2020-01-01 12:18:42 +01:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019 #
2019-09-28 10:24:47 +02:00
import sys , time , torch , random , argparse
from PIL import ImageFile
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
lib_dir = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' .. ' / ' lib ' ) . resolve ( )
if str ( lib_dir ) not in sys . path : sys . path . insert ( 0 , str ( lib_dir ) )
from config_utils import load_config , obtain_cls_kd_args as obtain_args
from procedures import prepare_seed , prepare_logger , save_checkpoint , copy_checkpoint
from procedures import get_optim_scheduler , get_procedures
from datasets import get_datasets
from models import obtain_model , load_net_from_checkpoint
from utils import get_model_infos
from log_utils import AverageMeter , time_string , convert_secs2time
def main ( args ) :
assert torch . cuda . is_available ( ) , ' CUDA is not available. '
torch . backends . cudnn . enabled = True
torch . backends . cudnn . benchmark = True
#torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch . set_num_threads ( args . workers )
prepare_seed ( args . rand_seed )
logger = prepare_logger ( args )
train_data , valid_data , xshape , class_num = get_datasets ( args . dataset , args . data_path , args . cutout_length )
train_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( train_data , batch_size = args . batch_size , shuffle = True , num_workers = args . workers , pin_memory = True )
valid_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = args . batch_size , shuffle = False , num_workers = args . workers , pin_memory = True )
# get configures
model_config = load_config ( args . model_config , { ' class_num ' : class_num } , logger )
optim_config = load_config ( args . optim_config ,
{ ' class_num ' : class_num , ' KD_alpha ' : args . KD_alpha , ' KD_temperature ' : args . KD_temperature } ,
logger )
# load checkpoint
teacher_base = load_net_from_checkpoint ( args . KD_checkpoint )
teacher = torch . nn . DataParallel ( teacher_base ) . cuda ( )
base_model = obtain_model ( model_config )
flop , param = get_model_infos ( base_model , xshape )
logger . log ( ' Student ====>>>>: \n {:} ' . format ( base_model ) )
logger . log ( ' Teacher ====>>>>: \n {:} ' . format ( teacher_base ) )
logger . log ( ' model information : {:} ' . format ( base_model . get_message ( ) ) )
logger . log ( ' - ' * 50 )
logger . log ( ' Params= {:.2f} MB, FLOPs= {:.2f} M ... = {:.2f} G ' . format ( param , flop , flop / 1e3 ) )
logger . log ( ' - ' * 50 )
logger . log ( ' train_data : {:} ' . format ( train_data ) )
logger . log ( ' valid_data : {:} ' . format ( valid_data ) )
optimizer , scheduler , criterion = get_optim_scheduler ( base_model . parameters ( ) , optim_config )
logger . log ( ' optimizer : {:} ' . format ( optimizer ) )
logger . log ( ' scheduler : {:} ' . format ( scheduler ) )
logger . log ( ' criterion : {:} ' . format ( criterion ) )
last_info , model_base_path , model_best_path = logger . path ( ' info ' ) , logger . path ( ' model ' ) , logger . path ( ' best ' )
network , criterion = torch . nn . DataParallel ( base_model ) . cuda ( ) , criterion . cuda ( )
if last_info . exists ( ) : # automatically resume from previous checkpoint
logger . log ( " => loading checkpoint of the last-info ' {:} ' start " . format ( last_info ) )
last_info = torch . load ( last_info )
start_epoch = last_info [ ' epoch ' ] + 1
checkpoint = torch . load ( last_info [ ' last_checkpoint ' ] )
base_model . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' base-model ' ] )
scheduler . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' scheduler ' ] )
optimizer . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' optimizer ' ] )
valid_accuracies = checkpoint [ ' valid_accuracies ' ]
max_bytes = checkpoint [ ' max_bytes ' ]
logger . log ( " => loading checkpoint of the last-info ' {:} ' start with {:} -th epoch. " . format ( last_info , start_epoch ) )
elif args . resume is not None :
assert Path ( args . resume ) . exists ( ) , ' Can not find the resume file : {:} ' . format ( args . resume )
checkpoint = torch . load ( args . resume )
start_epoch = checkpoint [ ' epoch ' ] + 1
base_model . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' base-model ' ] )
scheduler . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' scheduler ' ] )
optimizer . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' optimizer ' ] )
valid_accuracies = checkpoint [ ' valid_accuracies ' ]
max_bytes = checkpoint [ ' max_bytes ' ]
logger . log ( " => loading checkpoint from ' {:} ' start with {:} -th epoch. " . format ( args . resume , start_epoch ) )
elif args . init_model is not None :
