2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
2020-01-14 14:52:06 +01:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020 #
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
# Searching for A Robust Neural Architecture in Four GPU Hours, CVPR 2019 #
2020-01-09 12:26:23 +01:00
import os , sys , time , random , argparse
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import torch
import torch . nn as nn
from pathlib import Path
lib_dir = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' .. ' / ' .. ' / ' lib ' ) . resolve ( )
if str ( lib_dir ) not in sys . path : sys . path . insert ( 0 , str ( lib_dir ) )
2020-01-09 12:26:23 +01:00
from config_utils import load_config , dict2config
2020-01-10 14:19:58 +01:00
from datasets import get_datasets , get_nas_search_loaders
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
from procedures import prepare_seed , prepare_logger , save_checkpoint , copy_checkpoint , get_optim_scheduler
from utils import get_model_infos , obtain_accuracy
from log_utils import AverageMeter , time_string , convert_secs2time
from models import get_cell_based_tiny_net , get_search_spaces
2020-01-14 14:52:06 +01:00
from nas_201_api import NASBench201API as API
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
def search_func ( xloader , network , criterion , scheduler , w_optimizer , a_optimizer , epoch_str , print_freq , logger ) :
data_time , batch_time = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
base_losses , base_top1 , base_top5 = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
arch_losses , arch_top1 , arch_top5 = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
network . train ( )
end = time . time ( )
for step , ( base_inputs , base_targets , arch_inputs , arch_targets ) in enumerate ( xloader ) :
scheduler . update ( None , 1.0 * step / len ( xloader ) )
base_targets = base_targets . cuda ( non_blocking = True )
arch_targets = arch_targets . cuda ( non_blocking = True )
# measure data loading time
data_time . update ( time . time ( ) - end )
# update the weights
w_optimizer . zero_grad ( )
_ , logits = network ( base_inputs )
base_loss = criterion ( logits , base_targets )
base_loss . backward ( )
torch . nn . utils . clip_grad_norm_ ( network . parameters ( ) , 5 )
w_optimizer . step ( )
# record
base_prec1 , base_prec5 = obtain_accuracy ( logits . data , base_targets . data , topk = ( 1 , 5 ) )
base_losses . update ( base_loss . item ( ) , base_inputs . size ( 0 ) )
base_top1 . update ( base_prec1 . item ( ) , base_inputs . size ( 0 ) )
base_top5 . update ( base_prec5 . item ( ) , base_inputs . size ( 0 ) )
# update the architecture-weight
a_optimizer . zero_grad ( )
_ , logits = network ( arch_inputs )
arch_loss = criterion ( logits , arch_targets )
arch_loss . backward ( )
a_optimizer . step ( )
# record
arch_prec1 , arch_prec5 = obtain_accuracy ( logits . data , arch_targets . data , topk = ( 1 , 5 ) )
arch_losses . update ( arch_loss . item ( ) , arch_inputs . size ( 0 ) )
arch_top1 . update ( arch_prec1 . item ( ) , arch_inputs . size ( 0 ) )
arch_top5 . update ( arch_prec5 . item ( ) , arch_inputs . size ( 0 ) )
# measure elapsed time
batch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - end )
end = time . time ( )
if step % print_freq == 0 or step + 1 == len ( xloader ) :
Sstr = ' *SEARCH* ' + time_string ( ) + ' [ {:} ][ {:03d} / {:03d} ] ' . format ( epoch_str , step , len ( xloader ) )
Tstr = ' Time {batch_time.val:.2f} ( {batch_time.avg:.2f} ) Data {data_time.val:.2f} ( {data_time.avg:.2f} ) ' . format ( batch_time = batch_time , data_time = data_time )
Wstr = ' Base [Loss {loss.val:.3f} ( {loss.avg:.3f} ) Prec@1 {top1.val:.2f} ( {top1.avg:.2f} ) Prec@5 {top5.val:.2f} ( {top5.avg:.2f} )] ' . format ( loss = base_losses , top1 = base_top1 , top5 = base_top5 )
