2019-11-15 07:26:32 +01:00
2019-12-20 10:41:49 +01:00
# NAS-Bench-102 ##################################
2019-11-15 07:26:32 +01:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019 #
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
import os , sys , time , torch , random , argparse
from PIL import ImageFile
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
2019-12-09 06:15:08 +01:00
lib_dir = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' .. ' / ' .. ' / ' lib ' ) . resolve ( )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
if str ( lib_dir ) not in sys . path : sys . path . insert ( 0 , str ( lib_dir ) )
from config_utils import load_config
from procedures import save_checkpoint , copy_checkpoint
from procedures import get_machine_info
from datasets import get_datasets
from log_utils import Logger , AverageMeter , time_string , convert_secs2time
from models import CellStructure , CellArchitectures , get_search_spaces
2019-12-09 06:15:08 +01:00
from functions import evaluate_for_seed
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
def evaluate_all_datasets ( arch , datasets , xpaths , splits , use_less , seed , arch_config , workers , logger ) :
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
machine_info , arch_config = get_machine_info ( ) , deepcopy ( arch_config )
all_infos = { ' info ' : machine_info }
all_dataset_keys = [ ]
# look all the datasets
for dataset , xpath , split in zip ( datasets , xpaths , splits ) :
# train valid data
train_data , valid_data , xshape , class_num = get_datasets ( dataset , xpath , - 1 )
# load the configurature
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' or dataset == ' cifar100 ' :
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
if use_less : config_path = ' configs/nas-benchmark/LESS.config '
else : config_path = ' configs/nas-benchmark/CIFAR.config '
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
split_info = load_config ( ' configs/nas-benchmark/cifar-split.txt ' , None , None )
elif dataset . startswith ( ' ImageNet16 ' ) :
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
if use_less : config_path = ' configs/nas-benchmark/LESS.config '
else : config_path = ' configs/nas-benchmark/ImageNet-16.config '
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
split_info = load_config ( ' configs/nas-benchmark/ {:} -split.txt ' . format ( dataset ) , None , None )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid dataset : {:} ' . format ( dataset ) )
config = load_config ( config_path , \
{ ' class_num ' : class_num ,
' xshape ' : xshape } , \
logger )
# check whether use splited validation set
if bool ( split ) :
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
assert dataset == ' cifar10 '
ValLoaders = { ' ori-test ' : torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , shuffle = False , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True ) }
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
assert len ( train_data ) == len ( split_info . train ) + len ( split_info . valid ) , ' invalid length : {:} vs {:} + {:} ' . format ( len ( train_data ) , len ( split_info . train ) , len ( split_info . valid ) )
train_data_v2 = deepcopy ( train_data )
train_data_v2 . transform = valid_data . transform
valid_data = train_data_v2
# data loader
train_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( train_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( split_info . train ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
valid_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( split_info . valid ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
ValLoaders [ ' x-valid ' ] = valid_loader
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
else :
# data loader
train_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( train_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , shuffle = True , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
valid_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , shuffle = False , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
ValLoaders = { ' ori-test ' : valid_loader }
elif dataset == ' cifar100 ' :
cifar100_splits = load_config ( ' configs/nas-benchmark/cifar100-test-split.txt ' , None , None )
ValLoaders = { ' ori-test ' : valid_loader ,
' x-valid ' : torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( cifar100_splits . xvalid ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True ) ,
' x-test ' : torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( cifar100_splits . xtest ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
elif dataset == ' ImageNet16-120 ' :
