2019-11-15 07:15:07 +01:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019 #
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
import os , sys , copy , torch , numpy as np
2019-11-14 03:55:42 +01:00
from collections import OrderedDict
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
def print_information ( information , extra_info = None , show = False ) :
dataset_names = information . get_dataset_names ( )
strings = [ information . arch_str , ' datasets : {:} , extra-info : {:} ' . format ( dataset_names , extra_info ) ]
def metric2str ( loss , acc ) :
return ' loss = {:.3f} , top1 = {:.2f} % ' . format ( loss , acc )
for ida , dataset in enumerate ( dataset_names ) :
flop , param , latency = information . get_comput_costs ( dataset )
str1 = ' {:14s} FLOP= {:6.2f} M, Params= {:.3f} MB, latency= {:} ms. ' . format ( dataset , flop , param , ' {:.2f} ' . format ( latency * 1000 ) if latency > 0 else None )
train_loss , train_acc = information . get_metrics ( dataset , ' train ' )
if dataset == ' cifar10-valid ' :
valid_loss , valid_acc = information . get_metrics ( dataset , ' x-valid ' )
str2 = ' {:14s} train : [ {:} ], valid : [ {:} ] ' . format ( dataset , metric2str ( train_loss , train_acc ) , metric2str ( valid_loss , valid_acc ) )
elif dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
test__loss , test__acc = information . get_metrics ( dataset , ' ori-test ' )
str2 = ' {:14s} train : [ {:} ], test : [ {:} ] ' . format ( dataset , metric2str ( train_loss , train_acc ) , metric2str ( test__loss , test__acc ) )
else :
valid_loss , valid_acc = information . get_metrics ( dataset , ' x-valid ' )
test__loss , test__acc = information . get_metrics ( dataset , ' x-test ' )
str2 = ' {:14s} train : [ {:} ], valid : [ {:} ], test : [ {:} ] ' . format ( dataset , metric2str ( train_loss , train_acc ) , metric2str ( valid_loss , valid_acc ) , metric2str ( test__loss , test__acc ) )
strings + = [ str1 , str2 ]
if show : print ( ' \n ' . join ( strings ) )
return strings
class AANASBenchAPI ( object ) :
2019-11-14 03:55:42 +01:00
def __init__ ( self , file_path_or_dict , verbose = True ) :
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if isinstance ( file_path_or_dict , str ) :
2019-11-14 03:55:42 +01:00
if verbose : print ( ' try to create AA-NAS-Bench api from {:} ' . format ( file_path_or_dict ) )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
assert os . path . isfile ( file_path_or_dict ) , ' invalid path : {:} ' . format ( file_path_or_dict )
file_path_or_dict = torch . load ( file_path_or_dict )
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else :
file_path_or_dict = copy . deepcopy ( file_path_or_dict )
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assert isinstance ( file_path_or_dict , dict ) , ' It should be a dict instead of {:} ' . format ( type ( file_path_or_dict ) )
keys = ( ' meta_archs ' , ' arch2infos ' , ' evaluated_indexes ' )
for key in keys : assert key in file_path_or_dict , ' Can not find key[ {:} ] in the dict ' . format ( key )
self . meta_archs = copy . deepcopy ( file_path_or_dict [ ' meta_archs ' ] )
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self . arch2infos = OrderedDict ( )
for xkey in sorted ( list ( file_path_or_dict [ ' arch2infos ' ] . keys ( ) ) ) :
self . arch2infos [ xkey ] = ArchResults . create_from_state_dict ( file_path_or_dict [ ' arch2infos ' ] [ xkey ] )
self . evaluated_indexes = sorted ( list ( file_path_or_dict [ ' evaluated_indexes ' ] ) )
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self . archstr2index = { }
for idx , arch in enumerate ( self . meta_archs ) :
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#assert arch.tostr() not in self.archstr2index, 'This [{:}]-th arch {:} already in the dict ({:}).'.format(idx, arch, self.archstr2index[arch.tostr()])
assert arch not in self . archstr2index , ' This [ {:} ]-th arch {:} already in the dict ( {:} ). ' . format ( idx , arch , self . archstr2index [ arch ] )
self . archstr2index [ arch ] = idx
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def __getitem__ ( self , index ) :
return copy . deepcopy ( self . meta_archs [ index ] )
def __len__ ( self ) :
return len ( self . meta_archs )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ( ' {name} ( {num} / {total} architectures) ' . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , num = len ( self . evaluated_indexes ) , total = len ( self . meta_archs ) ) )
def query_index_by_arch ( self , arch ) :
2019-11-14 03:55:42 +01:00
if isinstance ( arch , str ) :
if arch in self . archstr2index : arch_index = self . archstr2index [ arch ]
else : arch_index = - 1
elif hasattr ( arch , ' tostr ' ) :
if arch . tostr ( ) in self . archstr2index : arch_index = self . archstr2index [ arch . tostr ( ) ]
else : arch_index = - 1
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else : arch_index = - 1
return arch_index
def query_by_arch ( self , arch ) :
