Update NATS-Bench (sss version 1.0)
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ If you find that this project helps your research, please consider citing some o
title = {Network Pruning via Transformable Architecture Search},
author = {Dong, Xuanyi and Yang, Yi},
booktitle = {Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
pages = {760--771},
year = {2019}
@ -64,8 +64,7 @@
<td align="center" valign="middle"> <a href="https://xuanyidong.com/assets/projects/NATS-Bench"> NATS-Bench: Benchmarking NAS algorithms for Architecture Topology and Size</a> </td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"> <a href="https://github.com/D-X-Y/AutoDL-Projects/tree/master/docs/NATS-Bench.md">NATS-Bench.md</a> </td>
<tr> <!-- (6-th row) -->
<tr> <!-- (7-th row) -->
<td align="center" valign="middle"> ... </td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"> ENAS / REA / REINFORCE / BOHB </td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"> Please check the original papers. </td>
@ -111,6 +110,7 @@ Some methods use knowledge distillation (KD), which require pre-trained models.
author = {Dong, Xuanyi and Yang, Yi},
booktitle = {Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
year = {2019}
pages = {760--771},
title = {One-Shot Neural Architecture Search via Self-Evaluated Template Network},
@ -16,11 +16,17 @@ This facilitates a much larger community of researchers to focus on developing b
## The Procedure of Creating NATS-Bench
1, train all architecture candidate in the size search space with 90 epochs and use the random seed of `777`.
### The Size Search Space
The following command will train all architecture candidate in the size search space with 90 epochs and use the random seed of `777`. If you want to use a different number of training epochs, please replace `90` with it, such as `01` or `12`. If you want to use a different
bash ./scripts/NATS-Bench/train-shapes.sh 00000-32767 90 777
The checkpoint of all candidates are located at `output/NATS-Bench-size` by default
The checkpoint of all candidates are located at `output/NATS-Bench-size` by default.
### The Topology Search Space
@ -3,6 +3,16 @@
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020.07 #
# This file is used to train (all) architecture candidate in the size search #
# space in NATS-Bench (sss) with different hyper-parameters. #
# When use mode=new, it will automatically detect whether the checkpoint of #
# a trial exists, if so, it will skip this trial. When use mode=cover, it #
# will ignore the (possible) existing checkpoint, run each trial, and save. #
# (NOTE): the topology for all candidates in sss is fixed as: ######################
# |nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|nor_conv_3x3~2| #
# Please use the script of scripts/NATS-Bench/train-shapes.sh to run. #
import os, sys, time, torch, argparse
from typing import List, Text, Dict, Any
from PIL import ImageFile
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
# NATS-Bench: Benchmarking NAS algorithms for Architecture Topology and Size #
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020.07 #
# This file is used to train (all) architecture candidate in the topology #
# search space in NATS-Bench (tss) with different hyper-parameters. #
# When use mode=meta,
# 1, generate meta data: #
# python ./exps/NATS-Bench/main-tss.py --mode meta #
import os, sys, time, torch, random, argparse
from PIL import ImageFile
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / '..' / 'lib').resolve()
if str(lib_dir) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir))
from config_utils import load_config
from procedures import bench_evaluate_for_seed
from procedures import get_machine_info
from datasets import get_datasets
from log_utils import Logger, AverageMeter, time_string, convert_secs2time
from models import CellStructure, CellArchitectures, get_search_spaces
def evaluate_all_datasets(arch, datasets, xpaths, splits, use_less, seed, arch_config, workers, logger):