imagenet16_splits = load_config ( ' configs/nas-benchmark/imagenet-16-120-test-split.txt ' , None , None )
ValLoaders = { ' ori-test ' : valid_loader ,
' x-valid ' : torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( imagenet16_splits . xvalid ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True ) ,
' x-test ' : torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( valid_data , batch_size = config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( imagenet16_splits . xtest ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid dataset : {:} ' . format ( dataset ) )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
dataset_key = ' {:} ' . format ( dataset )
if bool ( split ) : dataset_key = dataset_key + ' -valid '
logger . log ( ' Evaluate ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Train-Num= {:} , Valid-Num= {:} , Train-Loader-Num= {:} , Valid-Loader-Num= {:} , batch size= {:} ' . format ( dataset_key , len ( train_data ) , len ( valid_data ) , len ( train_loader ) , len ( valid_loader ) , config . batch_size ) )
logger . log ( ' Evaluate ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Config= {:} ' . format ( dataset_key , config ) )
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
for key , value in ValLoaders . items ( ) :
logger . log ( ' Evaluate ---->>>> {:10s} with {:} batchs ' . format ( key , len ( value ) ) )
results = evaluate_for_seed ( arch_config , config , arch , train_loader , ValLoaders , seed , logger )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
all_infos [ dataset_key ] = results
all_dataset_keys . append ( dataset_key )
all_infos [ ' all_dataset_keys ' ] = all_dataset_keys
return all_infos
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
def main ( save_dir , workers , datasets , xpaths , splits , use_less , srange , arch_index , seeds , cover_mode , meta_info , arch_config ) :
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
assert torch . cuda . is_available ( ) , ' CUDA is not available. '
torch . backends . cudnn . enabled = True
#torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch . backends . cudnn . deterministic = True
torch . set_num_threads ( workers )
assert len ( srange ) == 2 and 0 < = srange [ 0 ] < = srange [ 1 ] , ' invalid srange : {:} ' . format ( srange )
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
if use_less :
sub_dir = Path ( save_dir ) / ' {:06d} - {:06d} -C {:} -N {:} -LESS ' . format ( srange [ 0 ] , srange [ 1 ] , arch_config [ ' channel ' ] , arch_config [ ' num_cells ' ] )
else :
sub_dir = Path ( save_dir ) / ' {:06d} - {:06d} -C {:} -N {:} ' . format ( srange [ 0 ] , srange [ 1 ] , arch_config [ ' channel ' ] , arch_config [ ' num_cells ' ] )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
logger = Logger ( str ( sub_dir ) , 0 , False )
all_archs = meta_info [ ' archs ' ]
assert srange [ 1 ] < meta_info [ ' total ' ] , ' invalid range : {:} - {:} vs. {:} ' . format ( srange [ 0 ] , srange [ 1 ] , meta_info [ ' total ' ] )
assert arch_index == - 1 or srange [ 0 ] < = arch_index < = srange [ 1 ] , ' invalid range : {:} vs. {:} vs. {:} ' . format ( srange [ 0 ] , arch_index , srange [ 1 ] )
if arch_index == - 1 :
to_evaluate_indexes = list ( range ( srange [ 0 ] , srange [ 1 ] + 1 ) )
else :
to_evaluate_indexes = [ arch_index ]
logger . log ( ' xargs : seeds = {:} ' . format ( seeds ) )
logger . log ( ' xargs : arch_index = {:} ' . format ( arch_index ) )
logger . log ( ' xargs : cover_mode = {:} ' . format ( cover_mode ) )
logger . log ( ' - ' * 100 )
logger . log ( ' Start evaluating range =: {:06d} vs. {:06d} vs. {:06d} / {:06d} with cover-mode= {:} ' . format ( srange [ 0 ] , arch_index , srange [ 1 ] , meta_info [ ' total ' ] , cover_mode ) )
for i , ( dataset , xpath , split ) in enumerate ( zip ( datasets , xpaths , splits ) ) :
logger . log ( ' --->>> Evaluate {:} / {:} : dataset= {:9s} , path= {:} , split= {:} ' . format ( i , len ( datasets ) , dataset , xpath , split ) )
logger . log ( ' --->>> architecture config : {:} ' . format ( arch_config ) )
start_time , epoch_time = time . time ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
for i , index in enumerate ( to_evaluate_indexes ) :
arch = all_archs [ index ]
logger . log ( ' \n {:} evaluate {:06d} / {:06d} ( {:06d} / {:06d} )-th architecture [seeds= {:} ] {:} ' . format ( ' - ' * 15 , i , len ( to_evaluate_indexes ) , index , meta_info [ ' total ' ] , seeds , ' - ' * 15 ) )
#logger.log('{:} {:} {:}'.format('-'*15, arch.tostr(), '-'*15))
logger . log ( ' {:} {:} {:} ' . format ( ' - ' * 15 , arch , ' - ' * 15 ) )
# test this arch on different datasets with different seeds
has_continue = False
