2023-11-20 17:29:46 +01:00
FROM python:3.9-slim-bullseye as development
2023-11-20 17:29:45 +01:00
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -yqq dos2unix chromium chromium-driver \
libxi6 libgconf-2-4 python3-selenium \
tzdata git
RUN git config --global --add safe.directory /usr/src/app
RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
RUN python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
ENV TZ=Europe/Berlin
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
2023-11-20 17:29:46 +01:00
FROM development
COPY ../inkycal/modules/inkycal_openweather_scrape.py /app/
COPY ./run_weather_scraper.sh /app/
# Set the entrypoint to the shell script
ENTRYPOINT ["run_weather_scraper.sh"]