get_net_param()
raise ValueError('key={:} not in {:}'.format(xkey, list(self.all_results.keys())))
def reset_latency(self, dataset: Text, seed: Union[None, Text], latency: float) -> None:
"""This function is used to reset the latency in all corresponding ResultsCount(s)."""
if seed is None:
for seed in self.dataset_seed[dataset]:
self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].update_latency([latency])
self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].update_latency([latency])
def reset_pseudo_train_times(self, dataset: Text, seed: Union[None, Text], estimated_per_epoch_time: float) -> None:
"""This function is used to reset the train-times in all corresponding ResultsCount(s)."""
if seed is None:
for seed in self.dataset_seed[dataset]:
self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].reset_pseudo_train_times(estimated_per_epoch_time)
self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].reset_pseudo_train_times(estimated_per_epoch_time)
def reset_pseudo_eval_times(self, dataset: Text, seed: Union[None, Text], eval_name: Text, estimated_per_epoch_time: float) -> None:
"""This function is used to reset the eval-times in all corresponding ResultsCount(s)."""
if seed is None:
for seed in self.dataset_seed[dataset]:
self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].reset_pseudo_eval_times(eval_name, estimated_per_epoch_time)
self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].reset_pseudo_eval_times(eval_name, estimated_per_epoch_time)
def get_latency(self, dataset: Text) -> float:
"""Get the latency of a model on the target dataset. [Timestamp: 2020.03.09]"""
latencies = []
for seed in self.dataset_seed[dataset]:
latency = self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].get_latency()
if not isinstance(latency, float) or latency <= 0:
raise ValueError('invalid latency of {:} with seed={:} : {:}'.format(dataset, seed, latency))
return sum(latencies) / len(latencies)
def get_total_epoch(self, dataset=None):
"""Return the total number of training epochs."""
if dataset is None:
epochss = []
for xdata, x_seeds in self.dataset_seed.items():
epochss += [self.all_results[(xdata, seed)].get_total_epoch() for seed in x_seeds]
elif isinstance(dataset, str):
x_seeds = self.dataset_seed[dataset]
epochss = [self.all_results[(dataset, seed)].get_total_epoch() for seed in x_seeds]
raise ValueError('invalid dataset={:}'.format(dataset))
if len(set(epochss)) > 1: raise ValueError('Each trial mush have the same number of training epochs : {:}'.format(epochss))
return epochss[-1]
def query(self, dataset, seed=None):
"""Return the ResultsCount object (containing all information of a single trial) for 'dataset' and 'seed'"""
if seed is None:
x_seeds = self.dataset_seed[dataset]
return {seed: self.all_results[(dataset, seed)] for seed in x_seeds}
return self.all_results[(dataset, seed)]
def arch_idx_str(self):
return '{:06d}'.format(self.arch_index)
def update(self, dataset_name, seed, result):
if dataset_name not in self.dataset_seed:
self.dataset_seed[dataset_name] = []
assert seed not in self.dataset_seed[dataset_name], '{:}-th arch alreadly has this seed ({:}) on {:}'.format(self.arch_index, seed, dataset_name)
self.dataset_seed[ dataset_name ].append( seed )
self.dataset_seed[ dataset_name ] = sorted( self.dataset_seed[ dataset_name ] )
assert (dataset_name, seed) not in self.all_results
self.all_results[ (dataset_name, seed) ] = result
self.clear_net_done = False
def state_dict(self):
state_dict = dict()
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key == 'all_results': # contain the class of ResultsCount
xvalue = dict()
assert isinstance(value, dict), 'invalid type of value for {:} : {:}'.format(key, type(value))
for _k, _v in value.items():
assert isinstance(_v, ResultsCount), 'invalid type of value for {:}/{:} : {:}'.format(key, _k, type(_v))
xvalue[_k] = _v.state_dict()
xvalue = value
state_dict[key] = xvalue
return state_dict
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict):
new_state_dict = dict()
for key, value in state_dict.items():
if key == 'all_results': # to convert to the class of ResultsCount
xvalue = dict()
assert isinstance(value, dict), 'invalid type of value for {:} : {:}'.format(key, type(value))
for _k, _v in value.items():
xvalue[_k] = ResultsCount.create_from_state_dict(_v)
else: xvalue = value
new_state_dict[key] = xvalue
def create_from_state_dict(state_dict_or_file):
x = ArchResults(-1, -1)
if isinstance(state_dict_or_file, str): # a file path
state_dict = torch.load(state_dict_or_file, map_location='cpu')
elif isinstance(state_dict_or_file, dict):
state_dict = state_dict_or_file
raise ValueError('invalid type of state_dict_or_file : {:}'.format(type(state_dict_or_file)))
return x
# This function is used to clear the weights saved in each 'result'
# This can help reduce the memory footprint.
def clear_params(self):
for key, result in self.all_results.items():
del result.net_state_dict
result.net_state_dict = None
self.clear_net_done = True
def debug_test(self):
"""This function is used for me to debug and test, which will call most methods."""