for seed in seeds :
to_save_name = sub_dir / ' arch- {:06d} -seed- {:04d} .pth ' . format ( index , seed )
if to_save_name . exists ( ) :
if cover_mode :
logger . log ( ' Find existing file : {:} , remove it before evaluation ' . format ( to_save_name ) )
os . remove ( str ( to_save_name ) )
else :
logger . log ( ' Find existing file : {:} , skip this evaluation ' . format ( to_save_name ) )
has_continue = True
results = evaluate_all_datasets ( CellStructure . str2structure ( arch ) , \
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
datasets , xpaths , splits , use_less , seed , \
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
arch_config , workers , logger )
torch . save ( results , to_save_name )
logger . log ( ' {:} --evaluate-- {:06d} / {:06d} ( {:06d} / {:06d} )-th seed= {:} done, save into {:} ' . format ( ' - ' * 15 , i , len ( to_evaluate_indexes ) , index , meta_info [ ' total ' ] , seed , to_save_name ) )
# measure elapsed time
if not has_continue : epoch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - start_time )
start_time = time . time ( )
need_time = ' Time Left: {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( epoch_time . avg * ( len ( to_evaluate_indexes ) - i - 1 ) , True ) )
logger . log ( ' This arch costs : {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( epoch_time . val , True ) ) )
logger . log ( ' {:} ' . format ( ' * ' * 100 ) )
logger . log ( ' {:} {:74s} {:} ' . format ( ' * ' * 10 , ' {:06d} / {:06d} ( {:06d} / {:06d} )-th done, left {:} ' . format ( i , len ( to_evaluate_indexes ) , index , meta_info [ ' total ' ] , need_time ) , ' * ' * 10 ) )
logger . log ( ' {:} ' . format ( ' * ' * 100 ) )
logger . close ( )
2019-12-09 06:15:08 +01:00
def train_single_model ( save_dir , workers , datasets , xpaths , splits , use_less , seeds , model_str , arch_config ) :
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
assert torch . cuda . is_available ( ) , ' CUDA is not available. '
torch . backends . cudnn . enabled = True
torch . backends . cudnn . deterministic = True
#torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch . set_num_threads ( workers )
2019-12-09 06:15:08 +01:00
save_dir = Path ( save_dir ) / ' specifics ' / ' {:} - {:} - {:} - {:} ' . format ( ' LESS ' if use_less else ' FULL ' , model_str , arch_config [ ' channel ' ] , arch_config [ ' num_cells ' ] )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
logger = Logger ( str ( save_dir ) , 0 , False )
if model_str in CellArchitectures :
arch = CellArchitectures [ model_str ]
logger . log ( ' The model string is found in pre-defined architecture dict : {:} ' . format ( model_str ) )
else :
try :
arch = CellStructure . str2structure ( model_str )
except :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid model string : {:} . It can not be found or parsed. ' . format ( model_str ) )
assert arch . check_valid_op ( get_search_spaces ( ' cell ' , ' full ' ) ) , ' {:} has the invalid op. ' . format ( arch )
logger . log ( ' Start train-evaluate {:} ' . format ( arch . tostr ( ) ) )
logger . log ( ' arch_config : {:} ' . format ( arch_config ) )
start_time , seed_time = time . time ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
for _is , seed in enumerate ( seeds ) :
logger . log ( ' \n The {:02d} / {:02d} -th seed is {:} ----------------------<.>---------------------- ' . format ( _is , len ( seeds ) , seed ) )
to_save_name = save_dir / ' seed- {:04d} .pth ' . format ( seed )
if to_save_name . exists ( ) :
logger . log ( ' Find the existing file {:} , directly load! ' . format ( to_save_name ) )
checkpoint = torch . load ( to_save_name )
else :
logger . log ( ' Does not find the existing file {:} , train and evaluate! ' . format ( to_save_name ) )
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
checkpoint = evaluate_all_datasets ( arch , datasets , xpaths , splits , use_less , seed , arch_config , workers , logger )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
torch . save ( checkpoint , to_save_name )
# log information
logger . log ( ' {:} ' . format ( checkpoint [ ' info ' ] ) )
all_dataset_keys = checkpoint [ ' all_dataset_keys ' ]
for dataset_key in all_dataset_keys :
logger . log ( ' \n {:} dataset : {:} {:} ' . format ( ' - ' * 15 , dataset_key , ' - ' * 15 ) )
dataset_info = checkpoint [ dataset_key ]
#logger.log('Network ==>\n{:}'.format( dataset_info['net_string'] ))
logger . log ( ' Flops = {:} MB, Params = {:} MB ' . format ( dataset_info [ ' flop ' ] , dataset_info [ ' param ' ] ) )
logger . log ( ' config : {:} ' . format ( dataset_info [ ' config ' ] ) )
logger . log ( ' Training State (finish) = {:} ' . format ( dataset_info [ ' finish-train ' ] ) )