Astr = ' Arch [Loss {loss.val:.3f} ( {loss.avg:.3f} ) Prec@1 {top1.val:.2f} ( {top1.avg:.2f} ) Prec@5 {top5.val:.2f} ( {top5.avg:.2f} )] ' . format ( loss = arch_losses , top1 = arch_top1 , top5 = arch_top5 )
logger . log ( Sstr + ' ' + Tstr + ' ' + Wstr + ' ' + Astr )
return base_losses . avg , base_top1 . avg , base_top5 . avg , arch_losses . avg , arch_top1 . avg , arch_top5 . avg
def main ( xargs ) :
assert torch . cuda . is_available ( ) , ' CUDA is not available. '
torch . backends . cudnn . enabled = True
torch . backends . cudnn . benchmark = False
torch . backends . cudnn . deterministic = True
torch . set_num_threads ( xargs . workers )
prepare_seed ( xargs . rand_seed )
logger = prepare_logger ( args )
2020-01-10 14:19:58 +01:00
train_data , valid_data , xshape , class_num = get_datasets ( xargs . dataset , xargs . data_path , - 1 )
2019-12-24 07:36:47 +01:00
#config_path = 'configs/nas-benchmark/algos/GDAS.config'
config = load_config ( xargs . config_path , { ' class_num ' : class_num , ' xshape ' : xshape } , logger )
2020-01-10 14:19:58 +01:00
search_loader , _ , valid_loader = get_nas_search_loaders ( train_data , valid_data , xargs . dataset , ' configs/nas-benchmark/ ' , config . batch_size , xargs . workers )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
logger . log ( ' ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Search-Loader-Num= {:} , batch size= {:} ' . format ( xargs . dataset , len ( search_loader ) , config . batch_size ) )
logger . log ( ' ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Config= {:} ' . format ( xargs . dataset , config ) )
search_space = get_search_spaces ( ' cell ' , xargs . search_space_name )
2020-01-11 15:42:17 +01:00
if xargs . model_config is None :
model_config = dict2config ( { ' name ' : ' GDAS ' , ' C ' : xargs . channel , ' N ' : xargs . num_cells ,
' max_nodes ' : xargs . max_nodes , ' num_classes ' : class_num ,
' space ' : search_space ,
' affine ' : False , ' track_running_stats ' : bool ( xargs . track_running_stats ) } , None )
else :
model_config = load_config ( xargs . model_config , { ' num_classes ' : class_num , ' space ' : search_space ,
' affine ' : False , ' track_running_stats ' : bool ( xargs . track_running_stats ) } , None )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
search_model = get_cell_based_tiny_net ( model_config )
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
logger . log ( ' search-model : \n {:} ' . format ( search_model ) )
2020-01-11 15:42:17 +01:00
logger . log ( ' model-config : {:} ' . format ( model_config ) )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
w_optimizer , w_scheduler , criterion = get_optim_scheduler ( search_model . get_weights ( ) , config )
a_optimizer = torch . optim . Adam ( search_model . get_alphas ( ) , lr = xargs . arch_learning_rate , betas = ( 0.5 , 0.999 ) , weight_decay = xargs . arch_weight_decay )
logger . log ( ' w-optimizer : {:} ' . format ( w_optimizer ) )
logger . log ( ' a-optimizer : {:} ' . format ( a_optimizer ) )
logger . log ( ' w-scheduler : {:} ' . format ( w_scheduler ) )
logger . log ( ' criterion : {:} ' . format ( criterion ) )
flop , param = get_model_infos ( search_model , xshape )
logger . log ( ' FLOP = {:.2f} M, Params = {:.2f} MB ' . format ( flop , param ) )
2020-01-11 15:42:17 +01:00
logger . log ( ' search-space [ {:} ops] : {:} ' . format ( len ( search_space ) , search_space ) )
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
if xargs . arch_nas_dataset is None :
api = None
else :
api = API ( xargs . arch_nas_dataset )
logger . log ( ' {:} create API = {:} done ' . format ( time_string ( ) , api ) )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
last_info , model_base_path , model_best_path = logger . path ( ' info ' ) , logger . path ( ' model ' ) , logger . path ( ' best ' )
network , criterion = torch . nn . DataParallel ( search_model ) . cuda ( ) , criterion . cuda ( )
