Use language from config instead of system language

This fixes an issue where the weekday would be named according to the system language, but not the specified language in that module's settings.
This commit is contained in:
Ace 2020-11-29 23:47:14 +01:00
parent 031b3211ec
commit b8ef99d07b

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
# additional configuration
self.owm = OWM(self.api_key).weather_manager()
self.timezone = get_system_tz()
self.locale = sys_locale()[0]
self.locale = config['language']
self.weatherfont = ImageFont.truetype(
fonts['weathericons-regular-webfont'], size = self.fontsize)
@ -417,7 +417,9 @@ class Weather(inkycal_module):
# Get some current weather details
temperature = '{}°'.format(weather.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'])
temperature = '{}°'.format(round(
weather.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp))
weather_icon = weather.weather_icon_name
humidity = str(weather.humidity)
sunrise_raw = arrow.get(weather.sunrise_time()).to(self.timezone)