arch_index = self . query_index_by_arch ( arch )
if arch_index == - 1 : return None
if arch_index in self . arch2infos :
strings = print_information ( self . arch2infos [ arch_index ] , ' arch-index= {:} ' . format ( arch_index ) )
return ' \n ' . join ( strings )
else :
print ( ' Find this arch-index : {:} , but this arch is not evaluated. ' . format ( arch_index ) )
return None
def query_by_index ( self , arch_index , dataname ) :
assert arch_index in self . arch2infos , ' arch_index [ {:} ] does not in arch2info ' . format ( arch_index )
archInfo = copy . deepcopy ( self . arch2infos [ arch_index ] )
assert dataname in archInfo . get_dataset_names ( ) , ' invalid dataset-name : {:} ' . format ( dataname )
info = archInfo . query ( dataname )
return info
2019-11-14 03:55:42 +01:00
def query_meta_info_by_index ( self , arch_index ) :
assert arch_index in self . arch2infos , ' arch_index [ {:} ] does not in arch2info ' . format ( arch_index )
archInfo = copy . deepcopy ( self . arch2infos [ arch_index ] )
return archInfo
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
def find_best ( self , dataset , metric_on_set , FLOP_max = None , Param_max = None ) :
best_index , highest_accuracy = - 1 , None
for i , idx in enumerate ( self . evaluated_indexes ) :
flop , param , latency = self . arch2infos [ idx ] . get_comput_costs ( dataset )
if FLOP_max is not None and flop > FLOP_max : continue
if Param_max is not None and param > Param_max : continue
loss , accuracy = self . arch2infos [ idx ] . get_metrics ( dataset , metric_on_set )
if best_index == - 1 :
best_index , highest_accuracy = idx , accuracy
elif highest_accuracy < accuracy :
best_index , highest_accuracy = idx , accuracy
return best_index
def arch ( self , index ) :
assert 0 < = index < len ( self . meta_archs ) , ' invalid index : {:} vs. {:} . ' . format ( index , len ( self . meta_archs ) )
return copy . deepcopy ( self . meta_archs [ index ] )
def show ( self , index = - 1 ) :
if index == - 1 : # show all architectures
print ( self )
for i , idx in enumerate ( self . evaluated_indexes ) :
print ( ' \n ' + ' - ' * 10 + ' The ( {:5d} / {:5d} ) {:06d} -th architecture! ' . format ( i , len ( self . evaluated_indexes ) , idx ) + ' - ' * 10 )
print ( ' arch : {:} ' . format ( self . meta_archs [ idx ] ) )
strings = print_information ( self . arch2infos [ idx ] )
print ( ' > ' * 20 )
print ( ' \n ' . join ( strings ) )
print ( ' < ' * 20 )
else :
if 0 < = index < len ( self . meta_archs ) :
if index not in self . evaluated_indexes : print ( ' The {:} -th architecture has not been evaluated or not saved. ' . format ( index ) )
else :
strings = print_information ( self . arch2infos [ index ] )
print ( ' \n ' . join ( strings ) )
else :
print ( ' This index ( {:} ) is out of range (0~ {:} ). ' . format ( index , len ( self . meta_archs ) ) )
class ArchResults ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , arch_index , arch_str ) :
self . arch_index = int ( arch_index )
self . arch_str = copy . deepcopy ( arch_str )
self . all_results = dict ( )
self . dataset_seed = dict ( )
self . clear_net_done = False
def get_comput_costs ( self , dataset ) :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
results = [ self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] for seed in x_seeds ]
flops = [ result . flop for result in results ]
params = [ result . params for result in results ]
lantencies = [ result . get_latency ( ) for result in results ]
return np . mean ( flops ) , np . mean ( params ) , np . mean ( lantencies )
def get_metrics ( self , dataset , setname , iepoch = None ) :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
results = [ self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] for seed in x_seeds ]
loss , accuracy = [ ] , [ ]
for result in results :
if setname == ' train ' :
info = result . get_train ( iepoch )
else :
info = result . get_eval ( setname , iepoch )
loss . append ( info [ ' loss ' ] )
accuracy . append ( info [ ' accuracy ' ] )
return float ( np . mean ( loss ) ) , float ( np . mean ( accuracy ) )
def show ( self , is_print = False ) :
return print_information ( self , None , is_print )
def get_dataset_names ( self ) :
return list ( self . dataset_seed . keys ( ) )
def query ( self , dataset , seed = None ) :
if seed is None :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
return [ self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] for seed in x_seeds ]
else :
return self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ]
def arch_idx_str ( self ) :
return ' {:06d} ' . format ( self . arch_index )
def update ( self , dataset_name , seed , result ) :
if dataset_name not in self . dataset_seed :
self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] = [ ]
assert seed not in self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] , ' {:} -th arch alreadly has this seed ( {:} ) on {:} ' . format ( self . arch_index , seed , dataset_name )