if last_info . exists ( ) : # automatically resume from previous checkpoint
logger . log ( " => loading checkpoint of the last-info ' {:} ' start " . format ( last_info ) )
last_info = torch . load ( last_info )
start_epoch = last_info [ ' epoch ' ]
checkpoint = torch . load ( last_info [ ' last_checkpoint ' ] )
genotypes = checkpoint [ ' genotypes ' ]
valid_accuracies = checkpoint [ ' valid_accuracies ' ]
search_model . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' search_model ' ] )
w_scheduler . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' w_scheduler ' ] )
w_optimizer . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' w_optimizer ' ] )
a_optimizer . load_state_dict ( checkpoint [ ' a_optimizer ' ] )
logger . log ( " => loading checkpoint of the last-info ' {:} ' start with {:} -th epoch. " . format ( last_info , start_epoch ) )
else :
logger . log ( " => do not find the last-info file : {:} " . format ( last_info ) )
2020-01-10 14:19:58 +01:00
start_epoch , valid_accuracies , genotypes = 0 , { ' best ' : - 1 } , { - 1 : search_model . genotype ( ) }
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
# start training
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
start_time , search_time , epoch_time , total_epoch = time . time ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , config . epochs + config . warmup
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
for epoch in range ( start_epoch , total_epoch ) :
w_scheduler . update ( epoch , 0.0 )
need_time = ' Time Left: {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( epoch_time . val * ( total_epoch - epoch ) , True ) )
epoch_str = ' {:03d} - {:03d} ' . format ( epoch , total_epoch )
search_model . set_tau ( xargs . tau_max - ( xargs . tau_max - xargs . tau_min ) * epoch / ( total_epoch - 1 ) )
logger . log ( ' \n [Search the {:} -th epoch] {:} , tau= {:} , LR= {:} ' . format ( epoch_str , need_time , search_model . get_tau ( ) , min ( w_scheduler . get_lr ( ) ) ) )
search_w_loss , search_w_top1 , search_w_top5 , valid_a_loss , valid_a_top1 , valid_a_top5 \
= search_func ( search_loader , network , criterion , w_scheduler , w_optimizer , a_optimizer , epoch_str , xargs . print_freq , logger )
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
search_time . update ( time . time ( ) - start_time )
2019-12-24 07:36:47 +01:00
logger . log ( ' [ {:} ] searching : loss= {:.2f} , accuracy@1= {:.2f} % , accuracy@5= {:.2f} % , time-cost= {:.1f} s ' . format ( epoch_str , search_w_loss , search_w_top1 , search_w_top5 , search_time . sum ) )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
logger . log ( ' [ {:} ] evaluate : loss= {:.2f} , accuracy@1= {:.2f} % , accuracy@5= {:.2f} % ' . format ( epoch_str , valid_a_loss , valid_a_top1 , valid_a_top5 ) )
# check the best accuracy
valid_accuracies [ epoch ] = valid_a_top1
if valid_a_top1 > valid_accuracies [ ' best ' ] :
valid_accuracies [ ' best ' ] = valid_a_top1
genotypes [ ' best ' ] = search_model . genotype ( )
find_best = True
else : find_best = False
genotypes [ epoch ] = search_model . genotype ( )
logger . log ( ' <<<--->>> The {:} -th epoch : {:} ' . format ( epoch_str , genotypes [ epoch ] ) )
# save checkpoint
save_path = save_checkpoint ( { ' epoch ' : epoch + 1 ,
' args ' : deepcopy ( xargs ) ,
' search_model ' : search_model . state_dict ( ) ,
' w_optimizer ' : w_optimizer . state_dict ( ) ,
' a_optimizer ' : a_optimizer . state_dict ( ) ,
' w_scheduler ' : w_scheduler . state_dict ( ) ,
' genotypes ' : genotypes ,
' valid_accuracies ' : valid_accuracies } ,
model_base_path , logger )
last_info = save_checkpoint ( {
' epoch ' : epoch + 1 ,
' args ' : deepcopy ( args ) ,
' last_checkpoint ' : save_path ,
} , logger . path ( ' info ' ) , logger )
if find_best :
