adapt classic weather module to extended openweathermap_wrapper
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import math
import arrow
from inkycal.custom import *
from inkycal.custom import OpenWeatherMap
from inkycal.custom.openweathermap_wrapper import OpenWeatherMap
from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -88,54 +88,46 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
self.round_temperature = config['round_temperature']
self.round_windspeed = config['round_windspeed']
self.forecast_interval = config['forecast_interval']
self.units = config['units']
self.hour_format = int(config['hour_format'])
self.use_beaufort = config['use_beaufort']
# additional configuration
self.owm = OpenWeatherMap(api_key=self.api_key, city_id=self.location, units=config['units'])
self.timezone = get_system_tz()
if config['units'] == "imperial":
self.temp_unit = "fahrenheit"
self.temp_unit = "celsius"
if config['use_beaufort'] == True:
self.wind_unit = "beaufort"
elif config['units'] == "imperial":
self.wind_unit = "miles_hour"
self.wind_unit = "meters_sec"
self.locale = config['language']
# additional configuration
self.owm = OpenWeatherMap(api_key=self.api_key, city_id=self.location, wind_unit=self.wind_unit, temp_unit=self.temp_unit,language=self.locale)
self.timezone = get_system_tz()
self.weatherfont = ImageFont.truetype(
fonts['weathericons-regular-webfont'], size=self.fontsize)
if self.wind_unit == "beaufort":
self.windDispUnit = "bft"
elif self.wind_unit == "knots":
self.windDispUnit = "kn"
elif self.wind_unit == "km_hour":
self.windDispUnit = "km/h"
elif self.wind_unit == "miles_hour":
self.windDispUnit = "mph"
self.windDispUnit = "m/s"
if self.temp_unit == "fahrenheit":
self.tempDispUnit = "F"
elif self.temp_unit == "celsius":
self.tempDispUnit = "°"
# give an OK message
print(f"{__name__} loaded")
def mps_to_beaufort(meters_per_second: float) -> int:
"""Map meters per second to the beaufort scale.
float representing meters per seconds
an integer of the beaufort scale mapping the input
thresholds = [0.3, 1.6, 3.4, 5.5, 8.0, 10.8, 13.9, 17.2, 20.7, 24.5, 28.4]
return next((i for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds) if meters_per_second < threshold), 11)
def mps_to_mph(meters_per_second: float) -> float:
"""Map meters per second to miles per hour, rounded to one decimal place.
float representing meters per seconds.
float representing the input value in miles per hour.
# 1 m/s is approximately equal to 2.23694 mph
miles_per_hour = meters_per_second * 2.23694
return round(miles_per_hour, 1)
def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius: int or float):
"""Converts the given temperate from degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit."""
fahrenheit = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32
return fahrenheit
def generate_image(self):
"""Generate image for this module"""
@ -181,13 +173,13 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
}[int(index) & 7]
def is_negative(temp):
"""Check if temp is below freezing point of water (0°C/30°F)
"""Check if temp is below freezing point of water (0°C/32°F)
returns True if temp below freezing point, else False"""
answer = False
if temp_unit == 'celsius' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
if self.temp_unit == 'celsius' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
answer = True
elif temp_unit == 'fahrenheit' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
elif self.temp_unit == 'fahrenheit' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 32:
answer = True
return answer
@ -389,20 +381,14 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
# Create current-weather and weather-forecast objects
logging.debug('looking up location by ID')
weather = self.owm.get_current_weather()
forecast = self.owm.get_weather_forecast()
current_weather = self.owm.get_current_weather()
weather_forecasts = self.owm.get_weather_forecast()
# Set decimals
dec_temp = None if self.round_temperature == True else 1
dec_wind = None if self.round_windspeed == True else 1
dec_temp = 0 if self.round_temperature == True else 1
dec_wind = 0 if self.round_windspeed == True else 1
# Set correct temperature units
if self.units == 'metric':
temp_unit = 'celsius'