machine_info, arch_config = get_machine_info(), deepcopy(arch_config)
all_infos = {'info': machine_info}
all_dataset_keys = []
# look all the datasets
for dataset, xpath, split in zip(datasets, xpaths, splits):
# train valid data
train_data, valid_data, xshape, class_num = get_datasets(dataset, xpath, -1)
# load the configuration
if dataset == 'cifar10' or dataset == 'cifar100':
if use_less: config_path = 'configs/nas-benchmark/LESS.config'
else : config_path = 'configs/nas-benchmark/CIFAR.config'
split_info = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/cifar-split.txt', None, None)
elif dataset.startswith('ImageNet16'):
if use_less: config_path = 'configs/nas-benchmark/LESS.config'
else : config_path = 'configs/nas-benchmark/ImageNet-16.config'
split_info = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/{:}-split.txt'.format(dataset), None, None)
raise ValueError('invalid dataset : {:}'.format(dataset))
config = load_config(config_path, \
{'class_num': class_num,
'xshape' : xshape}, \
# check whether use splited validation set
if bool(split):
assert dataset == 'cifar10'
ValLoaders = {'ori-test': torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)}
assert len(train_data) == len(split_info.train) + len(split_info.valid), 'invalid length : {:} vs {:} + {:}'.format(len(train_data), len(split_info.train), len(split_info.valid))
train_data_v2 = deepcopy(train_data)
train_data_v2.transform = valid_data.transform
valid_data = train_data_v2
# data loader
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(split_info.train), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(split_info.valid), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
ValLoaders['x-valid'] = valid_loader
# data loader
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True , num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
if dataset == 'cifar10':
ValLoaders = {'ori-test': valid_loader}
elif dataset == 'cifar100':
cifar100_splits = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/cifar100-test-split.txt', None, None)
ValLoaders = {'ori-test': valid_loader,
'x-valid' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(cifar100_splits.xvalid), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True),
'x-test' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(cifar100_splits.xtest ), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
elif dataset == 'ImageNet16-120':
imagenet16_splits = load_config('configs/nas-benchmark/imagenet-16-120-test-split.txt', None, None)
ValLoaders = {'ori-test': valid_loader,
'x-valid' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(imagenet16_splits.xvalid), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True),
'x-test' : torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=config.batch_size, sampler=torch.utils.data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(imagenet16_splits.xtest ), num_workers=workers, pin_memory=True)
raise ValueError('invalid dataset : {:}'.format(dataset))
dataset_key = '{:}'.format(dataset)
if bool(split): dataset_key = dataset_key + '-valid'
logger.log('Evaluate ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Train-Num={:}, Valid-Num={:}, Train-Loader-Num={:}, Valid-Loader-Num={:}, batch size={:}'.format(dataset_key, len(train_data), len(valid_data), len(train_loader), len(valid_loader), config.batch_size))
logger.log('Evaluate ||||||| {:10s} ||||||| Config={:}'.format(dataset_key, config))
for key, value in ValLoaders.items():
logger.log('Evaluate ---->>>> {:10s} with {:} batchs'.format(key, len(value)))
results = bench_evaluate_for_seed(arch_config, config, train_loader, ValLoaders, seed, logger)
all_infos[dataset_key] = results
all_dataset_keys.append( dataset_key )
all_infos['all_dataset_keys'] = all_dataset_keys
return all_infos
def main(save_dir, workers, datasets, xpaths, splits, use_less, srange, arch_index, seeds, cover_mode, meta_info, arch_config):
assert torch.cuda.is_available(), 'CUDA is not available.'
