Lots of improvements (see details)
Improved execution time for each loop (until the image is fully gerated) to less than 5 seconds. Of course, it takes much longer to render the image to the display as well as for calibration. Implemented possible bugfix for iCalendars as suggested by arustleund in issue#20 Improved algorithm for sleeping until the next update and for counting loops left until calibration. Some minor changes to improve code readbility
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ try:
except Exception as e:
print("Something didn't work right, maybe you're offline?"+e.reason)
if display_colours == "bwr":
if display_colours is "bwr":
import epd7in5b
epd = epd7in5b.EPD()
if display_colours == "bw":
if display_colours is "bw":
import epd7in5
epd = epd7in5.EPD()
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ EPD_HEIGHT = 384
font = ImageFont.truetype(path+'Assistant-Regular.ttf', 18)
im_open = Image.open
owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key)
possible_update_values = [10, 15, 20, 30, 60]
if int(update_interval) not in possible_update_values:
print('Selected update-interval: ',update_interval, 'minutes')
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ if int(update_interval) not in possible_update_values:
"""Main loop starts from here"""
def main():
calibration_countdown = 60//int(update_interval) - 60//int(datetime.now().strftime("%M"))
calibration_countdown = 'initial'
while True:
time = datetime.now()
hour = int(time.strftime("%-H"))
@ -81,14 +83,13 @@ def main():
"""At the hours specified in the settings file,
calibrate the display to prevent ghosting"""
if hour in calibration_hours:
print('Current countdown:',calibration_countdown)
calibration_countdown -= 1
print('counts left until calibration:',calibration_countdown)
if calibration_countdown <= 1:
if calibration_countdown is 'initial':
calibration_countdown = 0
print('Resetting Countdown')
calibration_countdown = 60//int(update_interval)
print('Calibration countdown:',calibration_countdown)
if calibration_countdown % (60 // int(update_interval)) is 0:
calibration_countdown = 0
"""Create a blank white page first"""
image = Image.new('RGB', (EPD_HEIGHT, EPD_WIDTH), 'white')
@ -101,13 +102,13 @@ def main():
"""Add weekday-icons (Mon, Tue...) and draw a circle on the
current weekday"""
if (week_starts_on == "Monday"):
if (week_starts_on is "Monday"):
image.paste(weekmon, weekplace)
image.paste(weekday, weekdaysmon[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday)
"""For those whose week starts on Sunday, change accordingly"""
if (week_starts_on == "Sunday"):
if (week_starts_on is "Sunday"):
image.paste(weeksun, weekplace)
image.paste(weekday, weekdayssun[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday)
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ def main():
image.paste(im_open(dpath+str(numbers)+'.jpeg'), positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(numbers)+1)])
for numbers in cal[4]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath+str(numbers)+'.jpeg'), positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(numbers)+1)])
if len(cal) == 6:
if len(cal) is 6:
for numbers in cal[5]:
image.paste(im_open(dpath+str(numbers)+'.jpeg'), positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(numbers)+1)])
@ -146,7 +147,6 @@ def main():
"""Connect to Openweathermap API to fetch weather data"""
print("Connecting to Openweathermap API servers...")
owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key)
if owm.is_API_online() is True:
observation = owm.weather_at_place(location)
print("weather data:")
@ -156,23 +156,23 @@ def main():
cloudstatus = str(weather.get_clouds())
weather_description = (str(weather.get_status()))
if units == "metric":
if units is "metric":
Temperature = str(int(weather.get_temperature(unit='celsius')['temp']))
windspeed = str(int(weather.get_wind()['speed']))
write_text(50, 35, Temperature + " °C", (334, 0))
write_text(100, 35, windspeed+" km/h", (114, 0))
if units == "imperial":
if units is "imperial":
Temperature = str(int(weather.get_temperature('fahrenheit')['temp']))
windspeed = str(int(weather.get_wind()['speed']*0.621))
write_text(50, 35, Temperature + " °F", (334, 0))
write_text(100, 35, windspeed+" mph", (114, 0))
if hours == "24":
if hours is "24":
sunrisetime = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(weather.get_sunrise_time(timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-H:%M'))
sunsettime = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(weather.get_sunset_time(timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-H:%M'))
if hours == "12":
if hours is "12":