elif self.units == 'imperial':
temp_unit = 'fahrenheit'
logging.debug(f'temperature unit: {self.units}')
logging.debug(f'temperature unit: {self.temp_unit}')
logging.debug(f'decimals temperature: {dec_temp} | decimals wind: {dec_wind}')
# Get current time
@ -426,21 +412,18 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
for _ in range(0, 12, 3)]
# Create forecast objects for given timings
forecasts = [_ for _ in forecast if arrow.get(_["dt"]) in forecast_timings]
hourly_forecasts = [_ for _ in weather_forecasts if arrow.get(_["datetime"]) in forecast_timings]
# Add forecast-data to fc_data dictionary
fc_data = {}
for forecast in forecasts:
if self.units == "metric":
temp = f"{round(weather['main']['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp)}°C"
temp = f"{round(self.celsius_to_fahrenheit(weather['weather']['main']['temp']), ndigits=dec_temp)}°F"
for index, forecast in enumerate(hourly_forecasts):
temp = f"{forecast['temp']:.{dec_temp}f}{self.tempDispUnit}"
icon = forecast["weather"][0]["icon"]
fc_data['fc' + str(forecasts.index(forecast) + 1)] = {
icon = forecast["icon"]
fc_data['fc' + str(index + 1)] = {
'temp': temp,
'icon': icon,
'stamp': forecast_timings[forecasts.index(forecast)].to(
'stamp': forecast_timings[index].to(
get_system_tz()).format('H.00' if self.hour_format == 24 else 'h a')
@ -461,25 +444,25 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
# Get forecasts for each time-object
forecasts = [_ for _ in forecast if arrow.get(_["dt"]) in time_range]
my_forecasts = [_ for _ in weather_forecasts if arrow.get(_["datetime"]) in time_range]
# Get all temperatures for this day
daily_temp = [round(_["main"]["temp"]) for _ in forecasts]
daily_temp = [round(_["temp"]) for _ in my_forecasts]
# Calculate min. and max. temp for this day
temp_range = f'{min(daily_temp)}°/{max(daily_temp)}°'
# Get all weather icon codes for this day
daily_icons = [_["weather"][0]["icon"] for _ in forecasts]
daily_icons = [_["icon"] for _ in my_forecasts]
# Find most common element from all weather icon codes
status = max(set(daily_icons), key=daily_icons.count)
weekday = now.shift(days=days_from_today).format('ddd', locale=self.locale)
return {'temp': temp_range, 'icon': status, 'stamp': weekday}
forecasts = [calculate_forecast(days) for days in range(1, 5)]
daily_forecasts = [calculate_forecast(days) for days in range(1, 5)]
for forecast in forecasts:
fc_data['fc' + str(forecasts.index(forecast) + 1)] = {
for index, forecast in enumerate(daily_forecasts):
fc_data['fc' + str(index +1)] = {
'temp': forecast['temp'],
'icon': forecast['icon'],
'stamp': forecast['stamp']
@ -490,14 +473,14 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
# Get some current weather details
if dec_temp != 0:
temperature = f"{round(weather['main']['temp'])}°"
temperature = f"{round(current_weather['temp'])}°"
temperature = f"{round(weather['main']['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp)}°"
temperature = f"{round(current_weather['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp)}°"
weather_icon = weather["weather"][0]["icon"]
humidity = str(weather["main"]["humidity"])
sunrise_raw = arrow.get(weather["sys"]["sunrise"]).to(self.timezone)
sunset_raw = arrow.get(weather["sys"]["sunset"]).to(self.timezone)
weather_icon = current_weather["weather_icon_name"]
humidity = str(current_weather["humidity"])
sunrise_raw = arrow.get(current_weather["sunrise"]).to(self.timezone)
sunset_raw = arrow.get(current_weather["sunset"]).to(self.timezone)
logger.debug(f'weather_icon: {weather_icon}')
@ -512,16 +495,8 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
sunset = sunset_raw.format('H:mm')
# Format the wind-speed to user preference
if self.use_beaufort:
logger.debug("using beaufort for wind")
wind = str(self.mps_to_beaufort(weather["wind"]["speed"]))
if self.units == 'metric':
logging.debug('getting wind speed in meters per second')
wind = f"{weather['wind']['speed']} m/s"
logging.debug('getting wind speed in imperial unit')
wind = f"{self.mps_to_mph(weather['wind']['speed'])} miles/h"
logging.debug(f'getting wind speed in {self.windDispUnit}')
wind = f"{current_weather['wind']:.{dec_wind}f} {self.windDispUnit}"
moon_phase = get_moon_phase()
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