
192 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-06-03 13:59:01 +02:00
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from os import path as osp
from copy import deepcopy as copy
from tqdm import tqdm
import warnings, time, random, numpy as np
from pts_utils import generate_label_map
from xvision import denormalize_points
from xvision import identity2affine, solve2theta, affine2image
from .dataset_utils import pil_loader
from .landmark_utils import PointMeta2V
from .augmentation_utils import CutOut
import torch
import as data
class LandmarkDataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, transform, sigma, downsample, heatmap_type, shape, use_gray, mean_file, data_indicator, cache_images=None):
self.transform = transform
self.sigma = sigma
self.downsample = downsample
self.heatmap_type = heatmap_type
self.dataset_name = data_indicator
self.shape = shape # [H,W]
self.use_gray = use_gray
assert transform is not None, 'transform : {:}'.format(transform)
self.mean_file = mean_file
if mean_file is None:
self.mean_data = None
warnings.warn('LandmarkDataset initialized with mean_data = None')
assert osp.isfile(mean_file), '{:} is not a file.'.format(mean_file)
self.mean_data = torch.load(mean_file)
self.cutout = None
self.cache_images = cache_images
print ('The general dataset initialization done : {:}'.format(self))
warnings.simplefilter( 'once' )
def __repr__(self):
return ('{name}(point-num={NUM_PTS}, shape={shape}, sigma={sigma}, heatmap_type={heatmap_type}, length={length}, cutout={cutout}, dataset={dataset_name}, mean={mean_file})'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__))
def set_cutout(self, length):
if length is not None and length >= 1:
self.cutout = CutOut( int(length) )
else: self.cutout = None
def reset(self, num_pts=-1, boxid='default', only_pts=False):
self.NUM_PTS = num_pts
if only_pts: return
self.length = 0
self.datas = []
self.labels = []
self.NormDistances = []
self.BOXID = boxid
if self.mean_data is None:
self.mean_face = None
self.mean_face = torch.Tensor(self.mean_data[boxid].copy().T)
assert (self.mean_face >= -1).all() and (self.mean_face <= 1).all(), 'mean-{:}-face : {:}'.format(boxid, self.mean_face)
#assert self.dataset_name is not None, 'The dataset name is None'
def __len__(self):
assert len(self.datas) == self.length, 'The length is not correct : {}'.format(self.length)
return self.length
def append(self, data, label, distance):
assert osp.isfile(data), 'The image path is not a file : {:}'.format(data)
self.datas.append( data ) ; self.labels.append( label )
self.NormDistances.append( distance )
self.length = self.length + 1
def load_list(self, file_lists, num_pts, boxindicator, normalizeL, reset):
if reset: self.reset(num_pts, boxindicator)
else : assert self.NUM_PTS == num_pts and self.BOXID == boxindicator, 'The number of point is inconsistance : {:} vs {:}'.format(self.NUM_PTS, num_pts)
if isinstance(file_lists, str): file_lists = [file_lists]
samples = []
for idx, file_path in enumerate(file_lists):
print (':::: load list {:}/{:} : {:}'.format(idx, len(file_lists), file_path))
xdata = torch.load(file_path)
if isinstance(xdata, list) : data = xdata # image or video dataset list
elif isinstance(xdata, dict): data = xdata['datas'] # multi-view dataset list
else: raise ValueError('Invalid Type Error : {:}'.format( type(xdata) ))
samples = samples + data
# samples is a dict, where the key is the image-path and the value is the annotation
# each annotation is a dict, contains 'points' (3,num_pts), and various box
print ('GeneralDataset-V2 : {:} samples'.format(len(samples)))
#for index, annotation in enumerate(samples):
for index in tqdm( range( len(samples) ) ):
annotation = samples[index]
image_path = annotation['current_frame']
points, box = annotation['points'], annotation['box-{:}'.format(boxindicator)]
label = PointMeta2V(self.NUM_PTS, points, box, image_path, self.dataset_name)
if normalizeL is None: normDistance = None
else : normDistance = annotation['normalizeL-{:}'.format(normalizeL)]