all_dataset = ['cifar10-valid', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120']
for dataset in all_dataset:
print('---->>>> {:}'.format(dataset))
print('The latency on {:} is {:} s'.format(dataset, self.get_latency(dataset)))
for seed in self.dataset_seed[dataset]:
result = self.all_results[(dataset, seed)]
print(' ==>> result = {:}'.format(result))
print(' ==>> cost = {:}'.format(result.get_times()))
def __repr__(self):
return ('{name}(arch-index={index}, arch={arch}, {num} runs, clear={clear})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, index=self.arch_index, arch=self.arch_str, num=len(self.all_results), clear=self.clear_net_done))
This class (ResultsCount) is used to save the information of one trial for a single architecture.
I did not write much comment for this class, because it is the lowest-level class in NAS-Bench-201 API, which will be rarely called.
If you have any question regarding this class, please open an issue or email me.
class ResultsCount(object):
def __init__(self, name, state_dict, train_accs, train_losses, params, flop, arch_config, seed, epochs, latency):
|||| = name
self.net_state_dict = state_dict
self.train_acc1es = copy.deepcopy(train_accs)
self.train_acc5es = None
self.train_losses = copy.deepcopy(train_losses)
self.train_times = None
self.arch_config = copy.deepcopy(arch_config)
self.params = params
self.flop = flop
self.seed = seed
self.epochs = epochs
self.latency = latency
# evaluation results
def update_train_info(self, train_acc1es, train_acc5es, train_losses, train_times) -> None:
self.train_acc1es = train_acc1es
self.train_acc5es = train_acc5es
self.train_losses = train_losses
self.train_times = train_times
def reset_pseudo_train_times(self, estimated_per_epoch_time: float) -> None:
"""Assign the training times."""
train_times = OrderedDict()
for i in range(self.epochs):
train_times[i] = estimated_per_epoch_time
self.train_times = train_times
def reset_pseudo_eval_times(self, eval_name: Text, estimated_per_epoch_time: float) -> None:
"""Assign the evaluation times."""
if eval_name not in self.eval_names: raise ValueError('invalid eval name : {:}'.format(eval_name))
for i in range(self.epochs):
self.eval_times['{:}@{:}'.format(eval_name,i)] = estimated_per_epoch_time
def reset_eval(self):
self.eval_names = []
self.eval_acc1es = {}
self.eval_times = {}
self.eval_losses = {}
def update_latency(self, latency):
self.latency = copy.deepcopy( latency )
def get_latency(self) -> float:
"""Return the latency value in seconds. -1 represents not avaliable ; otherwise it should be a float value"""
if self.latency is None: return -1.0
else: return sum(self.latency) / len(self.latency)
def update_eval(self, accs, losses, times): # new version
data_names = set([x.split('@')[0] for x in accs.keys()])
for data_name in data_names:
assert data_name not in self.eval_names, '{:} has already been added into eval-names'.format(data_name)
self.eval_names.append( data_name )
for iepoch in range(self.epochs):
xkey = '{:}@{:}'.format(data_name, iepoch)
self.eval_acc1es[ xkey ] = accs[ xkey ]
self.eval_losses[ xkey ] = losses[ xkey ]
self.eval_times [ xkey ] = times[ xkey ]
def update_OLD_eval(self, name, accs, losses): # old version
assert name not in self.eval_names, '{:} has already added'.format(name)
self.eval_names.append( name )
for iepoch in range(self.epochs):
if iepoch in accs:
self.eval_acc1es['{:}@{:}'.format(name,iepoch)] = accs[iepoch]
self.eval_losses['{:}@{:}'.format(name,iepoch)] = losses[iepoch]
def __repr__(self):
num_eval = len(self.eval_names)
set_name = '[' + ', '.join(self.eval_names) + ']'
return ('{name}({xname}, arch={arch}, FLOP={flop:.2f}M, Param={param:.3f}MB, seed={seed}, {num_eval} eval-sets: {set_name})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__,, arch=self.arch_config['arch_str'], flop=self.flop, param=self.params, seed=self.seed, num_eval=num_eval, set_name=set_name))
def get_total_epoch(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self.epochs)
def get_times(self):
"""Obtain the information regarding both training and evaluation time."""
