update installation instructions and remove legacy installer
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Welcome to inkycal v2.0.0!
# Welcome to inkycal v2.0.2!
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/blob/development/Gallery/logo.png" width="800">
@ -28,17 +28,9 @@ Inkycal is fully modular, you can mix and match any modules you like and configu
* Todoist - Syncronise with Todoist app or website to show todos.
* iCanHazDad - Display a random joke from iCanhazdad.com.
## News:
* **New Inkycal release published (early December 2020)**
* **Added support for all 4.2", 5.83", 7.5", 9.7" waveshare E-Paper displays**
* **Discord chat open now. [Click here to enter](https://discord.gg/sHYKeSM)**
## Development status
This software is in active development. To see the current development status, [[Click here]](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/projects/2).
## Preview
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/blob/main/Gallery/inkycal-featured-gif.gif" width="900"><img
<img src="https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/blob/main/Gallery/inkycal-featured-gif.gif" width="900"><img>
## Hardware required
@ -48,8 +40,6 @@ This software is in active development. To see the current development status, [
* MicroUSB cable (for power)
* Optional, a [3D-printable case](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/wiki/3D-printable-files)
# Installing Inkycal
## Configuring the Raspberry Pi
1. Flash Raspberry Pi OS according to the [instructions](https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/). Leave the SD card plugged in your computer.
2. Create and download `settings.json` file for Inkycal from the [WEB-UI](https://aceisace.eu.pythonanywhere.com/inkycal-config-v2-0-0)
@ -70,27 +60,73 @@ These commands expand the filesystem, enable SPI and setup the correct timezone
10. Change the passowrd for the user pi by entering `passwd` in the Terminal, enter your current password, hit enter, then type your new password and press enter. Please note you will have to remember this password to access your Raspberry Pi.
11. Follow the steps in `Installation` (see below) on how to install Inkycal.
### Installation
Open a Terminal and enter the following command:
*Sounds too complicated? We've got you covered, you can now purchase an Inkycal on Tindie:* [Buy Inkycal online](https://www.tindie.com/products/aceisace4444/inkycal-build-v1/)
Do note that these are made on demand and not always available, best to keep checking.
## Installing Inkycal
The previous installer has been deprecated to give more transparency about the installation of Inkycal.
Run the following steps to install Inkycal. Do not use sudo for this:
bash -c "$(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aceisace/Inkycal/main/installer.sh)"
cd $HOME
git clone --branch feature/venv --single-branch https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal
cd Inkycal
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel
pip install -e ./
Yes, it's that simple! The above command runs the user-friendly installer. You can install, update and uninstall inkycal with ease. What's more is that it also allows starting Inkycal at every boot!
Should the installer fail, please open a issue or report the problem in Discord. In the meantime, you can try the [Manual Installation](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/wiki/Manual-installation)
## Running on each boot
To make inkycal run on each boot automatically, you can use crontab. Do not use sudo for this
(crontab -l ; echo "@reboot sleep 60 && cd $HOME/Inkycal && source venv/bin/activate && python3 inky_run.py &")| crontab -
If you expierence issues with getting started, please check out the [**FAQ**](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/wiki). If this doesn't help, please get help from the Inkycal Discord server, we're happy to help!
## Updating Inkycal
To update Inkycal to the latest version, navigate to the Inkycal folder, then run:
git pull
Yep. It's actually that simple!
But, if you have made changes to Inkycal, those will be overwritten.
If that is the case, backup your modified files somewhere else if you need them. Then run:
git reset --hard
git pull
## Uninstalling Inkycal
We'll miss you, but we don't want to make it hard for you to leave.
Just delete the Inkycal folder, and you're good to go!
Additionally, if you want to reset your crontab file, which runs inkycal at boot, run:
crontab -r
## Modifying Inkycal
Inkycal now runs in a virtual environment to support more devices than just the Raspberry Pi. Therefore, to make changes to Inkycal, navigate to Inkycal, then run:
source venv/bin/activate
Then modify the files as needed and experiment with Inkycal.
To deactivate the virtual environment, simply run:
## Contributing
All sorts of contributions are most welcome and appreciated. To start contributing, please follow the [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md).
