#!/bin/bash # bash ./scripts/KD-train.sh cifar10 ResNet110 ResNet110 0.5 1 -1 echo script name: $0 echo $# arguments if [ "$#" -ne 6 ] ;then echo "Input illegal number of parameters " $# echo "Need 6 parameters for the dataset / the-model-name / the-teacher-path / KD-alpha / KD-temperature / the-random-seed" exit 1 fi if [ "$TORCH_HOME" = "" ]; then echo "Must set TORCH_HOME envoriment variable for data dir saving" exit 1 else echo "TORCH_HOME : $TORCH_HOME" fi dataset=$1 model=$2 teacher=$3 alpha=$4 temperature=$5 epoch=E300 LR=L1 batch=256 rseed=$6 save_dir=./output/KD/${dataset}-${teacher}.2.${model}-${alpha}-${temperature} rm -rf ${save_dir} PY_C="./env/bin/python" if [ ! -f ${PY_C} ]; then echo "Local Run with Python: "`which python` PY_C="python" else echo "Cluster Run with Python: "${PY_C} fi ${PY_C} --version ${PY_C} ./exps/KD-main.py --dataset ${dataset} \ --data_path $TORCH_HOME/cifar.python \ --model_config ./configs/archs/CIFAR-${model}.config \ --optim_config ./configs/opts/CIFAR-${epoch}-W5-${LR}-COS.config \ --KD_checkpoint $TORCH_HOME/TAS-checkpoints/basemodels/${dataset}/${teacher}.pth \ --procedure Simple-KD \ --save_dir ${save_dir} \ --KD_alpha ${alpha} --KD_temperature ${temperature} \ --cutout_length -1 \ --batch_size ${batch} --rand_seed ${rseed} --workers 4 \ --eval_frequency 1 --print_freq 100 --print_freq_eval 200