A lot of work behind the scenes. Logging is now handled by main file now. Improved logging, support for logging from modules, improved support for info section, added support for info section height, slight improvements in printing output
A lot of work-in-progress and far from complete.
Lots of improvements related to user-friendliness, fully new web-UI. Better infrastructure....
more coming soon
Third party modules need to be registered into inkycal before they can be used. For this, the function _add_module (and _remove_module) have been added.
These functions make the necessary changes to the init file in /inkycal and /inkycal/modules.
The image will only be rotated while rendering on the Display, i.e. when render = True.
Images saved in /Inkycal/images will not be affected by this change to allow developers to see the image wihtout having to flip the images manually