last_epoch = dataset_info [ ' total_epoch ' ] - 1
train_acc1es , train_acc5es = dataset_info [ ' train_acc1es ' ] , dataset_info [ ' train_acc5es ' ]
valid_acc1es , valid_acc5es = dataset_info [ ' valid_acc1es ' ] , dataset_info [ ' valid_acc5es ' ]
logger . log ( ' Last Info : Train = Acc@1 {:.2f} % Acc@5 {:.2f} % E rror@1 {:.2f} % , Test = Acc@1 {:.2f} % Acc@5 {:.2f} % E rror@1 {:.2f} % ' . format ( train_acc1es [ last_epoch ] , train_acc5es [ last_epoch ] , 100 - train_acc1es [ last_epoch ] , valid_acc1es [ last_epoch ] , valid_acc5es [ last_epoch ] , 100 - valid_acc1es [ last_epoch ] ) )
# measure elapsed time
seed_time . update ( time . time ( ) - start_time )
start_time = time . time ( )
need_time = ' Time Left: {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( seed_time . avg * ( len ( seeds ) - _is - 1 ) , True ) )
logger . log ( ' \n <<<***>>> The {:02d} / {:02d} -th seed is {:} <finish> other procedures need {:} ' . format ( _is , len ( seeds ) , seed , need_time ) )
logger . close ( )
def generate_meta_info ( save_dir , max_node , divide = 40 ) :
2019-12-23 01:19:09 +01:00
aa_nas_bench_ss = get_search_spaces ( ' cell ' , ' nas-bench-102 ' )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
archs = CellStructure . gen_all ( aa_nas_bench_ss , max_node , False )
print ( ' There are {:} archs vs {:} . ' . format ( len ( archs ) , len ( aa_nas_bench_ss ) * * ( ( max_node - 1 ) * max_node / 2 ) ) )
random . seed ( 88 ) # please do not change this line for reproducibility
random . shuffle ( archs )
# to test fixed-random shuffle
#print ('arch [0] : {:}\n---->>>> {:}'.format( archs[0], archs[0].tostr() ))
#print ('arch [9] : {:}\n---->>>> {:}'.format( archs[9], archs[9].tostr() ))
assert archs [ 0 ] . tostr ( ) == ' |avg_pool_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|skip_connect~2| ' , ' please check the 0-th architecture : {:} ' . format ( archs [ 0 ] )
assert archs [ 9 ] . tostr ( ) == ' |avg_pool_3x3~0|+|none~0|none~1|+|skip_connect~0|none~1|nor_conv_3x3~2| ' , ' please check the 9-th architecture : {:} ' . format ( archs [ 9 ] )
assert archs [ 123 ] . tostr ( ) == ' |avg_pool_3x3~0|+|avg_pool_3x3~0|nor_conv_1x1~1|+|none~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|nor_conv_3x3~2| ' , ' please check the 123-th architecture : {:} ' . format ( archs [ 123 ] )
total_arch = len ( archs )
num = 50000
indexes_5W = list ( range ( num ) )
random . seed ( 1021 )
random . shuffle ( indexes_5W )
train_split = sorted ( list ( set ( indexes_5W [ : num / / 2 ] ) ) )
valid_split = sorted ( list ( set ( indexes_5W [ num / / 2 : ] ) ) )
assert len ( train_split ) + len ( valid_split ) == num
assert train_split [ 0 ] == 0 and train_split [ 10 ] == 26 and train_split [ 111 ] == 203 and valid_split [ 0 ] == 1 and valid_split [ 10 ] == 18 and valid_split [ 111 ] == 242 , ' {:} {:} {:} - {:} {:} {:} ' . format ( train_split [ 0 ] , train_split [ 10 ] , train_split [ 111 ] , valid_split [ 0 ] , valid_split [ 10 ] , valid_split [ 111 ] )
splits = { num : { ' train ' : train_split , ' valid ' : valid_split } }
info = { ' archs ' : [ x . tostr ( ) for x in archs ] ,
' total ' : total_arch ,
' max_node ' : max_node ,
' splits ' : splits }
save_dir = Path ( save_dir )
save_dir . mkdir ( parents = True , exist_ok = True )
save_name = save_dir / ' meta-node- {:} .pth ' . format ( max_node )
assert not save_name . exists ( ) , ' {:} already exist ' . format ( save_name )
torch . save ( info , save_name )
print ( ' save the meta file into {:} ' . format ( save_name ) )
2019-12-09 06:15:08 +01:00
script_name_full = save_dir / ' BENCH-102-N {:} .opt-full.script ' . format ( max_node )
script_name_less = save_dir / ' BENCH-102-N {:} .opt-less.script ' . format ( max_node )
full_file = open ( str ( script_name_full ) , ' w ' )
less_file = open ( str ( script_name_less ) , ' w ' )
gaps = total_arch / / divide
for start in range ( 0 , total_arch , gaps ) :
xend = min ( start + gaps , total_arch )
full_file . write ( ' bash ./scripts-search/NAS-Bench-102/train-models.sh 0 {:5d} {:5d} -1 \' 777 888 999 \' \n ' . format ( start , xend - 1 ) )
less_file . write ( ' bash ./scripts-search/NAS-Bench-102/train-models.sh 1 {:5d} {:5d} -1 \' 777 888 999 \' \n ' . format ( start , xend - 1 ) )
print ( ' save the training script into {:} and {:} ' . format ( script_name_full , script_name_less ) )
full_file . close ( )
less_file . close ( )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
script_name = save_dir / ' meta-node- {:} .cal-script.txt ' . format ( max_node )
with open ( str ( script_name ) , ' w ' ) as cfile :