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
#torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.set_num_threads( workers )
assert len(srange) == 2 and 0 <= srange[0] <= srange[1], 'invalid srange : {:}'.format(srange)
if use_less:
sub_dir = Path(save_dir) / '{:06d}-{:06d}-C{:}-N{:}-LESS'.format(srange[0], srange[1], arch_config['channel'], arch_config['num_cells'])
sub_dir = Path(save_dir) / '{:06d}-{:06d}-C{:}-N{:}'.format(srange[0], srange[1], arch_config['channel'], arch_config['num_cells'])
logger = Logger(str(sub_dir), 0, False)
all_archs = meta_info['archs']
assert srange[1] < meta_info['total'], 'invalid range : {:}-{:} vs. {:}'.format(srange[0], srange[1], meta_info['total'])
assert arch_index == -1 or srange[0] <= arch_index <= srange[1], 'invalid range : {:} vs. {:} vs. {:}'.format(srange[0], arch_index, srange[1])
if arch_index == -1:
to_evaluate_indexes = list(range(srange[0], srange[1]+1))
to_evaluate_indexes = [arch_index]
logger.log('xargs : seeds = {:}'.format(seeds))
logger.log('xargs : arch_index = {:}'.format(arch_index))
logger.log('xargs : cover_mode = {:}'.format(cover_mode))
logger.log('Start evaluating range =: {:06d} vs. {:06d} vs. {:06d} / {:06d} with cover-mode={:}'.format(srange[0], arch_index, srange[1], meta_info['total'], cover_mode))
for i, (dataset, xpath, split) in enumerate(zip(datasets, xpaths, splits)):
logger.log('--->>> Evaluate {:}/{:} : dataset={:9s}, path={:}, split={:}'.format(i, len(datasets), dataset, xpath, split))
logger.log('--->>> architecture config : {:}'.format(arch_config))
start_time, epoch_time = time.time(), AverageMeter()
for i, index in enumerate(to_evaluate_indexes):
arch = all_archs[index]
logger.log('\n{:} evaluate {:06d}/{:06d} ({:06d}/{:06d})-th architecture [seeds={:}] {:}'.format('-'*15, i, len(to_evaluate_indexes), index, meta_info['total'], seeds, '-'*15))
#logger.log('{:} {:} {:}'.format('-'*15, arch.tostr(), '-'*15))
logger.log('{:} {:} {:}'.format('-'*15, arch, '-'*15))
# test this arch on different datasets with different seeds
has_continue = False
for seed in seeds:
to_save_name = sub_dir / 'arch-{:06d}-seed-{:04d}.pth'.format(index, seed)
if to_save_name.exists():
if cover_mode:
logger.log('Find existing file : {:}, remove it before evaluation'.format(to_save_name))
else :
logger.log('Find existing file : {:}, skip this evaluation'.format(to_save_name))
has_continue = True
results = evaluate_all_datasets(CellStructure.str2structure(arch), \
datasets, xpaths, splits, use_less, seed, \
arch_config, workers, logger)
torch.save(results, to_save_name)
logger.log('{:} --evaluate-- {:06d}/{:06d} ({:06d}/{:06d})-th seed={:} done, save into {:}'.format('-'*15, i, len(to_evaluate_indexes), index, meta_info['total'], seed, to_save_name))
# measure elapsed time
if not has_continue: epoch_time.update(time.time() - start_time)
start_time = time.time()
need_time = 'Time Left: {:}'.format( convert_secs2time(epoch_time.avg * (len(to_evaluate_indexes)-i-1), True) )
logger.log('This arch costs : {:}'.format( convert_secs2time(epoch_time.val, True) ))
logger.log('{:} {:74s} {:}'.format('*'*10, '{:06d}/{:06d} ({:06d}/{:06d})-th done, left {:}'.format(i, len(to_evaluate_indexes), index, meta_info['total'], need_time), '*'*10))
def train_single_model(save_dir, workers, datasets, xpaths, splits, use_less, seeds, model_str, arch_config):
assert torch.cuda.is_available(), 'CUDA is not available.'
