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2020-07-30 15:07:11 +02:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020.07 #
# NATS-Bench: Benchmarking NAS algorithms for Architecture Topology and Size
import os, copy, random, torch, numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Text, Union, Dict, Optional
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from .api_utils import ArchResults
from .api_utils import NASBenchMetaAPI
from .api_utils import remap_dataset_set_names
ALL_BENCHMARK_FILES = ['NAS-Bench-201-v1_0-e61699.pth', 'NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth']
ALL_ARCHIVE_DIRS = ['NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-archive']
def print_information(information, extra_info=None, show=False):
dataset_names = information.get_dataset_names()
strings = [information.arch_str, 'datasets : {:}, extra-info : {:}'.format(dataset_names, extra_info)]
def metric2str(loss, acc):
return 'loss = {:.3f}, top1 = {:.2f}%'.format(loss, acc)
for ida, dataset in enumerate(dataset_names):
metric = information.get_compute_costs(dataset)
flop, param, latency = metric['flops'], metric['params'], metric['latency']
str1 = '{:14s} FLOP={:6.2f} M, Params={:.3f} MB, latency={:} ms.'.format(dataset, flop, param, '{:.2f}'.format(latency*1000) if latency is not None and latency > 0 else None)
train_info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'train')
if dataset == 'cifar10-valid':
valid_info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid')
str2 = '{:14s} train : [{:}], valid : [{:}]'.format(dataset, metric2str(train_info['loss'], train_info['accuracy']), metric2str(valid_info['loss'], valid_info['accuracy']))
elif dataset == 'cifar10':
test__info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test')
str2 = '{:14s} train : [{:}], test : [{:}]'.format(dataset, metric2str(train_info['loss'], train_info['accuracy']), metric2str(test__info['loss'], test__info['accuracy']))
valid_info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid')
test__info = information.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-test')
str2 = '{:14s} train : [{:}], valid : [{:}], test : [{:}]'.format(dataset, metric2str(train_info['loss'], train_info['accuracy']), metric2str(valid_info['loss'], valid_info['accuracy']), metric2str(test__info['loss'], test__info['accuracy']))
strings += [str1, str2]
if show: print('\n'.join(strings))
return strings
This is the class for the API of topology search space in NATS-Bench.
class NATStopology(NASBenchMetaAPI):
""" The initialization function that takes the dataset file path (or a dict loaded from that path) as input. """
def __init__(self, file_path_or_dict: Optional[Union[Text, Dict]]=None,
verbose: bool=True):
self.filename = None
self._search_space_name = 'topology'
if file_path_or_dict is None:
file_path_or_dict = os.path.join(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], ALL_BENCHMARK_FILES[-1])
print ('Try to use the default NATS-Bench (topology) path from {:}.'.format(file_path_or_dict))
if isinstance(file_path_or_dict, str) or isinstance(file_path_or_dict, Path):
file_path_or_dict = str(file_path_or_dict)
if verbose: print('try to create the NATS-Bench (topology) api from {:}'.format(file_path_or_dict))
assert os.path.isfile(file_path_or_dict), 'invalid path : {:}'.format(file_path_or_dict)
self.filename = Path(file_path_or_dict).name
file_path_or_dict = torch.load(file_path_or_dict, map_location='cpu')
elif isinstance(file_path_or_dict, dict):
file_path_or_dict = copy.deepcopy(file_path_or_dict)
else: raise ValueError('invalid type : {:} not in [str, dict]'.format(type(file_path_or_dict)))
assert isinstance(file_path_or_dict, dict), 'It should be a dict instead of {:}'.format(type(file_path_or_dict))
self.verbose = verbose # [TODO] a flag indicating whether to print more logs
keys = ('meta_archs', 'arch2infos', 'evaluated_indexes')
for key in keys: assert key in file_path_or_dict, 'Can not find key[{:}] in the dict'.format(key)
self.meta_archs = copy.deepcopy( file_path_or_dict['meta_archs'] )
# This is a dict mapping each architecture to a dict, where the key is #epochs and the value is ArchResults
self.arch2infos_dict = OrderedDict()
self._avaliable_hps = set(['12', '200'])
for xkey in sorted(list(file_path_or_dict['arch2infos'].keys())):
all_info = file_path_or_dict['arch2infos'][xkey]
hp2archres = OrderedDict()
# self.arch2infos_less[xkey] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict( all_info['less'] )
# self.arch2infos_full[xkey] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict( all_info['full'] )
hp2archres['12'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(all_info['less'])
hp2archres['200'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(all_info['full'])
self.arch2infos_dict[xkey] = hp2archres
self.evaluated_indexes = sorted(list(file_path_or_dict['evaluated_indexes']))
self.archstr2index = {}
for idx, arch in enumerate(self.meta_archs):
assert arch not in self.archstr2index, 'This [{:}]-th arch {:} already in the dict ({:}).'.format(idx, arch, self.archstr2index[arch])
self.archstr2index[ arch ] = idx
def reload(self, archive_root: Text = None, index: int = None):
"""Overwrite all information of the 'index'-th architecture in the search space.