sunrisetime = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(weather.get_sunrise_time(timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-I:%M'))
sunsettime = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(weather.get_sunset_time(timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-I:%M'))
@ -228,12 +228,18 @@ def main():
for icalendars in ical_urls:
decode = str(urlopen(icalendars).read().decode())
beginAlarmIndex = 0
while beginAlarmIndex >= 0:
beginAlarmIndex = decode.find('BEGIN:VALARM')
if beginAlarmIndex >= 0:
endAlarmIndex = decode.find('END:VALARM')
decode = decode[:beginAlarmIndex] + decode[endAlarmIndex+12:]
# print(fix_e_2) #print iCal as string
ical = Calendar(fix_e_2)
for events in ical.events:
if events.begin.date().month == today.month:
if events.begin.date().month is today.month:
if int((events.begin).format('D')) not in events_this_month:
if today <= events.begin.date() <= time_span:
@ -257,8 +263,8 @@ def main():
image.paste(space, tuple)
"""Write event dates and names on the E-Paper"""
if additional_feature == "events":
if len(cal) == 5:
if additional_feature is "events":
if len(cal) is 5:
del upcoming[6:]
for dates in range(len(upcoming)):
@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ def main():
for events in range(len(upcoming)):
write_text_left(314, 25, (upcoming[events]['event']), event_positions['e'+str(events+1)])
if len(cal) == 6:
if len(cal) is 6:
del upcoming[4:]
for dates in range(len(upcoming)):
@ -277,7 +283,7 @@ def main():
write_text_left(314, 25, (upcoming[events]['event']), event_positions['e'+str(events+3)])
"""Add rss-feeds at the bottom section of the Calendar"""
if additional_feature == "rss":
if additional_feature is "rss":
def multiline_text(text, max_width):
lines = []
@ -306,10 +312,10 @@ def main():
news = []
if len(cal) == 5:
if len(cal) is 5:
del rss_feed[6:]
if len(cal) == 6:
if len(cal) is 6:
del rss_feed[4:]
for title in range(len(rss_feeds)):
@ -317,13 +323,13 @@ def main():
news = [j for i in news for j in i]
if len(cal) == 5:
if len(cal) is 5:
if len(news) > 6:
del news[6:]
for lines in range(len(news)):
write_text_left(384, 25, news[lines], rss_places['line_'+str(lines+1)])
if len(cal) == 6:
if len(cal) is 6:
if len(news) > 4:
del news[4:]
for lines in range(len(news)):
@ -341,7 +347,7 @@ def main():
image.paste(eventicon, positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(numbers)+1)], eventicon)
if numbers in cal[4]:
image.paste(eventicon, positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(numbers)+1)], eventicon)
if len(cal) == 6:
if len(cal) is 6:
if numbers in cal[5]:
image.paste(eventicon, positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(numbers)+1)], eventicon)
@ -357,7 +363,7 @@ def main():
image.paste(dateicon, positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(today)+1)], dateicon)
if today in cal[4]:
image.paste(dateicon, positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(today)+1)], dateicon)
if len(cal) == 6:
if len(cal) is 6:
if today in cal[5]:
image.paste(dateicon, positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(today)+1)], dateicon)
@ -367,12 +373,12 @@ def main():
buffer = np.array(image)
r,g,b = buffer[:,:,0], buffer[:,:,1], buffer[:,:,2]
if display_colours == "bwr":
if display_colours is "bwr":
buffer[np.logical_and(r > 240, g > 240)] = [255,255,255] #white
buffer[np.logical_and(r > 240, g < 240)] = [255,0,0] #red
buffer[np.logical_and(r != 255, r ==g )] = [0,0,0] #black
buffer[np.logical_and(r != 255, r is g )] = [0,0,0] #black
if display_colours == "bw":
if display_colours is "bw":
buffer[np.logical_and(r > 240, g > 240)] = [255,255,255] #white
buffer[g < 255] = [0,0,0] #black
@ -389,7 +395,7 @@ def main():
del events_this_month
del upcoming
if additional_feature == "rss":
if additional_feature is "rss":
del rss_feed
del news
@ -398,20 +404,25 @@ def main():
del improved_image
calibration_countdown += 1
for i in range(1):
timings = []
updates_per_hour = 60//int(update_interval)
for times in range(updates_per_hour):
interval = 60-(times*int(update_interval))
if interval >= mins:
time_left = (mins-interval)*(-1)
next_update = min(timings)*60 + (60-seconds)
print(min(timings),'Minutes and ', (60-seconds),'Seconds left until next loop')
for updates in range(updates_per_hour):
timings.append(60 - int(update_interval)*updates)
for update_times in timings:
if update_times >= mins:
sleep_for_minutes = update_times - mins
next_update_countdown = sleep_for_minutes + (60-seconds)
print(sleep_for_minutes,'Minutes and ', (60-seconds),'Seconds left until next loop')
del timings
print('sleeping for',next_update, 'seconds')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user