for start in range ( 0 , total_arch , gaps ) :
xend = min ( start + gaps , total_arch )
2019-12-20 10:41:49 +01:00
cfile . write ( ' {:} python exps/NAS-Bench-102/statistics.py --mode cal --target_dir {:06d} - {:06d} -C16-N5 \n ' . format ( macro , start , xend - 1 ) )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
print ( ' save the post-processing script into {:} ' . format ( script_name ) )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
#mode_choices = ['meta', 'new', 'cover'] + ['specific-{:}'.format(_) for _ in CellArchitectures.keys()]
2019-12-20 10:41:49 +01:00
#parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Algorithm-Agnostic NAS Benchmark', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' NAS-Bench-102 ' , formatter_class = argparse . ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --mode ' , type = str , required = True , help = ' The script mode. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --save_dir ' , type = str , help = ' Folder to save checkpoints and log. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --max_node ' , type = int , help = ' The maximum node in a cell. ' )
# use for train the model
parser . add_argument ( ' --workers ' , type = int , default = 8 , help = ' number of data loading workers (default: 2) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --srange ' , type = int , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' The range of models to be evaluated ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --arch_index ' , type = int , default = - 1 , help = ' The architecture index to be evaluated (cover mode). ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --datasets ' , type = str , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' The applied datasets. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --xpaths ' , type = str , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' The root path for this dataset. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --splits ' , type = int , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' The root path for this dataset. ' )
2019-12-09 06:15:08 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --use_less ' , type = int , default = 0 , choices = [ 0 , 1 ] , help = ' Using the less-training-epoch config. ' )
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --seeds ' , type = int , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' The range of models to be evaluated ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --channel ' , type = int , help = ' The number of channels. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --num_cells ' , type = int , help = ' The number of cells in one stage. ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
assert args . mode in [ ' meta ' , ' new ' , ' cover ' ] or args . mode . startswith ( ' specific- ' ) , ' invalid mode : {:} ' . format ( args . mode )
if args . mode == ' meta ' :
generate_meta_info ( args . save_dir , args . max_node )
elif args . mode . startswith ( ' specific ' ) :
assert len ( args . mode . split ( ' - ' ) ) == 2 , ' invalid mode : {:} ' . format ( args . mode )
model_str = args . mode . split ( ' - ' ) [ 1 ]
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
train_single_model ( args . save_dir , args . workers , args . datasets , args . xpaths , args . splits , args . use_less > 0 , \
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
tuple ( args . seeds ) , model_str , { ' channel ' : args . channel , ' num_cells ' : args . num_cells } )
else :
meta_path = Path ( args . save_dir ) / ' meta-node- {:} .pth ' . format ( args . max_node )
assert meta_path . exists ( ) , ' {:} does not exist. ' . format ( meta_path )
meta_info = torch . load ( meta_path )
# check whether args is ok
assert len ( args . srange ) == 2 and args . srange [ 0 ] < = args . srange [ 1 ] , ' invalid length of srange args: {:} ' . format ( args . srange )
assert len ( args . seeds ) > 0 , ' invalid length of seeds args: {:} ' . format ( args . seeds )
assert len ( args . datasets ) == len ( args . xpaths ) == len ( args . splits ) , ' invalid infos : {:} vs {:} vs {:} ' . format ( len ( args . datasets ) , len ( args . xpaths ) , len ( args . splits ) )
assert args . workers > 0 , ' invalid number of workers : {:} ' . format ( args . workers )
2019-12-02 08:03:40 +01:00
main ( args . save_dir , args . workers , args . datasets , args . xpaths , args . splits , args . use_less > 0 , \
2019-11-10 14:46:02 +01:00
tuple ( args . srange ) , args . arch_index , tuple ( args . seeds ) , \
args . mode == ' cover ' , meta_info , \
{ ' channel ' : args . channel , ' num_cells ' : args . num_cells } )