It will load its data from 'archive_root'.
if archive_root is None:
archive_root = os.path.join(os.environ['TORCH_HOME'], ALL_ARCHIVE_DIRS[-1])
assert os.path.isdir(archive_root), 'invalid directory : {:}'.format(archive_root)
if index is None:
indexes = list(range(len(self)))
indexes = [index]
for idx in indexes:
assert 0 <= idx < len(self.meta_archs), 'invalid index of {:}'.format(idx)
xfile_path = os.path.join(archive_root, '{:06d}-FULL.pth'.format(idx))
assert os.path.isfile(xfile_path), 'invalid data path : {:}'.format(xfile_path)
xdata = torch.load(xfile_path, map_location='cpu')
assert isinstance(xdata, dict) and 'full' in xdata and 'less' in xdata, 'invalid format of data in {:}'.format(xfile_path)
hp2archres = OrderedDict()
hp2archres['12'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(xdata['less'])
hp2archres['200'] = ArchResults.create_from_state_dict(xdata['full'])
self.arch2infos_dict[idx] = hp2archres
def query_info_str_by_arch(self, arch, hp: Text='12'):
""" This function is used to query the information of a specific architecture
'arch' can be an architecture index or an architecture string
When hp=12, the hyper-parameters used to train a model are in 'configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/12E.config'
When hp=200, the hyper-parameters used to train a model are in 'configs/nas-benchmark/hyper-opts/200E.config'
The difference between these three configurations are the number of training epochs.
if self.verbose:
print('Call query_info_str_by_arch with arch={:} and hp={:}'.format(arch, hp))
return self._query_info_str_by_arch(arch, hp, print_information)
# obtain the metric for the `index`-th architecture
# `dataset` indicates the dataset:
# 'cifar10-valid' : using the proposed train set of CIFAR-10 as the training set
# 'cifar10' : using the proposed train+valid set of CIFAR-10 as the training set
# 'cifar100' : using the proposed train set of CIFAR-100 as the training set
# 'ImageNet16-120' : using the proposed train set of ImageNet-16-120 as the training set
# `iepoch` indicates the index of training epochs from 0 to 11/199.
# When iepoch=None, it will return the metric for the last training epoch
# When iepoch=11, it will return the metric for the 11-th training epoch (starting from 0)
# `use_12epochs_result` indicates different hyper-parameters for training
# When use_12epochs_result=True, it trains the network with 12 epochs and the LR decayed from 0.1 to 0 within 12 epochs
# When use_12epochs_result=False, it trains the network with 200 epochs and the LR decayed from 0.1 to 0 within 200 epochs
# `is_random`
# When is_random=True, the performance of a random architecture will be returned
# When is_random=False, the performanceo of all trials will be averaged.
def get_more_info(self, index, dataset, iepoch=None, hp='12', is_random=True):
if self.verbose:
print('Call the get_more_info function with index={:}, dataset={:}, iepoch={:}, hp={:}, and is_random={:}.'.format(index, dataset, iepoch, hp, is_random))
index = self.query_index_by_arch(index) # To avoid the input is a string or an instance of a arch object
if index not in self.arch2infos_dict:
raise ValueError('Did not find {:} from arch2infos_dict.'.format(index))
archresult = self.arch2infos_dict[index][str(hp)]
# if randomly select one trial, select the seed at first
if isinstance(is_random, bool) and is_random:
seeds = archresult.get_dataset_seeds(dataset)
is_random = random.choice(seeds)
# collect the training information
train_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'train', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
total = train_info['iepoch'] + 1
xinfo = {'train-loss' : train_info['loss'],
'train-accuracy': train_info['accuracy'],
'train-per-time': train_info['all_time'] / total if train_info['all_time'] is not None else None,
'train-all-time': train_info['all_time']}
# collect the evaluation information
if dataset == 'cifar10-valid':
valid_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = None
valtest_info = None
try: # collect results on the proposed test set
if dataset == 'cifar10':
test_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
test_info = None
try: # collect results on the proposed validation set
valid_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'x-valid', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
valid_info = None
if dataset != 'cifar10':
valtest_info = archresult.get_metrics(dataset, 'ori-test', iepoch=iepoch, is_random=is_random)
valtest_info = None
valtest_info = None
if valid_info is not None:
xinfo['valid-loss'] = valid_info['loss']
xinfo['valid-accuracy'] = valid_info['accuracy']
xinfo['valid-per-time'] = valid_info['all_time'] / total if valid_info['all_time'] is not None else None
xinfo['valid-all-time'] = valid_info['all_time']
if test_info is not None:
xinfo['test-loss'] = test_info['loss']
xinfo['test-accuracy'] = test_info['accuracy']
xinfo['test-per-time'] = test_info['all_time'] / total if test_info['all_time'] is not None else None
xinfo['test-all-time'] = test_info['all_time']
if valtest_info is not None:
xinfo['valtest-loss'] = valtest_info['loss']
xinfo['valtest-accuracy'] = valtest_info['accuracy']
xinfo['valtest-per-time'] = valtest_info['all_time'] / total if valtest_info['all_time'] is not None else None
xinfo['valtest-all-time'] = valtest_info['all_time']
return xinfo
def show(self, index: int = -1) -> None:
"""This function will print the information of a specific (or all) architecture(s)."""