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
#torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch.set_num_threads( workers )
save_dir = Path(save_dir) / 'specifics' / '{:}-{:}-{:}-{:}'.format('LESS' if use_less else 'FULL', model_str, arch_config['channel'], arch_config['num_cells'])
logger = Logger(str(save_dir), 0, False)
if model_str in CellArchitectures:
arch = CellArchitectures[model_str]
logger.log('The model string is found in pre-defined architecture dict : {:}'.format(model_str))
arch = CellStructure.str2structure(model_str)
raise ValueError('Invalid model string : {:}. It can not be found or parsed.'.format(model_str))
assert arch.check_valid_op(get_search_spaces('cell', 'full')), '{:} has the invalid op.'.format(arch)
logger.log('Start train-evaluate {:}'.format(arch.tostr()))
logger.log('arch_config : {:}'.format(arch_config))
start_time, seed_time = time.time(), AverageMeter()
for _is, seed in enumerate(seeds):
logger.log('\nThe {:02d}/{:02d}-th seed is {:} ----------------------<.>----------------------'.format(_is, len(seeds), seed))
to_save_name = save_dir / 'seed-{:04d}.pth'.format(seed)
if to_save_name.exists():
logger.log('Find the existing file {:}, directly load!'.format(to_save_name))
checkpoint = torch.load(to_save_name)
logger.log('Does not find the existing file {:}, train and evaluate!'.format(to_save_name))
checkpoint = evaluate_all_datasets(arch, datasets, xpaths, splits, use_less, seed, arch_config, workers, logger)
torch.save(checkpoint, to_save_name)
# log information
all_dataset_keys = checkpoint['all_dataset_keys']
for dataset_key in all_dataset_keys:
logger.log('\n{:} dataset : {:} {:}'.format('-'*15, dataset_key, '-'*15))
dataset_info = checkpoint[dataset_key]
#logger.log('Network ==>\n{:}'.format( dataset_info['net_string'] ))
logger.log('Flops = {:} MB, Params = {:} MB'.format(dataset_info['flop'], dataset_info['param']))
logger.log('config : {:}'.format(dataset_info['config']))
logger.log('Training State (finish) = {:}'.format(dataset_info['finish-train']))
last_epoch = dataset_info['total_epoch'] - 1
train_acc1es, train_acc5es = dataset_info['train_acc1es'], dataset_info['train_acc5es']
valid_acc1es, valid_acc5es = dataset_info['valid_acc1es'], dataset_info['valid_acc5es']
logger.log('Last Info : Train = Acc@1 {:.2f}% Acc@5 {:.2f}% Error@1 {:.2f}%, Test = Acc@1 {:.2f}% Acc@5 {:.2f}% Error@1 {:.2f}%'.format(train_acc1es[last_epoch], train_acc5es[last_epoch], 100-train_acc1es[last_epoch], valid_acc1es[last_epoch], valid_acc5es[last_epoch], 100-valid_acc1es[last_epoch]))
# measure elapsed time
seed_time.update(time.time() - start_time)
start_time = time.time()
need_time = 'Time Left: {:}'.format( convert_secs2time(seed_time.avg * (len(seeds)-_is-1), True) )
logger.log('\n<<<***>>> The {:02d}/{:02d}-th seed is {:} <finish> other procedures need {:}'.format(_is, len(seeds), seed, need_time))
def generate_meta_info(save_dir, max_node, divide=40):
aa_nas_bench_ss = get_search_spaces('cell', 'nas-bench-201')
archs = CellStructure.gen_all(aa_nas_bench_ss, max_node, False)
print ('There are {:} archs vs {:}.'.format(len(archs), len(aa_nas_bench_ss) ** ((max_node-1)*max_node/2)))
random.seed( 88 ) # please do not change this line for reproducibility
random.shuffle( archs )
# to test fixed-random shuffle
#print ('arch [0] : {:}\n---->>>> {:}'.format( archs[0], archs[0].tostr() ))
#print ('arch [9] : {:}\n---->>>> {:}'.format( archs[9], archs[9].tostr() ))
assert archs[0 ].tostr() == '|avg_pool_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|skip_connect~2|', 'please check the 0-th architecture : {:}'.format(archs[0])
assert archs[9 ].tostr() == '|avg_pool_3x3~0|+|none~0|none~1|+|skip_connect~0|none~1|nor_conv_3x3~2|', 'please check the 9-th architecture : {:}'.format(archs[9])