logger . log ( ' <<<--->>> The {:} -th epoch : find the highest validation accuracy : {:.2f} % . ' . format ( epoch_str , valid_a_top1 ) )
copy_checkpoint ( model_base_path , model_best_path , logger )
with torch . no_grad ( ) :
2020-01-11 15:42:17 +01:00
logger . log ( ' {:} ' . format ( search_model . show_alphas ( ) ) )
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
if api is not None : logger . log ( ' {:} ' . format ( api . query_by_arch ( genotypes [ epoch ] ) ) )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
# measure elapsed time
epoch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - start_time )
start_time = time . time ( )
logger . log ( ' \n ' + ' - ' * 100 )
# check the performance from the architecture dataset
2019-12-23 07:06:14 +01:00
logger . log ( ' GDAS : run {:} epochs, cost {:.1f} s, last-geno is {:} . ' . format ( total_epoch , search_time . sum , genotypes [ total_epoch - 1 ] ) )
2019-12-23 03:32:20 +01:00
if api is not None : logger . log ( ' {:} ' . format ( api . query_by_arch ( genotypes [ total_epoch - 1 ] ) ) )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
logger . close ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( " GDAS " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --data_path ' , type = str , help = ' Path to dataset ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dataset ' , type = str , choices = [ ' cifar10 ' , ' cifar100 ' , ' ImageNet16-120 ' ] , help = ' Choose between Cifar10/100 and ImageNet-16. ' )
# channels and number-of-cells
parser . add_argument ( ' --search_space_name ' , type = str , help = ' The search space name. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --max_nodes ' , type = int , help = ' The maximum number of nodes. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --channel ' , type = int , help = ' The number of channels. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --num_cells ' , type = int , help = ' The number of cells in one stage. ' )
2019-12-24 07:36:47 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --track_running_stats ' , type = int , choices = [ 0 , 1 ] , help = ' Whether use track_running_stats or not in the BN layer. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --config_path ' , type = str , help = ' The path of the configuration. ' )
2020-01-11 15:42:17 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --model_config ' , type = str , help = ' The path of the model configuration. When this arg is set, it will cover max_nodes / channels / num_cells. ' )
2019-11-05 13:35:28 +01:00
# architecture leraning rate
parser . add_argument ( ' --arch_learning_rate ' , type = float , default = 3e-4 , help = ' learning rate for arch encoding ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --arch_weight_decay ' , type = float , default = 1e-3 , help = ' weight decay for arch encoding ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --tau_min ' , type = float , help = ' The minimum tau for Gumbel ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --tau_max ' , type = float , help = ' The maximum tau for Gumbel ' )
# log
parser . add_argument ( ' --workers ' , type = int , default = 2 , help = ' number of data loading workers (default: 2) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --save_dir ' , type = str , help = ' Folder to save checkpoints and log. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --arch_nas_dataset ' , type = str , help = ' The path to load the architecture dataset (tiny-nas-benchmark). ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --print_freq ' , type = int , help = ' print frequency (default: 200) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --rand_seed ' , type = int , help = ' manual seed ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
if args . rand_seed is None or args . rand_seed < 0 : args . rand_seed = random . randint ( 1 , 100000 )
main ( args )