self._show(index, print_information)
def str2lists(arch_str: Text) -> List[tuple]:
This function shows how to read the string-based architecture encoding.
It is the same as the `str2structure` func in `AutoDL-Projects/lib/models/cell_searchs/genotypes.py`
arch_str: the input is a string indicates the architecture topology, such as
:return: a list of tuple, contains multiple (op, input_node_index) pairs.
arch = api.str2lists( '|nor_conv_1x1~0|+|none~0|none~1|+|none~0|none~1|skip_connect~2|' )
print ('there are {:} nodes in this arch'.format(len(arch)+1)) # arch is a list
for i, node in enumerate(arch):
print('the {:}-th node is the sum of these {:} nodes with op: {:}'.format(i+1, len(node), node))
node_strs = arch_str.split('+')
genotypes = []
for i, node_str in enumerate(node_strs):
inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', node_str.split('|')))
for xinput in inputs: assert len(xinput.split('~')) == 2, 'invalid input length : {:}'.format(xinput)
inputs = ( xi.split('~') for xi in inputs )
input_infos = tuple( (op, int(IDX)) for (op, IDX) in inputs)
genotypes.append( input_infos )
return genotypes
def str2matrix(arch_str: Text,
search_space: List[Text] = ['none', 'skip_connect', 'nor_conv_1x1', 'nor_conv_3x3', 'avg_pool_3x3']) -> np.ndarray:
This func shows how to convert the string-based architecture encoding to the encoding strategy in NAS-Bench-101.
arch_str: the input is a string indicates the architecture topology, such as
search_space: a list of operation string, the default list is the topology search space for NATS-BENCH.
the default value should be be consistent with this line https://github.com/D-X-Y/AutoDL-Projects/blob/master/lib/models/cell_operations.py#L24
the numpy matrix (2-D np.ndarray) representing the DAG of this architecture topology
matrix = api.str2matrix( '|nor_conv_1x1~0|+|none~0|none~1|+|none~0|none~1|skip_connect~2|' )
This matrix is 4-by-4 matrix representing a cell with 4 nodes (only the lower left triangle is useful).
[ [0, 0, 0, 0], # the first line represents the input (0-th) node
[2, 0, 0, 0], # the second line represents the 1-st node, is calculated by 2-th-op( 0-th-node )
[0, 0, 0, 0], # the third line represents the 2-nd node, is calculated by 0-th-op( 0-th-node ) + 0-th-op( 1-th-node )
[0, 0, 1, 0] ] # the fourth line represents the 3-rd node, is calculated by 0-th-op( 0-th-node ) + 0-th-op( 1-th-node ) + 1-th-op( 2-th-node )
In the topology search space in NATS-BENCH, 0-th-op is 'none', 1-th-op is 'skip_connect',
2-th-op is 'nor_conv_1x1', 3-th-op is 'nor_conv_3x3', 4-th-op is 'avg_pool_3x3'.
If a node has two input-edges from the same node, this function does not work. One edge will be overlapped.
node_strs = arch_str.split('+')
num_nodes = len(node_strs) + 1
matrix = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_nodes))
for i, node_str in enumerate(node_strs):
inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', node_str.split('|')))
for xinput in inputs: assert len(xinput.split('~')) == 2, 'invalid input length : {:}'.format(xinput)
for xi in inputs:
op, idx = xi.split('~')
if op not in search_space: raise ValueError('this op ({:}) is not in {:}'.format(op, search_space))
op_idx, node_idx = search_space.index(op), int(idx)
matrix[i+1, node_idx] = op_idx
return matrix