self.append(image_path, label, normDistance)
assert len(self.datas) == self.length, 'The length and the data is not right {} vs {}'.format(self.length, len(self.datas))
assert len(self.labels) == self.length, 'The length and the labels is not right {} vs {}'.format(self.length, len(self.labels))
assert len(self.NormDistances) == self.length, 'The length and the NormDistances is not right {} vs {}'.format(self.length, len(self.NormDistance))
print ('Load data done for LandmarkDataset, which has {:} images.'.format(self.length))
def __getitem__(self, index):
assert index >= 0 and index < self.length, 'Invalid index : {:}'.format(index)
if self.cache_images is not None and self.datas[index] in self.cache_images:
image = self.cache_images[ self.datas[index] ].clone()
image = pil_loader(self.datas[index], self.use_gray)
target = self.labels[index].copy()
return self._process_(image, target, index)
def _process_(self, image, target, index):
# transform the image and points
image, target, theta = self.transform(image, target)
(C, H, W), (height, width) = image.size(), self.shape
# obtain the visiable indicator vector
if target.is_none(): nopoints = True
else : nopoints = False
if index == -1: __path = None
else : __path = self.datas[index]
if isinstance(theta, list) or isinstance(theta, tuple):
affineImage, heatmaps, mask, norm_trans_points, THETA, transpose_theta = [], [], [], [], [], []
for _theta in theta:
_affineImage, _heatmaps, _mask, _norm_trans_points, _theta, _transpose_theta \
= self.__process_affine(image, target, _theta, nopoints, 'P[{:}]@{:}'.format(index, __path))
affineImage, heatmaps, mask, norm_trans_points, THETA, transpose_theta = \
torch.stack(affineImage), torch.stack(heatmaps), torch.stack(mask), torch.stack(norm_trans_points), torch.stack(THETA), torch.stack(transpose_theta)
affineImage, heatmaps, mask, norm_trans_points, THETA, transpose_theta = self.__process_affine(image, target, theta, nopoints, 'S[{:}]@{:}'.format(index, __path))
torch_index = torch.IntTensor([index])
torch_nopoints = torch.ByteTensor( [ nopoints ] )
torch_shape = torch.IntTensor([H,W])
return affineImage, heatmaps, mask, norm_trans_points, THETA, transpose_theta, torch_index, torch_nopoints, torch_shape
def __process_affine(self, image, target, theta, nopoints, aux_info=None):
image, target, theta = image.clone(), target.copy(), theta.clone()
(C, H, W), (height, width) = image.size(), self.shape
if nopoints: # do not have label
norm_trans_points = torch.zeros((3, self.NUM_PTS))
heatmaps = torch.zeros((self.NUM_PTS+1, height//self.downsample, width//self.downsample))
mask = torch.ones((self.NUM_PTS+1, 1, 1), dtype=torch.uint8)
transpose_theta = identity2affine(False)
norm_trans_points = apply_affine2point(target.get_points(), theta, (H,W))
norm_trans_points = apply_boundary(norm_trans_points)
real_trans_points = norm_trans_points.clone()
real_trans_points[:2, :] = denormalize_points(self.shape, real_trans_points[:2,:])
heatmaps, mask = generate_label_map(real_trans_points.numpy(), height//self.downsample, width//self.downsample, self.sigma, self.downsample, nopoints, self.heatmap_type) # H*W*C
heatmaps = torch.from_numpy(heatmaps.transpose((2, 0, 1))).type(torch.FloatTensor)
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask.transpose((2, 0, 1))).type(torch.ByteTensor)
if self.mean_face is None:
#warnings.warn('In LandmarkDataset use identity2affine for transpose_theta because self.mean_face is None.')
transpose_theta = identity2affine(False)
if torch.sum(norm_trans_points[2,:] == 1) < 3:
warnings.warn('In LandmarkDataset after transformation, no visiable point, using identity instead. Aux: {:}'.format(aux_info))
transpose_theta = identity2affine(False)
transpose_theta = solve2theta(norm_trans_points, self.mean_face.clone())
affineImage = affine2image(image, theta, self.shape)
if self.cutout is not None: affineImage = self.cutout( affineImage )
return affineImage, heatmaps, mask, norm_trans_points, theta, transpose_theta