A software written in python3 that allows you to transform an E-Paper display (like the kindle) into an information display. It fetches live data from Openweathermap (a weather info provider) and your Online Calendar (Google Calendar), fetches RSS-Feeds and displays them on a large, beautiful and ultra-low power E-Paper display. It's ideal for staying organised and keeping track of important details without having to check them up online each time.
This software fully supports the 3-Colour **and** 2-Colour version of the 7.5" E-Paper display from waveshare/gooddisplay and works with Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and 0 (Zero, Zero W, Zero WH).
* Fetch appointments/events from your Google Calendar and display them on the Display
* Fetch live weather data (temperature, humidity, sunrise- & sunset time, wind speed, weather-icon) from Openweathermap servers and display them on the E-Paper
* Fetch RSS-feeds from given RSS-feed URLs and display the content (news, quotes etc.) on the E-Paper
* 7.5" 3-Colour E-Paper Display (Black, White, Red/Yellow) with driver hat from [waveshare](https://www.waveshare.com/product/7.5inch-e-paper-hat-b.htm)
* 7.5" 2-Colour E-Paper Display (Black, White) with driver hat from [waveshare](https://www.waveshare.com/product/7.5inch-e-paper-hat.htm)
* Raspberry Pi Zero WH (with headers) (no soldering iron required)
* Or: Raspberry Pi Zero W. In this case, you'll need to solder 2x20 pin GPIO headers yourself
1. After [flashing Raspbian Stretch (with Desktop)](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/), set up Wifi on the Raspberry Pi Zero W by copying the file **wpa_supplicant.conf** (from above) to the /boot directory and adding your Wifi details in that file.
Execute the following command in the Terminal to install all required packages. Please use Raspbian Stretch with Desktop (preferably the latest version). Support for Raspbian Stretch Lite is temporarily dropped due to some changes, but will be available again soon once it has been tested.
To add details to the programm, please use the web-ui (user-interface). Simply double-click the file Settings-Web-UI.html located in /home/pi/Inky-Calendar/Calendar/ to open up the document with the browser (Chrome etc.). Next, fill in the details (you can use the table below for a reference) and click on generate to create your settings.py file. Lastly, copy the generated 'settings.py' file to /home/pi/Inky-Calendar/Calendar (the same path where the settings.py file is) and try starting the main script with:
With the latest release (v1.6), most iCalendars (google, yahoo, etc.) will work right away after entering the iCalendar URL in the settings (via the web-UI). Although other iCalendar work with the software, google iCalendar is recommended as it has proven to be more reliable than others.
Try avoiding too long event names in your Calendar. If an event-name is too long, it'll be 'chunked off', letter by letter, from the end until it fits in the lines.
Event dates and names are displayed in chronological order below the Calendar. The small squares on the monthly Calendar indicate events on those days. For example, if you see a small square on the 14th of the current month, it means you have/had an event in your iCalendar on that day.
If you encounter errors related to your iCalendar, please feel free to report the error either by opening an issue or by sending a mail.
Before updating, the Installer checks if the settings file (/home/pi/Inky-Calendar/Calendar/settings.py) exists. This is done to test if a previous version was installed correctly. If the settings file exists, it is copied to the home directory and renamed as 'settings.py.old'. The old software folder 'Inky-Calendar' is renamed to 'Inky-Calendar-old'. Lastly, the latest version of the software is copied to the Raspberry as 'Inky-Calendar'.
After updating, copy the contents from your old settings file to the new one. There are usally more options in the new settings.py file so a 'template' is prepared with each update. This template can be found in /home/pi/Inky-Calendar/Calendar/settings.py.sample.
All sorts of contributions are most welcome and appreciated. To start contributing, please follow the [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).