if self.train_times is not None and isinstance(self.train_times, dict):
train_times = list( self.train_times.values() )
time_info = {'T-train@epoch': np.mean(train_times), 'T-train@total': np.sum(train_times)}
time_info = {'T-train@epoch': None, 'T-train@total': None }
for name in self.eval_names:
xtimes = [self.eval_times['{:}@{:}'.format(name,i)] for i in range(self.epochs)]
time_info['T-{:}@epoch'.format(name)] = np.mean(xtimes)
time_info['T-{:}@total'.format(name)] = np.sum(xtimes)
time_info['T-{:}@epoch'.format(name)] = None
time_info['T-{:}@total'.format(name)] = None
return time_info
def get_eval_set(self):
return self.eval_names
# get the training information
def get_train(self, iepoch=None):
if iepoch is None: iepoch = self.epochs-1
assert 0 <= iepoch < self.epochs, 'invalid iepoch={:} < {:}'.format(iepoch, self.epochs)
if self.train_times is not None:
xtime = self.train_times[iepoch]
atime = sum([self.train_times[i] for i in range(iepoch+1)])
else: xtime, atime = None, None
return {'iepoch' : iepoch,
'loss' : self.train_losses[iepoch],
'accuracy': self.train_acc1es[iepoch],
'cur_time': xtime,
'all_time': atime}
def get_eval(self, name, iepoch=None):
"""Get the evaluation information ; there could be multiple evaluation sets (identified by the 'name' argument)."""
if iepoch is None: iepoch = self.epochs-1
assert 0 <= iepoch < self.epochs, 'invalid iepoch={:} < {:}'.format(iepoch, self.epochs)
def _internal_query(xname):
if isinstance(self.eval_times,dict) and len(self.eval_times) > 0:
xtime = self.eval_times['{:}@{:}'.format(xname, iepoch)]
atime = sum([self.eval_times['{:}@{:}'.format(xname, i)] for i in range(iepoch+1)])
xtime, atime = None, None
return {'iepoch' : iepoch,
'loss' : self.eval_losses['{:}@{:}'.format(xname, iepoch)],
'accuracy': self.eval_acc1es['{:}@{:}'.format(xname, iepoch)],
'cur_time': xtime,
'all_time': atime}
if name == 'valid':
return _internal_query('x-valid')
return _internal_query(name)
def get_net_param(self, clone=False):
if clone: return copy.deepcopy(self.net_state_dict)
else: return self.net_state_dict
def get_config(self, str2structure):
"""This function is used to obtain the config dict for this architecture."""
if str2structure is None:
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-301
if 'name' in self.arch_config and self.arch_config['name'] == 'infer.shape.tiny':
return {'name': 'infer.shape.tiny', 'channels': self.arch_config['channels'],
'genotype': self.arch_config['genotype'], 'num_classes': self.arch_config['class_num']}
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-201
return {'name': 'infer.tiny', 'C': self.arch_config['channel'],
'N' : self.arch_config['num_cells'],
'arch_str': self.arch_config['arch_str'], 'num_classes': self.arch_config['class_num']}
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-301
if 'name' in self.arch_config and self.arch_config['name'] == 'infer.shape.tiny':
return {'name': 'infer.shape.tiny', 'channels': self.arch_config['channels'],
'genotype': str2structure(self.arch_config['genotype']), 'num_classes': self.arch_config['class_num']}
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-201
return {'name': 'infer.tiny', 'C': self.arch_config['channel'],
'N' : self.arch_config['num_cells'],
'genotype': str2structure(self.arch_config['arch_str']), 'num_classes': self.arch_config['class_num']}
def state_dict(self):
_state_dict = {key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items()}
return _state_dict
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict):
def create_from_state_dict(state_dict):
x = ResultsCount(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)
return x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
# [2020.02.25] Initialize the API as v1.1
# [2020.03.09] Upgrade the API to v1.2
# [2020.03.16] Upgrade the API to v1.3
# [2020.06.30] Upgrade the API to v2.0
# [2020.10.12] Upgrade the API to v2.1 -- deprecate this repo, switch to NATS-Bench.
import os
from setuptools import setup
def read(fname=''):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname), encoding='utf-8') as cfile:
name = "nas_bench_201",
version = "2.1",
author = "Xuanyi Dong",
author_email = "",
description = "API for NAS-Bench-201 (a benchmark for neural architecture search).",
license = "MIT",
keywords = "NAS Dataset API DeepLearning",
url = "",
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Topic :: Database",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
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