assert archs[123].tostr() == '|avg_pool_3x3~0|+|avg_pool_3x3~0|nor_conv_1x1~1|+|none~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|nor_conv_3x3~2|', 'please check the 123-th architecture : {:}'.format(archs[123])
total_arch = len(archs)
num = 50000
indexes_5W = list(range(num))
random.seed( 1021 )
random.shuffle( indexes_5W )
train_split = sorted( list(set(indexes_5W[:num//2])) )
valid_split = sorted( list(set(indexes_5W[num//2:])) )
assert len(train_split) + len(valid_split) == num
assert train_split[0] == 0 and train_split[10] == 26 and train_split[111] == 203 and valid_split[0] == 1 and valid_split[10] == 18 and valid_split[111] == 242, '{:} {:} {:} - {:} {:} {:}'.format(train_split[0], train_split[10], train_split[111], valid_split[0], valid_split[10], valid_split[111])
splits = {num: {'train': train_split, 'valid': valid_split} }
info = {'archs' : [x.tostr() for x in archs],
'total' : total_arch,
'max_node' : max_node,
'splits': splits}
save_dir = Path(save_dir)
save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
save_name = save_dir / 'meta-node-{:}.pth'.format(max_node)
assert not save_name.exists(), '{:} already exist'.format(save_name)
torch.save(info, save_name)
print ('save the meta file into {:}'.format(save_name))
script_name_full = save_dir / 'BENCH-201-N{:}.opt-full.script'.format(max_node)
script_name_less = save_dir / 'BENCH-201-N{:}.opt-less.script'.format(max_node)
full_file = open(str(script_name_full), 'w')
less_file = open(str(script_name_less), 'w')
gaps = total_arch // divide
for start in range(0, total_arch, gaps):
xend = min(start+gaps, total_arch)
full_file.write('bash ./scripts-search/NAS-Bench-201/train-models.sh 0 {:5d} {:5d} -1 \'777 888 999\'\n'.format(start, xend-1))
less_file.write('bash ./scripts-search/NAS-Bench-201/train-models.sh 1 {:5d} {:5d} -1 \'777 888 999\'\n'.format(start, xend-1))
print ('save the training script into {:} and {:}'.format(script_name_full, script_name_less))
script_name = save_dir / 'meta-node-{:}.cal-script.txt'.format(max_node)
with open(str(script_name), 'w') as cfile:
for start in range(0, total_arch, gaps):
xend = min(start+gaps, total_arch)
cfile.write('{:} python exps/NAS-Bench-201/statistics.py --mode cal --target_dir {:06d}-{:06d}-C16-N5\n'.format(macro, start, xend-1))
print ('save the post-processing script into {:}'.format(script_name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# mode_choices = ['meta', 'new', 'cover'] + ['specific-{:}'.format(_) for _ in CellArchitectures.keys()]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NATS-Bench (topology search space)', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--mode' , type=str, required=True, help='The script mode.')
parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, default='output/NATS-Bench-topology', help='Folder to save checkpoints and log.')
parser.add_argument('--max_node', type=int, default=4, help='The maximum node in a cell (please do not change it).')
# use for train the model
parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8, help='number of data loading workers (default: 2)')
parser.add_argument('--srange' , type=str, required=True, help='The range of models to be evaluated')
parser.add_argument('--datasets', type=str, nargs='+', help='The applied datasets.')
parser.add_argument('--xpaths', type=str, nargs='+', help='The root path for this dataset.')
parser.add_argument('--splits', type=int, nargs='+', help='The root path for this dataset.')
parser.add_argument('--hyper', type=str, default='12', choices=['01', '12', '90'], help='The tag for hyper-parameters.')
parser.add_argument('--seeds' , type=int, nargs='+', help='The range of models to be evaluated')
parser.add_argument('--channel', type=int, default=16, help='The number of channels.')
parser.add_argument('--num_cells', type=int, default=5, help='The number of cells in one stage.')
