
172 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Advanced configuration options for Inky-Calendar software.
Contains some useful functions for correctly rendering text,
calibrating (E-Paper display), checking internet connectivity
Copyright by aceisace
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from urllib.request import urlopen
from settings import language
from pytz import timezone
import numpy as np
import os
"""Set the display height and width (in pixels)"""
display_height, display_width = 640, 384
"""Create 3 sections of the display, based on percentage"""
top_section_width = middle_section_width = bottom_section_width = display_width
top_section_height = int(display_height*0.10)
middle_section_height = int(display_height*0.65)
bottom_section_height = int(display_height - middle_section_height -
top_section_offset = 0
middle_section_offset = top_section_height
bottom_section_offset = display_height - bottom_section_height
"""Get the relative path of the Inky-Calendar folder"""
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).replace("\\", "/")
if path != "" and path[-1] != "/":
path += "/"
while not path.endswith('/Inky-Calendar/'):
path = ''.join(list(path)[:-1])
"""Fonts handling"""
fontpath = path+'fonts/'
NotoSansCJK = fontpath+'NotoSansCJK/NotoSansCJKsc-'
NotoSans = fontpath+'NotoSans/NotoSans-SemiCondensed'
weatherfont = fontpath+'WeatherFont/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf'
if language in ['ja','zh','zh_tw','ko']:
default = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSansCJK+'Light.otf', 18)
semi = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSansCJK+'DemiLight.otf', 18)
bold = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSansCJK+'Regular.otf', 18)
month_font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSansCJK+'DemiLight.otf', 40)
default = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'Light.ttf', 18)
semi = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'.ttf', 18)
bold = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'Medium.ttf', 18)
month_font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'Light.ttf', 40)
w_font = ImageFont.truetype(weatherfont, 10)
x_padding = int((display_width % 10) // 2)
line_height = default.getsize('hg')[1]
line_width = display_width- x_padding
image ='RGB', (display_width, display_height), 'white')
#def main():
def write_text(box_width, box_height, text, tuple,
font=default, alignment='middle', adapt_fontsize = False):
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
if adapt_fontsize == True:
size = 10
while text_width < box_width and text_height < box_height:
size += 1
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
while (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height):
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
if alignment is "" or "middle" or None:
x = int((box_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
if alignment is 'left':
x = 0
y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 1.7))
space ='RGB', (box_width, box_height), color='white')
ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill='black', font=font)
image.paste(space, tuple)
"""Custom function to display longer text into multiple lines (wrapping)"""
def text_wrap(text, font=default, line_width = display_width):
counter, padding = 0, 60
lines = []
if font.getsize(text)[0] < line_width:
for i in range(1, len(text.split())+1):
line = ' '.join(text.split()[counter:i])
if not font.getsize(line)[0] < line_width - padding:
line, counter = '', i
if i == len(text.split()) and line != '':
return lines
"""Check if internet is available by trying to reach google"""
def internet_available():
return True
except URLError as err:
return False
'''Get system timezone and set timezone accordingly'''
def get_tz():
with open('/etc/timezone','r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
system_tz = lines[0].rstrip()
local_tz = timezone(system_tz)
return local_tz
def fix_ical(ical_url):
ical = str(urlopen(ical_url).read().decode())
beginAlarmIndex = 0
while beginAlarmIndex >= 0:
beginAlarmIndex = ical.find('BEGIN:VALARM')
if beginAlarmIndex >= 0:
endAlarmIndex = ical.find('END:VALARM')
ical = ical[:beginAlarmIndex] + ical[endAlarmIndex+12:]
return ical
def reduce_colours(image):
buffer = np.array(image)
r,g,b = buffer[:,:,0], buffer[:,:,1], buffer[:,:,2]
if display_colours == "bwr":
buffer[np.logical_and(r > 245, g > 245)] = [255,255,255] #white
buffer[np.logical_and(r > 245, g < 245)] = [255,0,0] #red
buffer[np.logical_and(r != 255, r == g )] = [0,0,0] #black
buffer[np.logical_and(r > 245, g > 245)] = [255,255,255] #white
buffer[g < 255] = [0,0,0] #black
image = Image.fromarray(buffer).rotate(270, expand=True)
return image
def calibrate(cycles):
"""Function for Calibration"""
import e_paper_drivers
epd = e_paper_drivers.EPD()
print('----------Started calibration of E-Paper display----------')
for i in range(cycles):
print('Calibrating black...')
if display_colours == "bwr":
print('calibrating red...')
print('Calibrating white...')
print('Cycle {0} of {1} complete'.format(i, cycle))
print('-----------Calibration complete----------')
#if __name__ == '__main__':