2023-11-22 19:02:11 +01:00
Inkycal XKCD module
by https : / / github . com / worstface
import xkcd
from inkycal . custom import *
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from inkycal . modules . inky_image import Inkyimage as Image2 , image_to_palette
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from inkycal . modules . template import inkycal_module
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class Xkcd ( inkycal_module ) :
name = " xkcd - Displays comics from xkcd.com by Randall Munroe "
# required parameters
requires = {
" mode " : {
" label " : " Please select the mode " ,
" options " : [ " latest " , " random " ] ,
" default " : " latest "
} ,
" palette " : {
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" label " : " Which color palette should be used for the comic Image2? " ,
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" options " : [ " bw " , " bwr " , " bwy " ]
} ,
" alt " : {
" label " : " Would you like to add the alt text below the comic? If XKCD is not the only module you are showing, I recommend setting this to ' no ' " ,
" options " : [ " yes " , " no " ] ,
" default " : " no "
} ,
" filter " : {
" label " : " Would you like to add a scaling filter? If the is far too big to be shown in the space you ' ve allotted for it, the module will try to find another image for you. This only applies in random mode. If XKCD is not the only module you are showing, I recommend setting this to ' no ' . " ,
" options " : [ " yes " , " no " ] ,
" default " : " no "
def __init__ ( self , config ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( config )
config = config [ ' config ' ]
self . mode = config [ ' mode ' ]
self . palette = config [ ' palette ' ]
self . alt = config [ ' alt ' ]
self . scale_filter = config [ ' filter ' ]
# give an OK message
print ( f ' Inkycal XKCD loaded ' )
def generate_image ( self ) :
""" Generate image for this module """
# Create tmp path
tmpPath = f " { top_level } /temp "
if not os . path . exists ( tmpPath ) :
os . mkdir ( tmpPath )
# Define new image size with respect to padding
im_width = int ( self . width - ( 2 * self . padding_left ) )
im_height = int ( self . height - ( 2 * self . padding_top ) )
im_size = im_width , im_height
logger . info ( ' image size: {} x {} px ' . format ( im_width , im_height ) )
# Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels (required)
im_black = Image . new ( ' RGB ' , size = im_size , color = ' white ' )
im_colour = Image . new ( ' RGB ' , size = im_size , color = ' white ' )
# Check if internet is available
if internet_available ( ) :
logger . info ( ' Connection test passed ' )
else :
raise Exception ( ' Network could not be reached :/ ' )
# Set some parameters for formatting feeds
line_spacing = 1
text_bbox = self . font . getbbox ( " hg " )
line_height = text_bbox [ 3 ] + line_spacing
line_width = im_width
max_lines = im_height / / ( line_height + line_spacing )
logger . debug ( f " max_lines: { max_lines } " )
# Calculate padding from top so the lines look centralised
spacing_top = int ( im_height % line_height / 2 )
# Calculate line_positions
line_positions = [ ( 0 , spacing_top + _ * line_height ) for _ in range ( max_lines ) ]
logger . debug ( f ' line positions: { line_positions } ' )
logger . info ( f ' getting xkcd comic... ' )
if self . mode == ' random ' :
if self . scale_filter == ' no ' :
xkcdComic = xkcd . getRandomComic ( )
xkcdComic . download ( output = tmpPath , outputFile = ' xkcdComic.png ' )
else :
perc = ( 2.1 , 0.4 )
url = " test variable, not a real comic "
while max ( perc ) > 1.75 :
print ( " looking for another comic, old comic was: " , perc , url )
xkcdComic = xkcd . getRandomComic ( )
xkcdComic . download ( output = tmpPath , outputFile = ' xkcdComic.png ' )
actual_size = Image . open ( tmpPath + ' /xkcdComic.png ' ) . size
perc = ( actual_size [ 0 ] / im_width , actual_size [ 1 ] / im_height )
url = xkcdComic . getImageLink ( )
print ( " found one! perc: " , perc , url )
else :
xkcdComic = xkcd . getLatestComic ( )
xkcdComic . download ( output = tmpPath , outputFile = ' xkcdComic.png ' )
logger . info ( f ' got xkcd comic... ' )
title_lines = [ ]
title_lines . append ( xkcdComic . getTitle ( ) )
altOffset = int ( line_height * 1 )
if self . alt == " yes " :
alt_text = xkcdComic . getAltText ( ) # get the alt text, too (I break it up into multiple lines later on)
# break up the alt text into lines
alt_lines = [ ]
current_line = " "
for _ in alt_text . split ( " " ) :
# this breaks up the alt_text into words and creates each line by adding
# one word at a time until the line is longer than the width of the module
# then it appends the line to the alt_lines array and starts testing a new line
# with the next word
text_bbox = self . font . getbbox ( current_line + _ + " " )
if text_bbox [ 2 ] < im_width :
current_line = current_line + _ + " "
else :
alt_lines . append ( current_line )
current_line = _ + " "
alt_lines . append (
current_line ) # this adds the last line to the array (or the only line, if the alt text is really short)
altHeight = int ( line_height * len ( alt_lines ) ) + altOffset
else :
altHeight = 0 # this is added so that I don't need to add more "if alt is yes" conditionals when centering below. Now the centering code will work regardless of whether they want alttext or not
comicSpaceBlack = Image . new ( ' RGBA ' , ( im_width , im_height ) , ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
comicSpaceColour = Image . new ( ' RGBA ' , ( im_width , im_height ) , ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
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im = Image2 ( )
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im . load ( f " { tmpPath } /xkcdComic.png " )
im . remove_alpha ( )
imageAspectRatio = im_width / im_height
comicAspectRatio = im . image . width / im . image . height
if comicAspectRatio > imageAspectRatio :
imageScale = im_width / im . image . width
else :
imageScale = im_height / im . image . height
comicHeight = int ( im . image . height * imageScale )
headerHeight = int ( line_height * 3 / 2 )
if comicHeight + ( headerHeight + altHeight ) > im_height :
comicHeight - = ( headerHeight + altHeight )
im . resize ( width = int ( im . image . width * imageScale ) , height = comicHeight )
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im_comic_black , im_comic_colour = image_to_palette ( im . image . convert ( " RGB " ) , self . palette )
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headerCenterPosY = int ( ( im_height / 2 ) - ( ( im . image . height + headerHeight + altHeight ) / 2 ) )
comicCenterPosY = int ( ( im_height / 2 ) - ( ( im . image . height + headerHeight + altHeight ) / 2 ) + headerHeight )
altCenterPosY = int (
( im_height / 2 ) - ( ( im . image . height + headerHeight + altHeight ) / 2 ) + headerHeight + im . image . height )
centerPosX = int ( ( im_width / 2 ) - ( im . image . width / 2 ) )
comicSpaceBlack . paste ( im_comic_black , ( centerPosX , comicCenterPosY ) )
im_black . paste ( comicSpaceBlack )
comicSpaceColour . paste ( im_comic_colour , ( centerPosX , comicCenterPosY ) )
im_colour . paste ( comicSpaceColour )
im . clear ( )
logger . info ( f ' added comic image ' )
# Write the title on the black image
write ( im_black , ( 0 , headerCenterPosY ) , ( line_width , line_height ) ,
title_lines [ 0 ] , font = self . font , alignment = ' center ' )
if self . alt == " yes " :
# write alt_text
for _ in range ( len ( alt_lines ) ) :
write ( im_black , ( 0 , altCenterPosY + _ * line_height + altOffset ) , ( line_width , line_height ) ,
alt_lines [ _ ] , font = self . font , alignment = ' left ' )
# Save image of black and colour channel in image-folder
return im_black , im_colour