add daily forecast section to fullscreen weather

This commit is contained in:
mrbwburns 2024-01-15 21:04:51 +01:00
parent 4c74094d53
commit 883be28f5a

View File

@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ class Fullweather(inkycal_module):
def addHourlyForecast(self):
Adds a plot for temperature and amount of rain for the upcoming hours
Adds a plot for temperature and amount of rain for the upcoming hours to the upper right section
## Create drawing object for image
image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
@ -462,6 +462,117 @@ class Fullweather(inkycal_module):
plot_y = title_y + 30
self.image.paste(hourly_forecast_plot, (plot_x, plot_y))
def addDailyForecast(self):
Adds daily weather forecasts to the lower right section
## Create drawing object for image
image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
## Draw daily chart title
title_y = int(self.height / 2) # Y-coordinate of the title
chartTitleFont = self.get_font(self.font_family, "Bold", self.font_size)
image_draw.text((self.left_section_width + 20, title_y), self.weekly_title, font=chartTitleFont, fill=0)
# Define the parameters
number_of_forecast_days = 5 # including today
# Spread evenly, starting from title width
rectangle_width = int((self.width - (self.left_section_width + 40)) / number_of_forecast_days)
# Maximum height for each rectangle (avoid overlapping with title)
rectangle_height = int(self.height / 2 - 20)
# Rain icon is static
rainIcon =, "rain-chance.bmp"))
rainIcon = ImageOps.invert(rainIcon)
weeklyRainIcon = rainIcon.resize((20, 20))
# Loop through the upcoming days' data and create rectangles
for i in range(number_of_forecast_days):
x_rect = self.left_section_width + 20 + i * rectangle_width # Start from the title width
y_rect = int(self.height / 2 + 30)
day_data = owm_forecasts.get_forecast_for_day(days_from_today=i, hourly_forecasts=self.hourly_forecasts)
rect ="RGBA", (int(rectangle_width), int(rectangle_height)), (255, 255, 255))
rect_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(rect)
# Date string: Day of week on line 1, date on line 2
short_day_font = self.get_font(self.font_family, "ExtraBold", self.font_size + 4)
short_month_day_font = self.get_font(self.font_family, "Bold", self.font_size - 4)
short_day_name = datetime.fromtimestamp(day_data["datetime"]).strftime("%a")
short_month_day = datetime.fromtimestamp(day_data["datetime"]).strftime("%b %d")
short_day_name_text = rect_draw.textbbox((0, 0), short_day_name, font=short_day_font)
short_month_day_text = rect_draw.textbbox((0, 0), short_month_day, font=short_month_day_font)
day_name_x = (rectangle_width - short_day_name_text[2] + short_day_name_text[0]) / 2
short_month_day_x = (rectangle_width - short_month_day_text[2] + short_month_day_text[0]) / 2
rect_draw.text((day_name_x, 0), short_day_name, fill=0, font=short_day_font)
(short_month_day_x, 30),
## Min and max temperature split into diagonal placement
min_temp = day_data["temp_min"]
max_temp = day_data["temp_max"]
temp_text_min = f"{min_temp:.0f}{self.tempDispUnit}"
temp_text_max = f"{max_temp:.0f}{self.tempDispUnit}"
rect_temp_font = self.get_font(self.font_family, "ExtraBold", self.font_size + 4)
temp_x_offset = 20
# this is upper left: max temperature
temp_text_max_x = temp_x_offset
temp_text_max_y = int(rectangle_height * 0.25)
# this is lower right: min temperature
temp_text_min_bbox = rect_draw.textbbox((0, 0), temp_text_min, font=rect_temp_font)
temp_text_min_x = (
int((rectangle_width - temp_text_min_bbox[2] + temp_text_min_bbox[0]) / 2) + temp_x_offset + 7
temp_text_min_y = int(rectangle_height * 0.33)
rect_draw.text((temp_text_min_x, temp_text_min_y), temp_text_min, fill=0, font=rect_temp_font)
(temp_text_max_x, temp_text_max_y),
# Weather icon for the day
icon_code = day_data["icon"]
icon = get_weather_icon(icon_name=icon_code, size=90)
if self.icon_outline:
icon = outline(image=icon, size=8, color=(0, 0, 0, 255))
icon_x = int((rectangle_width - icon.width) / 2)
icon_y = int(rectangle_height * 0.4)
# Create a mask from the alpha channel of the weather icon
if len(icon.split()) == 4:
mask = icon.split()[-1]
mask = None
# Paste the foreground of the icon onto the background with the help of the mask
rect.paste(icon, (int(icon_x), icon_y), mask)
## Precipitation icon and text
rain = day_data["precip_mm"]
if rain:
rain_text = f"{rain:.0f} mm"
rain_font = self.get_font(self.font_family, "ExtraBold", self.font_size)
# Icon
rain_icon_x = int((rectangle_width - icon.width) / 2)
rain_icon_y = int(rectangle_height * 0.82)
rect.paste(weeklyRainIcon, (rain_icon_x, rain_icon_y))
# Text
rain_text_y = int(rectangle_height * 0.8)
(rain_icon_x + weeklyRainIcon.width + 10, rain_text_y),
self.image.paste(rect, (int(x_rect), int(y_rect)))
def generate_image(self):
"""Generate image for this module"""
@ -495,11 +606,11 @@ class Fullweather(inkycal_module):
## Add user-configurable section to the bottom left corner
## Add Hourly Forecast
## Add Hourly Forecast to the top right section
## Add Daily Forecast
# my_image = addDailyForecast(display=display, image=my_image, hourly_forecasts=hourly_forecasts)
## Add Daily Forecast to the bottom right section