Add dotted and dashed lines (draw_boarder function)

First version of adding dotted and dashed line in order to be able to have more distinguishon between multi event, single event and mixed event days. This version is using the "arcs" from PIL ImageDraw which isn't pretty.
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@ -277,60 +277,88 @@ def internet_available():
return False
def draw_border(image, xy, size, radius=5, thickness=1, shrinkage=(0.1, 0.1)):
"""Draws a border at given coordinates.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def draw_dotted_line(draw, start, end, colour, thickness):
"""Draws a dotted line between start and end points using dots."""
delta_x = end[0] - start[0]
delta_y = end[1] - start[1]
distance = ((delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2) ** 0.5)
dot_spacing = 6 # Distance between dots
for i in range(0, int(distance / dot_spacing), 1):
dot_position = (start[0] + (i * dot_spacing * delta_x / distance),
start[1] + (i * dot_spacing * delta_y / distance))
# Drawing a circle at each dot position to create a dotted effect
draw.ellipse([(dot_position[0] - thickness, dot_position[1] - thickness),
(dot_position[0] + thickness, dot_position[1] + thickness)],
def draw_dashed_line(draw, start, end, colour, thickness):
"""Draws a dashed line between start and end points."""
delta_x = end[0] - start[0]
delta_y = end[1] - start[1]
distance = ((delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2) ** 0.5)
step_size = 10
gap_size = 5
for i in range(0, int(distance / (step_size + gap_size)), 1):
segment_start = (start[0] + (i * (step_size + gap_size) * delta_x / distance),
start[1] + (i * (step_size + gap_size) * delta_y / distance))
segment_end = (segment_start[0] + (step_size * delta_x / distance),
segment_start[1] + (step_size * delta_y / distance))
draw.line((segment_start, segment_end), fill=colour, width=thickness)
def draw_border(image, xy, size, radius=5, thickness=1, shrinkage=(0.1, 0.1), style='solid'):
Draws a border at given coordinates with specified styles (solid, dotted, dashed).
- image: The image on which the border should be drawn (usually im_black or
- xy: Tuple representing the top-left corner of the border e.g. (32, 100)
where 32 is the x co-ordinate and 100 is the y-coordinate.
- size: Size of the border as a tuple -> (width, height).
- radius: Radius of the corners, where 0 = plain rectangle, 5 = round corners.
- thickness: Thickness of the border in pixels.
- shrinkage: A tuple containing decimals presenting a percentage of shrinking
-> (width_shrink_percentage, height_shrink_percentage).
e.g. (0.1, 0.2) ~ shrinks the width of border by 10%, shrinks height of
border by 20%
- image: Image on which the border should be drawn.
- xy: Tuple for the top-left corner of the border.
- size: Size of the border as a tuple (width, height).
- radius: Radius of the corners.
- thickness: Thickness of the border in pixels.
- shrinkage: Tuple for width and height shrinkage percentages.
- style: Style of the border ('solid', 'dotted', 'dashed').
colour = 'black'
# size from function paramter
width, height = int(size[0] * (1 - shrinkage[0])), int(size[1] * (1 - shrinkage[1]))
# shift cursor to move rectangle to center
offset_x, offset_y = int((size[0] - width) / 2), int((size[1] - height) / 2)
x, y, diameter = xy[0] + offset_x, xy[1] + offset_y, radius * 2
# lenght of rectangle size
a, b = (width - diameter), (height - diameter)
# Set coordinates for staright lines
p1, p2 = (x + radius, y), (x + radius + a, y)
p3, p4 = (x + width, y + radius), (x + width, y + radius + b)
p5, p6 = (p2[0], y + height), (p1[0], y + height)
p7, p8 = (x, p4[1]), (x, p3[1])
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Choose the appropriate line drawing function based on style
if style == 'solid':
line_drawer = draw.line
elif style == 'dotted':
line_drawer = lambda coords, fill, width: draw_dotted_line(draw, coords[0], coords[1], fill, width)
elif style == 'dashed':
line_drawer = lambda coords, fill, width: draw_dashed_line(draw, coords[0], coords[1], fill, width)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown style: {style}")
# Draw lines according to the chosen style
line_drawer((p1, p2), fill=colour, width=thickness)
line_drawer((p3, p4), fill=colour, width=thickness)
line_drawer((p5, p6), fill=colour, width=thickness)
line_drawer((p7, p8), fill=colour, width=thickness)
if radius != 0:
# Set coordinates for arcs
c1, c2 = (x, y), (x + diameter, y + diameter)
c3, c4 = ((x + width) - diameter, y), (x + width, y + diameter)
c5, c6 = ((x + width) - diameter, (y + height) - diameter), (x + width, y + height)
c7, c8 = (x, (y + height) - diameter), (x + diameter, y + height)
# Draw lines and arcs, creating a square with round corners
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.line((p1, p2), fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.line((p3, p4), fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.line((p5, p6), fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.line((p7, p8), fill=colour, width=thickness)
if radius != 0:
draw.arc((c1, c2), 180, 270, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c3, c4), 270, 360, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c5, c6), 0, 90, fill=colour, width=thickness)