assert Path ( args . init_model ) . exists ( ) , ' Can not find the initialization file : {:} ' . format ( args . init_model )
checkpoint = torch . load ( args . init_model )
base_model . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' base-model ' ] )
start_epoch , valid_accuracies , max_bytes = 0 , { ' best ' : - 1 } , { }
logger . log ( ' => initialize the model from {:} ' . format ( args . init_model ) )
else :
logger . log ( " => do not find the last-info file : {:} " . format ( last_info ) )
start_epoch , valid_accuracies , max_bytes = 0 , { ' best ' : - 1 } , { }
train_func , valid_func = get_procedures ( args . procedure )
total_epoch = optim_config . epochs + optim_config . warmup
# Main Training and Evaluation Loop
start_time = time . time ( )
epoch_time = AverageMeter ( )
for epoch in range ( start_epoch , total_epoch ) :
scheduler . update ( epoch , 0.0 )
need_time = ' Time Left: {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( epoch_time . avg * ( total_epoch - epoch ) , True ) )
epoch_str = ' epoch= {:03d} / {:03d} ' . format ( epoch , total_epoch )
LRs = scheduler . get_lr ( )
find_best = False
logger . log ( ' \n *** {:s} *** start {:s} {:s} , LR=[ {:.6f} ~ {:.6f} ], scheduler= {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , epoch_str , need_time , min ( LRs ) , max ( LRs ) , scheduler ) )
# train for one epoch
train_loss , train_acc1 , train_acc5 = train_func ( train_loader , teacher , network , criterion , scheduler , optimizer , optim_config , epoch_str , args . print_freq , logger )
# log the results
logger . log ( ' *** {:s} *** TRAIN [ {:} ] loss = {:.6f} , accuracy-1 = {:.2f} , accuracy-5 = {:.2f} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , epoch_str , train_loss , train_acc1 , train_acc5 ) )
# evaluate the performance
if ( epoch % args . eval_frequency == 0 ) or ( epoch + 1 == total_epoch ) :
logger . log ( ' - ' * 150 )
valid_loss , valid_acc1 , valid_acc5 = valid_func ( valid_loader , teacher , network , criterion , optim_config , epoch_str , args . print_freq_eval , logger )
valid_accuracies [ epoch ] = valid_acc1
logger . log ( ' *** {:s} *** VALID [ {:} ] loss = {:.6f} , accuracy@1 = {:.2f} , accuracy@5 = {:.2f} | Best-Valid-Acc@1= {:.2f} , Error@1= {:.2f} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , epoch_str , valid_loss , valid_acc1 , valid_acc5 , valid_accuracies [ ' best ' ] , 100 - valid_accuracies [ ' best ' ] ) )
if valid_acc1 > valid_accuracies [ ' best ' ] :
valid_accuracies [ ' best ' ] = valid_acc1
find_best = True
logger . log ( ' Currently, the best validation accuracy found at {:03d} -epoch :: acc@1= {:.2f} , acc@5= {:.2f} , error@1= {:.2f} , error@5= {:.2f} , save into {:} . ' . format ( epoch , valid_acc1 , valid_acc5 , 100 - valid_acc1 , 100 - valid_acc5 , model_best_path ) )
num_bytes = torch . cuda . max_memory_cached ( next ( network . parameters ( ) ) . device ) * 1.0
logger . log ( ' [GPU-Memory-Usage on {:} is {:} bytes, {:.2f} KB, {:.2f} MB, {:.2f} GB.] ' . format ( next ( network . parameters ( ) ) . device , int ( num_bytes ) , num_bytes / 1e3 , num_bytes / 1e6 , num_bytes / 1e9 ) )
max_bytes [ epoch ] = num_bytes
if epoch % 10 == 0 : torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
# save checkpoint
save_path = save_checkpoint ( {
' epoch ' : epoch ,
' args ' : deepcopy ( args ) ,
' max_bytes ' : deepcopy ( max_bytes ) ,
' FLOP ' : flop ,
' PARAM ' : param ,
' valid_accuracies ' : deepcopy ( valid_accuracies ) ,
' model-config ' : model_config . _asdict ( ) ,
' optim-config ' : optim_config . _asdict ( ) ,
' base-model ' : base_model . state_dict ( ) ,
' scheduler ' : scheduler . state_dict ( ) ,
' optimizer ' : optimizer . state_dict ( ) ,
} , model_base_path , logger )
if find_best : copy_checkpoint ( model_base_path , model_best_path , logger )
last_info = save_checkpoint ( {
' epoch ' : epoch ,
' args ' : deepcopy ( args ) ,
' last_checkpoint ' : save_path ,
} , logger . path ( ' info ' ) , logger )
# measure elapsed time
epoch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - start_time )
start_time = time . time ( )
logger . log ( ' \n ' + ' - ' * 200 )
logger . log ( ' ||| Params= {:.2f} MB, FLOPs= {:.2f} M ... = {:.2f} G ' . format ( param , flop , flop / 1e3 ) )
logger . log ( ' Finish training/validation in {:} with Max-GPU-Memory of {:.2f} MB, and save final checkpoint into {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( epoch_time . sum , True ) , max ( v for k , v in max_bytes . items ( ) ) / 1e6 , logger . path ( ' info ' ) ) )
logger . log ( ' - ' * 200 + ' \n ' )
logger . close ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
args = obtain_args ( )
main ( args )