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.mode in ['meta', 'new', 'cover'] or args.mode.startswith('specific-'), 'invalid mode : {:}'.format(args.mode)
if args.mode == 'meta':
generate_meta_info(args.save_dir, args.max_node)
elif args.mode.startswith('specific'):
assert len(args.mode.split('-')) == 2, 'invalid mode : {:}'.format(args.mode)
model_str = args.mode.split('-')[1]
train_single_model(args.save_dir, args.workers, args.datasets, args.xpaths, args.splits, args.use_less>0, \
tuple(args.seeds), model_str, {'channel': args.channel, 'num_cells': args.num_cells})
meta_path = Path(args.save_dir) / 'meta-node-{:}.pth'.format(args.max_node)
assert meta_path.exists(), '{:} does not exist.'.format(meta_path)
meta_info = torch.load( meta_path )
# check whether args is ok
assert len(args.srange) == 2 and args.srange[0] <= args.srange[1], 'invalid length of srange args: {:}'.format(args.srange)
assert len(args.seeds) > 0, 'invalid length of seeds args: {:}'.format(args.seeds)
assert len(args.datasets) == len(args.xpaths) == len(args.splits), 'invalid infos : {:} vs {:} vs {:}'.format(len(args.datasets), len(args.xpaths), len(args.splits))
assert args.workers > 0, 'invalid number of workers : {:}'.format(args.workers)
main(args.save_dir, args.workers, args.datasets, args.xpaths, args.splits, args.hyper, \
tuple(args.srange), args.arch_index, tuple(args.seeds), \
args.mode == 'cover', meta_info, \
{'channel': args.channel, 'num_cells': args.num_cells})
@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
# python exps/NAS-Bench-201/xshape-collect.py
# NATS-Bench: Benchmarking NAS algorithms for Architecture Topology and Size #
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2020.07 #
# This file is used to re-orangize all checkpoints (created by main-sss.py) #
# into a single benchmark file. Besides, for each trial, we will merge the #
# information of all its trials into a single file. #
# #
# Usage: #
# python exps/NATS-Bench/sss-collect.py #
import os, re, sys, time, argparse, collections
import numpy as np
import torch
@ -14,10 +21,10 @@ lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / '..' / 'lib').resolve()
if str(lib_dir) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir))
from log_utils import AverageMeter, time_string, convert_secs2time
from config_utils import dict2config
# NAS-Bench-201 related module or function
from models import CellStructure, get_cell_based_tiny_net
from nas_201_api import ArchResults, ResultsCount
from procedures import bench_pure_evaluate as pure_evaluate, get_nas_bench_loaders
from utils import get_md5_file
def account_one_arch(arch_index: int, arch_str: Text, checkpoints: List[Text], datasets: List[Text]) -> ArchResults:
@ -163,41 +170,54 @@ def simplify(save_dir, save_name, nets, total):
for seed, xlist in seed2names.items():
print(' seed={:}, num={:}'.format(seed, len(xlist)))
# assert len(nets) == total == max(nums), 'there are some missed files : {:} vs {:}'.format(max(nums), total)
print(' [seed={:}] there are {:} checkpoints.'.format(seed, len(xlist)))
assert len(nets) == total == max(nums), 'there are some missed files : {:} vs {:}'.format(max(nums), total)
print('{:} start simplify the checkpoint.'.format(time_string()))
datasets = ('cifar10-valid', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120')
simplify_save_dir, arch2infos, evaluated_indexes = save_dir / save_name, {}, set()
simplify_save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Create the directory to save the processed data
# full_save_dir contains all benchmark files with trained weights.
# simplify_save_dir contains all benchmark files without trained weights.
full_save_dir = save_dir / (save_name + '-FULL')
simple_save_dir = save_dir / (save_name + '-SIMPLIFY')
full_save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
simple_save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# all data in memory
arch2infos, evaluated_indexes = dict(), set()
end_time, arch_time = time.time(), AverageMeter()
# for index, arch_str in enumerate(nets):
for index in tqdm(range(total)):
arch_str = nets[index]
hp2info = OrderedDict()
full_save_path = full_save_dir / '{:06d}.npy'.format(index)
simple_save_path = simple_save_dir / '{:06d}.npy'.format(index)
for hp in hps:
sub_save_dir = save_dir / 'raw-data-{:}'.format(hp)
ckps = [sub_save_dir / 'arch-{:06d}-seed-{:}.pth'.format(index, seed) for seed in seeds]
ckps = [x for x in ckps if x.exists()]
if len(ckps) == 0: raise ValueError('Invalid data : index={:}, hp={:}'.format(index, hp))
if len(ckps) == 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid data : index={:}, hp={:}'.format(index, hp))
arch_info = account_one_arch(index, arch_str, ckps, datasets)
hp2info[hp] = arch_info
hp2info = correct_time_related_info(hp2info)
hp2info['01'].clear_params() # to save some spaces...
