Revert dotted and dashed lines
Removing the approach for dotted and dashed lines since it's a dead end.
This commit is contained in:
@ -275,91 +275,60 @@ def internet_available():
return False
return False
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def draw_border(image, xy, size, radius=5, thickness=1, shrinkage=(0.1, 0.1)):
"""Draws a border at given coordinates.
def draw_dotted_line(draw, start, end, colour, thickness):
"""Draws a dotted line between start and end points using dots."""
delta_x = end[0] - start[0]
delta_y = end[1] - start[1]
distance = ((delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2) ** 0.5)
dot_spacing = 6 # Distance between dots
for i in range(0, int(distance / dot_spacing), 1):
dot_position = (start[0] + (i * dot_spacing * delta_x / distance),
start[1] + (i * dot_spacing * delta_y / distance))
# Drawing a circle at each dot position to create a dotted effect
draw.ellipse([(dot_position[0] - thickness, dot_position[1] - thickness),
(dot_position[0] + thickness, dot_position[1] + thickness)],
def draw_dashed_line(draw, start, end, colour, thickness):
"""Draws a dashed line between start and end points."""
delta_x = end[0] - start[0]
delta_y = end[1] - start[1]
distance = ((delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2) ** 0.5)
step_size = 10
gap_size = 5
for i in range(0, int(distance / (step_size + gap_size)), 1):
segment_start = (start[0] + (i * (step_size + gap_size) * delta_x / distance),
start[1] + (i * (step_size + gap_size) * delta_y / distance))
segment_end = (segment_start[0] + (step_size * delta_x / distance),
segment_start[1] + (step_size * delta_y / distance))
draw.line((segment_start, segment_end), fill=colour, width=thickness)
def draw_border(image, xy, size, radius=5, thickness=1, shrinkage=(0.1, 0.1), style='solid'):
Draws a border at given coordinates with specified styles (solid, dotted, dashed).
- image: Image on which the border should be drawn.
- image: The image on which the border should be drawn (usually im_black or
- xy: Tuple for the top-left corner of the border.
- size: Size of the border as a tuple (width, height).
- radius: Radius of the corners.
- xy: Tuple representing the top-left corner of the border e.g. (32, 100)
where 32 is the x co-ordinate and 100 is the y-coordinate.
- size: Size of the border as a tuple -> (width, height).
- radius: Radius of the corners, where 0 = plain rectangle, 5 = round corners.
- thickness: Thickness of the border in pixels.
- thickness: Thickness of the border in pixels.
- shrinkage: Tuple for width and height shrinkage percentages.
- style: Style of the border ('solid', 'dotted', 'dashed').
- shrinkage: A tuple containing decimals presenting a percentage of shrinking
-> (width_shrink_percentage, height_shrink_percentage).
e.g. (0.1, 0.2) ~ shrinks the width of border by 10%, shrinks height of
border by 20%
colour = 'black'
colour = 'black'
# size from function paramter
width, height = int(size[0] * (1 - shrinkage[0])), int(size[1] * (1 - shrinkage[1]))
width, height = int(size[0] * (1 - shrinkage[0])), int(size[1] * (1 - shrinkage[1]))
# shift cursor to move rectangle to center
offset_x, offset_y = int((size[0] - width) / 2), int((size[1] - height) / 2)
offset_x, offset_y = int((size[0] - width) / 2), int((size[1] - height) / 2)
x, y, diameter = xy[0] + offset_x, xy[1] + offset_y, radius * 2
x, y, diameter = xy[0] + offset_x, xy[1] + offset_y, radius * 2
# lenght of rectangle size
a, b = (width - diameter), (height - diameter)
a, b = (width - diameter), (height - diameter)
# Set coordinates for staright lines
p1, p2 = (x + radius, y), (x + radius + a, y)
p1, p2 = (x + radius, y), (x + radius + a, y)
p3, p4 = (x + width, y + radius), (x + width, y + radius + b)
p3, p4 = (x + width, y + radius), (x + width, y + radius + b)
p5, p6 = (p2[0], y + height), (p1[0], y + height)
p5, p6 = (p2[0], y + height), (p1[0], y + height)
p7, p8 = (x, p4[1]), (x, p3[1])
p7, p8 = (x, p4[1]), (x, p3[1])
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Choose the appropriate line drawing function based on style
if style == 'solid':
line_drawer = draw.line
elif style == 'dotted':
line_drawer = lambda coords, fill, width: draw_dotted_line(draw, coords[0], coords[1], fill, width)
elif style == 'dashed':
line_drawer = lambda coords, fill, width: draw_dashed_line(draw, coords[0], coords[1], fill, width)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown style: {style}")
# Draw lines according to the chosen style
line_drawer((p1, p2), fill=colour, width=thickness)
line_drawer((p3, p4), fill=colour, width=thickness)
line_drawer((p5, p6), fill=colour, width=thickness)
line_drawer((p7, p8), fill=colour, width=thickness)
if radius != 0:
if radius != 0:
# Set coordinates for arcs
c1, c2 = (x, y), (x + diameter, y + diameter)
c1, c2 = (x, y), (x + diameter, y + diameter)
c3, c4 = ((x + width) - diameter, y), (x + width, y + diameter)
c3, c4 = ((x + width) - diameter, y), (x + width, y + diameter)
c5, c6 = ((x + width) - diameter, (y + height) - diameter), (x + width, y + height)
c5, c6 = ((x + width) - diameter, (y + height) - diameter), (x + width, y + height)
c7, c8 = (x, (y + height) - diameter), (x + diameter, y + height)
c7, c8 = (x, (y + height) - diameter), (x + diameter, y + height)
# Draw lines and arcs, creating a square with round corners
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.line((p1, p2), fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.line((p3, p4), fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.line((p5, p6), fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.line((p7, p8), fill=colour, width=thickness)
if radius != 0:
draw.arc((c1, c2), 180, 270, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c1, c2), 180, 270, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c3, c4), 270, 360, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c3, c4), 270, 360, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c5, c6), 0, 90, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc((c5, c6), 0, 90, fill=colour, width=thickness)
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