self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] . append ( seed )
self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] = sorted ( self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] )
assert ( dataset_name , seed ) not in self . all_results
self . all_results [ ( dataset_name , seed ) ] = result
self . clear_net_done = False
def state_dict ( self ) :
state_dict = dict ( )
for key , value in self . __dict__ . items ( ) :
if key == ' all_results ' : # contain the class of ResultsCount
xvalue = dict ( )
assert isinstance ( value , dict ) , ' invalid type of value for {:} : {:} ' . format ( key , type ( value ) )
for _k , _v in value . items ( ) :
assert isinstance ( _v , ResultsCount ) , ' invalid type of value for {:} / {:} : {:} ' . format ( key , _k , type ( _v ) )
xvalue [ _k ] = _v . state_dict ( )
else :
xvalue = value
state_dict [ key ] = xvalue
return state_dict
def load_state_dict ( self , state_dict ) :
new_state_dict = dict ( )
for key , value in state_dict . items ( ) :
if key == ' all_results ' : # to convert to the class of ResultsCount
xvalue = dict ( )
assert isinstance ( value , dict ) , ' invalid type of value for {:} : {:} ' . format ( key , type ( value ) )
for _k , _v in value . items ( ) :
xvalue [ _k ] = ResultsCount . create_from_state_dict ( _v )
else : xvalue = value
new_state_dict [ key ] = xvalue
self . __dict__ . update ( new_state_dict )
def create_from_state_dict ( state_dict_or_file ) :
x = ArchResults ( - 1 , - 1 )
if isinstance ( state_dict_or_file , str ) : # a file path
state_dict = torch . load ( state_dict_or_file )
elif isinstance ( state_dict_or_file , dict ) :
state_dict = state_dict_or_file
else :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid type of state_dict_or_file : {:} ' . format ( type ( state_dict_or_file ) ) )
x . load_state_dict ( state_dict )
return x
def clear_params ( self ) :
for key , result in self . all_results . items ( ) :
result . net_state_dict = None
self . clear_net_done = True
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ( ' {name} (arch-index= {index} , arch= {arch} , {num} runs, clear= {clear} ) ' . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , index = self . arch_index , arch = self . arch_str , num = len ( self . all_results ) , clear = self . clear_net_done ) )
class ResultsCount ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , name , state_dict , train_accs , train_losses , params , flop , arch_config , seed , epochs , latency ) :
self . name = name
self . net_state_dict = state_dict
self . train_accs = copy . deepcopy ( train_accs )
self . train_losses = copy . deepcopy ( train_losses )
self . arch_config = copy . deepcopy ( arch_config )
self . params = params
self . flop = flop
self . seed = seed
self . epochs = epochs
self . latency = latency
# evaluation results
self . reset_eval ( )
def reset_eval ( self ) :
self . eval_names = [ ]
self . eval_accs = { }
self . eval_losses = { }
def update_latency ( self , latency ) :
self . latency = copy . deepcopy ( latency )
def get_latency ( self ) :
if self . latency is None : return - 1
else : return sum ( self . latency ) / len ( self . latency )
def update_eval ( self , name , accs , losses ) :
assert name not in self . eval_names , ' {:} has already added ' . format ( name )
self . eval_names . append ( name )
self . eval_accs [ name ] = copy . deepcopy ( accs )
self . eval_losses [ name ] = copy . deepcopy ( losses )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
num_eval = len ( self . eval_names )
return ( ' {name} ( {xname} , arch= {arch} , FLOP= {flop:.2f} M, Param= {param:.3f} MB, seed= {seed} , {num_eval} eval-sets) ' . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , xname = self . name , arch = self . arch_config [ ' arch_str ' ] , flop = self . flop , param = self . params , seed = self . seed , num_eval = num_eval ) )
def valid_evaluation_set ( self ) :
return self . eval_names
def get_train ( self , iepoch = None ) :
if iepoch is None : iepoch = self . epochs - 1
assert 0 < = iepoch < self . epochs , ' invalid iepoch= {:} < {:} ' . format ( iepoch , self . epochs )
return { ' loss ' : self . train_losses [ iepoch ] , ' accuracy ' : self . train_accs [ iepoch ] }
def get_eval ( self , name , iepoch = None ) :
if iepoch is None : iepoch = self . epochs - 1
assert 0 < = iepoch < self . epochs , ' invalid iepoch= {:} < {:} ' . format ( iepoch , self . epochs )
return { ' loss ' : self . eval_losses [ name ] [ iepoch ] , ' accuracy ' : self . eval_accs [ name ] [ iepoch ] }
def get_net_param ( self ) :
return self . net_state_dict
def state_dict ( self ) :
_state_dict = { key : value for key , value in self . __dict__ . items ( ) }
return _state_dict
def load_state_dict ( self , state_dict ) :
self . __dict__ . update ( state_dict )
def create_from_state_dict ( state_dict ) :
x = ResultsCount ( None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None )
x . load_state_dict ( state_dict )
return x