to_save_data = OrderedDict({'01': hp2info['01'].state_dict(),
'12': hp2info['12'].state_dict(),
'90': hp2info['90'].state_dict()})
torch.save(to_save_data, simplify_save_dir / '{:}-FULL.pth'.format(index))
np.save(str(full_save_path), to_save_data)
for hp in hps: hp2info[hp].clear_params()
to_save_data = OrderedDict({'01': hp2info['01'].state_dict(),
'12': hp2info['12'].state_dict(),
'90': hp2info['90'].state_dict()})
torch.save(to_save_data, simplify_save_dir / '{:}-SIMPLE.pth'.format(index))
np.save(str(simple_save_path), to_save_data)
arch2infos[index] = to_save_data
# measure elapsed time
arch_time.update(time.time() - end_time)
@ -209,8 +229,9 @@ def simplify(save_dir, save_name, nets, total):
'total_archs': total,
'arch2infos' : arch2infos,
'evaluated_indexes': evaluated_indexes}
save_file_name = save_dir / '{:}.pth'.format(save_name)
torch.save(final_infos, save_file_name)
save_file_name = save_dir / '{:}.npy'.format(save_name)
np.save(str(save_file_name), final_infos)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
print ('Save {:} / {:} architecture results into {:}.'.format(len(evaluated_indexes), total, save_file_name))
@ -226,17 +247,17 @@ def traverse_net(candidates: List[int], N: int):
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NAS-BENCH-201', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--base_save_dir', type=str, default='./output/NAS-BENCH-202', help='The base-name of folder to save checkpoints and log.')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NATS-Bench (size search space)', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--base_save_dir', type=str, default='./output/NATS-Bench-size', help='The base-name of folder to save checkpoints and log.')
parser.add_argument('--candidateC' , type=int, nargs='+', default=[8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64], help='.')
parser.add_argument('--num_layers' , type=int, default=5, help='The number of layers in a network.')
parser.add_argument('--check_N' , type=int, default=32768, help='For safety.')
parser.add_argument('--save_name' , type=str, default='simplify', help='The save directory.')
parser.add_argument('--save_name' , type=str, default='process', help='The save directory.')
args = parser.parse_args()
nets = traverse_net(args.candidateC, args.num_layers)
if len(nets) != args.check_N: raise ValueError('Pre-num-check failed : {:} vs {:}'.format(len(nets), args.check_N))
if len(nets) != args.check_N:
raise ValueError('Pre-num-check failed : {:} vs {:}'.format(len(nets), args.check_N))
save_dir = Path(args.base_save_dir)
simplify(save_dir, args.save_name, nets, args.check_N)
@ -10,10 +10,15 @@
# History:
# [2020.07.31] The first version, where most content reused nas_201_api/api_utils.py
import os, abc, copy, random, torch, numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import abc, copy, random, numpy as np
import importlib, warnings
from typing import List, Text, Union, Dict, Optional
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
USE_TORCH = importlib.find_loader('torch') is not None
import torch
warnings.warn('Can not find PyTorch, and thus some features maybe invalid.')
def remap_dataset_set_names(dataset, metric_on_set, verbose=False):
@ -545,6 +550,8 @@ class ArchResults(object):
def create_from_state_dict(state_dict_or_file):
x = ArchResults(-1, -1)
if isinstance(state_dict_or_file, str): # a file path
if not USE_TORCH:
raise ValueError('Since torch is not imported, this logic can not be used.')
state_dict = torch.load(state_dict_or_file, map_location='cpu')
elif isinstance(state_dict_or_file, dict):
state_dict = state_dict_or_file
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ from .gpu_manager import GPUManager
from .flop_benchmark import get_model_infos, count_parameters_in_MB
from .affine_utils import normalize_points, denormalize_points
from .affine_utils import identity2affine, solve2theta, affine2image
from .hash_utils import get_md5_file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import os, hashlib
def get_md5_file(file_path, post_truncated=5):
md5_hash = hashlib.md5()
if os.path.exists(file_path):
xfile = open(file_path, "rb")
content = xfile.read()
digest = md5_hash.hexdigest()
raise ValueError('[get_md5_file] {:} does not exist'.format(file_path))
if post_truncated is None:
return digest
return digest[-post_truncated:]
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