#!/usr/bin/env sh if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] ;then echo "Input illegal number of parameters " $# echo "Need 3 parameters for the GPUs and the epochs and the cutout" exit 1 fi if [ "$TORCH_HOME" = "" ]; then echo "Must set TORCH_HOME envoriment variable for data dir saving" exit 1 else echo "TORCH_HOME : $TORCH_HOME" fi gpus=$1 arch=acc2 cutout=$3 dataset=cifar10 epoch=$2 SAVED=./snapshots/NAS/ACC-V2-Search-${arch}-${dataset}-cut${cutout}-${epoch}-E600 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${gpus} python ./exps-nas/acc_search_v2.py \ --data_path $TORCH_HOME/cifar.python \ --arch ${arch} --dataset ${dataset} --batch_size 128 \ --save_path ${SAVED} \ --learning_rate_max 0.05 --learning_rate_min 0.001 --momentum 0.9 --weight_decay 0.0003 \ --epochs ${epoch} --cutout ${cutout} --validate --grad_clip 5 \ --init_channels 16 --layers 8 \ --tau_max 10 --tau_min 4 \ --model_config ./configs/nas-cifar-cos.config \ --print_freq 100 --workers 8