The average response time for issues, PRs and emails is usually 24 hours. In some cases, it might be longer. If you want to have some faster responses, please use Discord (link below).
The average response time for issues, PRs and emails is usually 24 hours. In some cases, it might be longer. If you want to have some faster responses, please use Discord (link below)
**P.S:** Don't forget to star and/or watch the repo. For those who have done so already, thank you very much!
## Contact and Support
## Join us on Discord!
<a href="https://discord.gg/sHYKeSM">
<img src="https://discord.com/assets/fc0b01fe10a0b8c602fb0106d8189d9b.png" alt="Inkycal chatroom Discord" width=200>
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# Inkycal v2.0.0 bash installer
echo -e "\e[1mPlease select an option from below:"
echo -e "\e[97mEnter \e[91m[1]\e[97m to update Inkycal" #Option 1 : UPDATE
echo -e "\e[97mEnter \e[91m[2]\e[97m to install Inkycal" #Option 2 : INSTALL
echo -e "\e[97mEnter \e[91m[3]\e[97m to uninstall Inkycal" #Option 3 : UNINSTALL
echo -e "\e[97mConfirm your selection with [ENTER]"
read -r -p 'Waiting for input... ' option
# Invalid number selected, abort
if [ "$option" != 1 ] && [ "$option" != 2 ] && [ "$option" != 3 ];
then echo -e "invalid number, aborting now" exit
# No option selected, abort
if [ -z "$option" ];
then echo -e "You didn't enter anything, aborting now." exit
# Uninstall Inkycal
if [ "$option" = 1 ] || [ "$option" = 3 ]; then
# pip3 uninstall Inkycal
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Uninstalling Inkycal.."\e[0m"
pip3 uninstall Inkycal -y
# Remove crontab file
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Reverting crontab file"\e[0m"
crontab -r
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Uninstall complete."\e[0m"
# Update Inkycal
if [ "$option" = 1 ]; then
if [ -d "$HOME/Inkycal" ]; then
echo -e "Found Inkycal folder in $HOME. Renaming it to Inkycal-old"
mv Inkycal Inkycal-old
# Full uninstall - remove Inkycal folder
if [ "$option" = 3 ]; then
if [ -d "$HOME/Inkycal" ]; then
echo -e "Found Inkycal folder in $HOME. Deleting previous Inkycal-folder"
cd "$HOME" || exit
rm -rf Inkycal
# Install update
if [ "$option" = 1 ] || [ "$option" = 2 ]; then
# Cloning Inky-Calendar repo
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Cloning Inkycal repo from Github"\e[0m"
cd "$HOME" && git clone https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal
# Installing dependencies
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Installing Inkycal.."\e[0m"
cd Inkycal && pip3 install -e ./
# Install additional dependencies for yfinance module (ad-hoc fix)
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev -y && pip3 install yfinance && pip3 install -U numpy
echo -e "\e[97mDo you want the software to start automatically at boot?"
echo -e "\e[97mPress [Y] for yes or [N] for no. The default option is yes"
echo -e "\e[97mConfirm your selection with [ENTER]"
read -r -p 'Waiting for input... ' autostart
if [ "$autostart" != Y ] && [ "$autostart" != y ] && [ "$autostart" != N ] && [ "$autostart" != n ]; then
echo -e "invalid input, aborting now" exit
if [ -z "$autostart" ] || [ "$autostart" = Y ] || [ "$autostart" = y ]; then
# Installing crontab
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Creating inky_run.py file in home directory"\e[0m"
bash -c 'cat > $HOME/inky_run.py' << EOF
from inkycal import Inkycal # Import Inkycal
inky = Inkycal(render = True) # Initialise Inkycal
# If your settings.json file is not in /boot, use the full path: inky = Inkycal('path/to/settings.json', render=True)
inky.test() # test if Inkycal can be run correctly, running this will show a bit of info for each module
inky.run() # If there were no issues, you can run Inkycal nonstop
echo -e "\e[1;36m"Updating crontab"\e[0m"
(crontab -l ; echo "@reboot sleep 60 && python3 /$HOME/inky_run.py &")| crontab -
# Final words
echo -e "\e[1;36m"The install was successful. If autostart on boot was activated, inkycal will run on each boot."\e[0m"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user